This thread is to discuss graphics and such. Through out some tips and tricks you use for stuff. Post tutorials.
Recently, thanks to Fyuuor, I have wanted to start making sigs, for myself mostly, but I use GIMP and I don't know how to clear the background of a picture where I just want to use a certain part. Any ideas?
NOTE: This thread is not for requests, only for sharing your creations and recieving consultation!
I've been GFXing since young age, actually. I got competitive last year with making bad signatures. I then used: because I couldn't get Photoshop... So I finally then started Paint.NET, with a free donwload, it was certainly worth it. It was O.K., but I wanted better. So I went back to Pixlr and wanted something yet again, better. So, yesterday, I got Photoshop CS5! It was amazing.
My current signature is my first work on CS5! I asked some people and they said it loosk nice. The signature is about 100% made by me. I did use PS Brushes, for some of it. But again, other than Batman, it's 100% me.
Well, I've been using pixlr but i have PS CS3, but i still need to know more about it before using it, any way, if you are making sigs, remember to be very careful when cutting out or rendering pics, you don't want it to look edgy or like a bunch of squares on a digital canvas or background, and add details and effects when you make some, sometimes without effects, it may look plain. Thats all i have to say
Wait, PhotoShop CS5 was a download or a disc?
EDIT: But I have no idea where to go to do that, unless i just erase, but that is pretty risky. :\
(Jun. 28, 2011 10:20 PM)Taiwo Seigi Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, PhotoShop CS5 was a download or a disc?
Take this to PM please for any further after topic.
It was Trial, actually. For more, PM me.
I use Photoshop (Elements 9 when I'm too lazy to open CS5.1). I honestly like both, Elements is more user friendly, as in people who are just learning can use it without many problems. CS5.1 is less user-friendly, which makes better to use since it has more effects and stuff. I'd recommend CS5.1, but it's tougher to use than CS5 on it's own. If you're just learning, try out Elements. If you're experienced and want a more modern Photoshop, CS5 top-choice, unless you wanna brave CS5.1 (Why didn't they just make a darn CS6, I hate having to add the .1!)
I am actually hoping that I can find PhotoShop downloads for free. Can anyone help out?
But in the meantime, I'm trying to make an Earth Bull signature. I'll post it here and hope for advice.

I cannot believe that I am still working on erasing the background on this picture. Can anyone help me, please.
If you want Photoshop for free, you CAN torrent, but that's not always the best choice.
Anyways, over the past couple of days I've been messing around with Photoshop CS3, would it be against the rules if I posted like 15 images here? 
(Jun. 30, 2011 3:10 AM)Taiwo Seigi Wrote: [ -> ]EDIT:
This one. I'm working on an Earth Bull signature.
Is this yours or do you have permission to use that anyway ?
Raigeko13 Wrote:Anyways, over the past couple of days I've been messing around with Photoshop CS3, would it be against the rules if I posted like 15 images here?
As long as you post links to them instead of posting the pictures themselves, it is fine.
Well I cut it down to like 12. Anyways, here's are some GFX (I guess you could call them?) I made in PSCS3. They're really just me messing around with the filters. All of the photos were of several different shots of a BBP recolor that Kai-V posted before.
I don't expect anyone to be impressed, I'm seriously a noob at this.

I use Paint.NET, which is a really easy to use program that
could be up to par with Photoshop (if the right person is using it). I've been using it for two years or something around that mark. So yeah, tutorials; go here for them:
And well, since we're posting our graphics here, I thought I'd give it a shot! And so, I made a signature (not my best

). I was playing around with the features of the program, so there's no real meaning to it. If anyone actually wants it, I could put your username on it or tweak it to your liking. Click the spoiler to see it
Ha, that's a pretty cool siggy you made NoodooSoup! I really do need to get onto some tutorials, I'm kind of interested in becoming better with all of my programs. (GIMP, Adobe Photoshop CS3, and Paint.NET) I'd take that sig if I didn't already have one! xD
This thread is so empty. LOL But I haven't been trying to make the signature because of the Bull picture. Does anyone have any good Bull pictures I can use?
I use PSCS5, and Taiwo, if you want a Bull picture rendered out, I can do it for you.
Okay, thanks! I just got permission from the artist to use it.
Okay guys, I wanna discuss C4D's. Like, what do you think of them, and if you use them, etc. I obviously do, but I don't place them in blindly, I make mine match the flow and colors of my render.
They are for more experienced designers, they are. Much harder to work with, seeing you need very good skills in blending.
Hm, I'd really like to start becoming a GFX maker, but I have a mac and therefore don't have access to Paint or photoshop. Does anyone know of any good programs for Mac?
(Jul. 14, 2011 1:28 AM)Sparta Wrote: [ -> ]Hm, I'd really like to start becoming a GFX maker, but I have a mac and therefore don't have access to Paint or photoshop. Does anyone know of any good programs for Mac?

Photoshop is originally designed for Mac users.
(Jul. 14, 2011 1:29 AM)Vintage Wrote: [ -> ] (Jul. 14, 2011 1:28 AM)Sparta Wrote: [ -> ]Hm, I'd really like to start becoming a GFX maker, but I have a mac and therefore don't have access to Paint or photoshop. Does anyone know of any good programs for Mac?
Photoshop is originally designed for Mac users.
*facepalm*. Ok, I'll download it, toy with it, and post some pics if I make any.
GIMP is also amazing, for Mac CS3 worked best...
Try GIMP or CS3/CS5. The editor does not make you better, only skill does.