Who Vs Who?

I want to see is:
Kane vs Ginga
Max vs Chris
Kai vs King
King vs Tyson
Masumune vs Kai
Kai vs Ryuga.
BladeBreakers vs Gan Gan Galaxy
Gingka vs Tyson. Lets see which main character is the best.
Zyro vs Gingka vs Tyson is an obvious one, but something like Dashan Wang vs Tetsuya (So random)
I'd like to see Johnny vs. Max. My two favorite characters!
Also, Johnny vs. Chi-yun, just so I could hear some Elmo talk from Chi-yun and see Johnny kick his butt.
(Feb. 25, 2013  8:12 PM)AwakeRaptor Wrote: BladeBreakers vs Gan Gan Galaxy
I was thinking of G Revolutions vs. Gan Gan Galaxy + Kyoya. That way you could have all the counterparts. So basically:

Would it be acceptable if I said who I think would win, as long as I made a reasonable argument why?

(Mar. 08, 2013  3:59 AM)LMAO Wrote: Zyro vs Gingka vs Tyson is an obvious one, but something like Dashan Wang vs Tetsuya (So random)

That would actually be really funny to watch.
Tetsuya vs. Gen
(Mar. 08, 2013  3:59 AM)LMAO Wrote: Zyro vs Gingka vs Tyson is an obvious one, but something like Dashan Wang vs Tetsuya (So random)

That would actually be really funny to watch.
Tetsuya vs. Gen

haha, they're actually pretty similar! Gen is at least a bit more serious, but tetsuya is just a whole new story. Also, Dashan Wang is so serious, and imagine him trying to battle someone like Tetsuya, who's the biggest cheater/worst blader.
I would have to say Tyson VS Hiro (Jin of the gale) Kai VS Hiro, Brooklyn VS Hiro, Ozuma VS Kane, Robert VS everyone in the former bladebreaker team and Tyson VS Bryan. I guess i would also like to see Hiro battle more - he hardly fought at all, which is annoying because he was powerful enough to beat Ray. Not to mention that i want to know if he had any more metal bit beasts like metal Draciel or metal dranzer.
Masamune should go up against Kyoya. I'd love to see Masamune's reaction to getting his butt kicked that badly.
I'd love to see kyoyas reaction when leone goes flying out of the stadium with a big "meow!"
Anyway, Brooklyn vs. season 1 Tala. Back when tala was good...
You do know Johannes lost to Kyoya already...
Yes...and Kyoya and Benkei lost to Aguma and Bao. Whats your point?
I thought by "meow" you were referring to Johannes.

(Mar. 16, 2013  4:47 AM)Kyoyas Lil'Sis Wrote: I thought by "meow" you were referring to Johannes.
EDIT: And BTW, Kyoya went on to win against Aguma in "The Lion's Pride".
Of course. It's a grudge match, so obviously the protagonist will win.
And that still doesn't prove that kyoya would beat masamune.
(Mar. 16, 2013  6:00 AM)ΩµτήµшБεгεđ Wrote: Of course. It's a grudge match, so obviously the protagonist will win.
And that still doesn't prove that kyoya would beat masamune.
kyoya can beat nile in metal masters and masamune lost to nile so that proves that kyoya is stronger plus even if masamune got stronger in meal fight 4d it wouldnt matter because so did kyoya by alot because he was alegendary blader proving again that kyoya would demolish masamune Smile
Masamune is, or will be, a legendary blader as well. And the transitive property doesn't apply in this instance. First of all, that was in metal masters, as you brought up, however there is no way of saying that one became stronger than the other in the given amount of time between those battles, and the current state of the anime that you are speaking of.
Another thing, there is no solid proof, as the two haven't battled with 4D beyblades.
Plus, Kyoya's an arrogant jerk, so that might leave him open for attacks due to his conceited attitude.
Ok you know what i wanna see? i want to see an actual WINNER between these two.
4d version of course.
Oh and by the way, in 4d version... it might just be a tie between masamune and kyoya. i really can't see a real winner in there.
(Mar. 26, 2013  10:49 PM)ΩµτήµшБεгεđ Wrote: Masamune is, or will be, a legendary blader as well. And the transitive property doesn't apply in this instance. First of all, that was in metal masters, as you brought up, however there is no way of saying that one became stronger than the other in the given amount of time between those battles, and the current state of the anime that you are speaking of.
Another thing, there is no solid proof, as the two haven't battled with 4D beyblades.
Plus, Kyoya's an arrogant jerk, so that might leave him open for attacks due to his conceited attitude.

When did Kyoya battle Nile? In Metal Masters, I thought they were about the same, with Kyoya having a slight edge due to being a main character.

I'll be honest, transitive property is how I decide some of my hypothetical battles. Because, this topic, none of these battles have solid proof and could go either way, unless it's supposed to be funny, like Da Xiang vs. Tetsuya.

I still think Kyoya would win, simply because Legend Blader = Plot Armour. Also, Masamune's pretty arrogant as well.
He doesn't? I didn't watch metal fury, so I wouldn't know. I just assumed.
And I meant that in that instance, the transitive property wouldn't really apply.
There's no way in the world masamunes as arrogant or conceited that kyoya.
Ah, well I spoilered that thinking you might, and in the currently aired episodes, everyone is hyping about Masamune being the winter Blader. But he's not.

And I agree Kyoya is way more arrogant and egocentric, but like I said: Legend Blader = Plot Armour. With the exception of everyone but Gingka losing to Nemesis, and Kenta pre-Flash Sagittario, Legend Bladers only lost to other Legend Bladers.

I agree with you, there's no sound evidence to prove who would win either way, seeing as we each have our own opinions. This argument is pointless since there is no way to resolve it.

I want to see Chris battle more, especially against Kyoya, King, and Ryuga.
I meant that I'm not watching metal fury at all, so don't worry about it.
And yah, I guess there's really no clear, obvious winner.
I'd like to have seen more of the Majestics, seeing as they finally embraced the whole team work concept. Stupid Barthez Battalion.
I want to say Ginga vs Zero, but I'm so torn between this. On one hand, it would be like a battle between the generations, which I would love to see, but if Zero won, it would crush my high opinion of Ginga, & if Ginga won, Zero G just wouldn't be the same, knowing that the strongest blader couldn't beat him. I think they made a good decision by not showing the battle, but I just wish...I don't know
gingka versus rio (his dad)

wait sorry I mean again