They actually have to release stronger wheels. Wheels of equal caliber would not do much. The meta-game's already destroyed.
Think of this now, they release MW 'X' having equal caliber as a Basalt wheel. Nothing great in that. Duo will remain the dominating wheel(just an example).
If Duo can beat Basalt, it will also beat 'X' with relative ease.
Now, if they release wheel 'Y' having equal caliber as a Duo wheel, that too, would be meh...
There would be now two wheels of equal caliber dominating the game. Basalt was outclassed by just one Duo MW(imagine Phantom and Death, the other 2 wheels known to outclass Basalt, do not exist), but now, it would be outclassed by Duo
and 'Y'. Say, they release more wheels similar to Duo, lets name them A, B, C, and D. Now, these wheels will dominate. Anything except themselves(or parts of equal caliber) against them would lose easily. To remain up to date, you will have to play with those top tier wheels. Would you be happy playing around with just Duo, Y, A, B, C, and D? Those will be the only wheels capable of beating each other. Not to mention that they will just
barely beat each other. Now, if you have Duo, why the hell will you even buy A, B, C, D, and Y?
So of course, TT would not like to waste a lot of money behind something which will just barely beat something. According to them, the 'game must go on', and for that, more powerful parts have to be released.
The main point is, do not expect things to be 'balanced' now. If you'll see something get balanced, it would apply only for the handful of parts yet to be released. The old parts which have been outclassed, will never make a return.
So, "Where is the game going?" is not the most perfect title...
The game's already gone.
Actually, the only remedy to this problem has to be a second format. I see nothing else which could make the old parts useful.
EDIT- I don't think this was mentioned before, but if it was, then I am sorry for posting a rehash.
Team IB Revolutions
Thanks to N0body for the avatar and Synth for the signature!