I didn't test as many Tracks as I figured I would, but ... here's a ton of test results anyways! Unfortunately, I wasn't in the mood to do 20 rounds for each set, so please don't take them as gospel, as they are not going to be terribly accurate. I encourage you all to test it yourself and post your results here when you get one.
Attack Stadium
Launcher Grip + BeyLauncher for both
Worn CS, slightly aggressive, not shot at 100%
Slightly worn R2F
Worn RF
R145 "wings" lined up with Vari Ares metal "wings"
Basalt customs shot first
Vari Ares R145RF (Right Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS (170 Height)
Vari Ares R145RF: 7 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS: 3 wins
1 draw
Vari Ares win percentage:
Vari Ares R145RF (Left Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS (170 Height)
Vari Ares R145RF: 6 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS: 4 wins
1 draw
Vari Ares win percentage:
Vari Ares R145RF (Left Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS (220 Height)
Vari Ares R145RF: 7 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS: 3 wins
Vari Ares win percentage:
Vari Ares R145RF (Right Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS (220 Height)
Vari Ares R145RF: 5 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS: 5 wins
1 draw
Vari Ares win percentage:
Vari Ares R145RF (Right Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS
Vari Ares R145RF: 10 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS: 10 wins
Vari Ares win percentage:
I'm certain
every battle in this set resulted in a KO, either by Vari Ares, or Basalt Aquario hahaha
Vari Ares R145RF (Left Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS
Vari Ares R145RF: 7 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS: 13 wins
1 draw
Vari Ares win percentage:
Vari Ares S130RF (Left Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS
Vari Ares S130RF: 3 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS: 7 wins
1 draw
Vari Ares win percentage:
Vari Ares S130RF (Right Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS
Vari Ares S130RF: 0 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS: 10 wins
Vari Ares win percentage:
This seemed a bit odd to me, so I switched to a R2F and did the tests again:
Vari Ares S130R2F (Right Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS
Vari Ares S130RF: 3 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS: 7 wins
1 draw
Vari Ares win percentage:
Same as what Left Spin had with the previous RF ... From here on out, I decided to switch to a brand new, mint RF.
Vari Ares S130RF (Right Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS (170 Height)
Vari Ares S130RF: 7 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS: 3 wins
Vari Ares win percentage:
Vari Ares S130RF (Left Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS (170 Height)
Vari Ares S130RF: 7 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS: 3 wins
Vari Ares win percentage:
S130 is OK with Vari Ares, but I found that the hits were not as powerful, or rather, the powerful hits weren't as frequent as they were with R145.
Vari Ares R145RF (Right Spin) vs. MF Hell Kerbecs BD145WD
Vari Ares R145RF: 9 wins
MF Hell Kerbecs BD145WD: 1 win
Vari Ares win percentage:
No contest.
Vari Ares R145RF (Right Spin) vs. MF Hell Kerbecs BD145CS
Vari Ares R145RF: 7 wins
MF Hell Kerbecs BD145CS: 3 wins
2 draws
Vari Ares win percentage:
CS helped Hell Kerbecs slightly, allowing it to either a) outspin Vari Ares or b) utilize it's recoil to KO Vari Ares.
Vari Ares R145RF (Left Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145MB
Vari Ares R145RF: 4 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145MB: 6 wins
Vari Ares win percentage:
Vari Ares R145RF (Right Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145MB
Vari Ares R145RF: 11 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145MB: 9 wins
1 draw
Vari Ares win percentage:
Along with the results against the BD145CS variant, this was impressive. Despite it not being consistent, the KOs it did score were convincing, some coming late in the battle.
If you extrapolate some of the results, they may not look like much of an improvement over the Vari Ares BD145 results I originally posted, but trust me; like Dani mentioned herself, the three wings of R145 harmonize well with the three-sided Vari Ares. BD145, on the other hand, blocks some of the Smash Attack points, and S130 is OK, but just a bit awkward based on what I've found thus far. And as some members predicted, right-spin is generally better than left-spin (unless it was facing an RS custom, obviously).