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Yeah, I just got it downloaded. Seems alright, and it was free Joyful_2. I'm going to fool around with it, see what I can do...
Post a few creations here. We can give you feedback! I wish I still had Photosop on my computer. I can't get GIMP because downloading things without a disk apparently caused my computer to crash a few weeks ago. I'll still ask my parents if I can download this.
Is GIMP free if so I may try it Tongue_out
Huzzah! My first attempt at using a C4D! You probably can't tell it's there, but it is. If you want, I could link you to it. Also, I tried putting my username in, but, yeah, that failed. So here it is:

[Image: zv7rl1.png]

Comments, critique, anything is welcome Joyful_3
That's awesome, NoodooSoup. Also, Callum, GIMP is free. But that's nice, Noodoo.
Nice job on that NoodoSoup! How did you give it that background with the flames, and the glow? Just wondering, I'm not really great with GIMP, haha.
(Jul. 14, 2011  5:10 AM)NoodooSoup Wrote: [ -> ]Huzzah! My first attempt at using a C4D! You probably can't tell it's there, but it is. If you want, I could link you to it. Also, I tried putting my username in, but, yeah, that failed. So here it is:

[Image: zv7rl1.png]

Comments, critique, anything is welcome Joyful_3

Hmm, I think that if you lowered the opacity of the brightened blur on Edward, and sharpened the image a bit, it could look a lot better. But I wouldn't know unless I did it myself, so I can't really say. Tongue_out But it does look quite nice. Grin
Actually, Paint.NET; I have never used GIMP before.

I used this C4D, changed the color, placed it on a dark brown background. The part where it shrinks into the center is where I put the character. Then set it to 'Additive', lower the opacity and you're good to go. There are actually more steps, but they made little difference.

: Thanks for the tip. How about now? I think it does look better now Tongue_out

[Image: akbdc5.png]
yeah, it looks cleaner, which i nice Smile
My new tag , God Of War based Grin.

[Image: di-EFPV.png]
That's awesome. You did the render yourself?
I made a sig with shockwave this day. here it is:

[Image: shockwavecopy.png]

You rendered it yourself?
(Jul. 14, 2011  1:51 PM)Taiwo Seigi Wrote: [ -> ]You rendered it yourself?

no. I just used the website noodo posted awhile ago
I'm still not sure how to add images onto the file, so all I have is a background and a text. Does anyone know how to do that?
There are tutorials on YouTube. Just look up Signatures in GIMP.
(Jul. 14, 2011  3:29 PM)Taiwo Seigi Wrote: [ -> ]There are tutorials on YouTube. Just look up Signatures in GIMP.

Alright, thanks. In a minute, I'll upload one.
I'm probably 3 years too early to be making animations, but this was kinda fun to do: (Click to View)
And one, with a better blend (Click to View)
They're all the same, but it's all I can do for now...I'll have to play with it more.
I have nothing against anyone here, but Noodoo, honestly, using renders for years now, it could have been much better.

NEVER, ever make your C4D Under 85% Opacity, at lest the one that shows clearest. I am not being mean at all, but yes, it's true.

Vintage is amazing with C4D's, I'm fine with them, so ask either of us for help. But that was still nice, BTW who was that character.
Thanks for the info! I'll do that when I make my next one. You're not being mean at all; I accept criticism with open arms Tongue_out Oh, and the 85% opacity part, just one question. Photoshop has an opacity level of 0-100 right?

Oh, and the character is Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist.
Can someone help me render this?
Isn't Vintage already doing it?
Sorry, I'm just so impatient, so if someone can do it, I'll cancel that request.
If you can't wait, I'll do it now, and PM it to you. It'll take about 5-10 minutes.
Okay, thanks!
Sorry about the double post.
I'm restarting on the Bull signature, the other one was a complete fail. I'm using brushes because I can't do the designs myself. So far, it's a lot better than I imagined.