When's your birthday?

When's your birthday?

Mine is on Jan 8th

Type when's your birthday and I'll wish you!
August 16th.
Mines in 3 days
Yall know we have a thread for this right?
(Jan. 12, 2021  6:14 AM)TeamRocketDJJ Wrote: Mine is August 28

there is a thread for this already
(Jan. 12, 2021  6:45 AM)Sahaj Buttar Wrote: OCT 27 is mine

the same birthday as my brother!
(Jan. 12, 2021  6:54 AM)valtaoi_007 Wrote:
(Jan. 12, 2021  6:45 AM)Sahaj Buttar Wrote: OCT 27 is mine

the same birthday as my brother!

Awesome bro
Mines 23 December, I get one less present usually cos it's so close to Christmas
(Jan. 12, 2021  2:30 AM)SparkingSmasher Wrote: When's your birthday?

Mine is on Jan 8th

Type when's your birthday and I'll wish you!

Mine is: December 5