Vari Ares Discussion

DarkBlader: It shouldn't be put quite so harshly, but basically, Cye, what we see in MFB is smash in an upward direction. The link in my sig (or even Darkbladers quote), basically explains that.

@Raigeko: We're talking about Beat but yeah, we shouldn't be.
Yeah, I don't care what that thread says. Upper Attack does exist, but there were no upper attack wheels before Beat really.

Test a Beat combo against a defense combo, except use Gravity. Do 10-20 matches in right spin and then 10-20 matches in left spin. You will get a significant amount more KOs when Gravity is in right spin, but not as many when it's in left. If
it were smash attack then the difference would not be as significant. I had ikmv
test this once, but I don't remember the exact numbers we got.
Feel free to PM me with this at some stage when I'm awake enough to remember, that said I will take a look at beat and check. I really still think it's upwards smash, and there is more energy involved because both are hitting each other "head on" rotationally, but eh, I am currently way too tired, and this isn't the place to discuss it.
Yeah, I'd love to discuss upper attack but this ain't the place lul. And even if it did exist according to Cye Kinomiya, it still wouldn't have any, haha.
I didn't test as many Tracks as I figured I would, but ... here's a ton of test results anyways! Unfortunately, I wasn't in the mood to do 20 rounds for each set, so please don't take them as gospel, as they are not going to be terribly accurate. I encourage you all to test it yourself and post your results here when you get one.

Attack Stadium
Launcher Grip + BeyLauncher for both
Worn CS, slightly aggressive, not shot at 100%
Slightly worn R2F
Worn RF
R145 "wings" lined up with Vari Ares metal "wings"
Basalt customs shot first

Vari Ares R145RF (Right Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS (170 Height)
Vari Ares R145RF: 7 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS: 3 wins
1 draw
Vari Ares win percentage: 70%

Vari Ares R145RF (Left Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS (170 Height)
Vari Ares R145RF: 6 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS: 4 wins
1 draw
Vari Ares win percentage: 60%

Vari Ares R145RF (Left Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS (220 Height)
Vari Ares R145RF: 7 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS: 3 wins
Vari Ares win percentage: 70%

Vari Ares R145RF (Right Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS (220 Height)
Vari Ares R145RF: 5 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS: 5 wins
1 draw
Vari Ares win percentage: 50%

Vari Ares R145RF (Right Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS
Vari Ares R145RF: 10 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS: 10 wins
Vari Ares win percentage: 50%

I'm certain every battle in this set resulted in a KO, either by Vari Ares, or Basalt Aquario hahaha

Vari Ares R145RF (Left Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS
Vari Ares R145RF: 7 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS: 13 wins
1 draw
Vari Ares win percentage: 35%

Vari Ares S130RF (Left Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS
Vari Ares S130RF: 3 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS: 7 wins
1 draw
Vari Ares win percentage: 30%

Vari Ares S130RF (Right Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS
Vari Ares S130RF: 0 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS: 10 wins
Vari Ares win percentage: 0%

This seemed a bit odd to me, so I switched to a R2F and did the tests again:

Vari Ares S130R2F (Right Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS
Vari Ares S130RF: 3 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145CS: 7 wins
1 draw
Vari Ares win percentage: 30%

Same as what Left Spin had with the previous RF ... From here on out, I decided to switch to a brand new, mint RF.

Vari Ares S130RF (Right Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS (170 Height)
Vari Ares S130RF: 7 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS: 3 wins
Vari Ares win percentage: 70%

Vari Ares S130RF (Left Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS (170 Height)
Vari Ares S130RF: 7 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario TH170CS: 3 wins
Vari Ares win percentage: 70%

S130 is OK with Vari Ares, but I found that the hits were not as powerful, or rather, the powerful hits weren't as frequent as they were with R145.

Vari Ares R145RF (Right Spin) vs. MF Hell Kerbecs BD145WD
Vari Ares R145RF: 9 wins
MF Hell Kerbecs BD145WD: 1 win
Vari Ares win percentage: 90%

No contest.

Vari Ares R145RF (Right Spin) vs. MF Hell Kerbecs BD145CS
Vari Ares R145RF: 7 wins
MF Hell Kerbecs BD145CS: 3 wins
2 draws
Vari Ares win percentage: 70%

CS helped Hell Kerbecs slightly, allowing it to either a) outspin Vari Ares or b) utilize it's recoil to KO Vari Ares.

Vari Ares R145RF (Left Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145MB
Vari Ares R145RF: 4 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145MB: 6 wins
Vari Ares win percentage: 40%

Vari Ares R145RF (Right Spin) vs. MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145MB
Vari Ares R145RF: 11 wins
MF-H Basalt Aquario BD145MB: 9 wins
1 draw
Vari Ares win percentage: 55%

Along with the results against the BD145CS variant, this was impressive. Despite it not being consistent, the KOs it did score were convincing, some coming late in the battle.

If you extrapolate some of the results, they may not look like much of an improvement over the Vari Ares BD145 results I originally posted, but trust me; like Dani mentioned herself, the three wings of R145 harmonize well with the three-sided Vari Ares. BD145, on the other hand, blocks some of the Smash Attack points, and S130 is OK, but just a bit awkward based on what I've found thus far. And as some members predicted, right-spin is generally better than left-spin (unless it was facing an RS custom, obviously).
No offense, but I'm thinking this will make it into possibly the bottom of tier 1, maybe top of 2. MAYBE. Testing shows that on left and right showing they show similar results, which is kind of odd to me. But 60-70% winning percentages are very good, this looks like it will be worth the money. Thank you for posting these results Kei, and so many too!
Kei, how could you not do 20 rounds? Omg these should not be taken seriously!

Joking aside, how did you get R145 to beat Basalt BD145CS? Which CS was it?
Well it does OK i guess was expecting more , but why didn't you test TH195 since that usually does better against 145 height attackers. Oh and isn't right spin is better against CS then left spin anyway (isn't it?).

At least it did better against MB then CS which kinda helps me prove that CS is better for the combo.(Basalt BD145).
One,day,I swear to it,I'll make a combo that can have consistent KO's against Basalt____BD145CS.BELIEVE IT!Anyway, this did better than I thought it would.
(Jul. 24, 2011  1:15 AM)Deikailo Wrote: Joking aside, how did you get R145 to beat Basalt BD145CS? Which CS was it?

Don't you think that is somewhat difficult to explain? Haha. It was the same one I used for my previous set of results in the OP. It's worn and aggressive if you launch at 100% (which I was not doing).

(Jul. 24, 2011  1:18 AM)RustyXD Wrote: Well it does OK i guess was expecting more , but why didn't you test TH195 since that usually does better against 145 height attackers.

I don't know, because I was kind of busy doing 15 other sets of tests? Haha, but seriously, I just couldn't be bothered. If no one else tests it, I'll do it myself soon.
Haha yeah thanks for doing those tests by the way you did heaps , plus the ones in the OP. And what i meant was why use TH170 and 220 but not 195 Tongue_out.
I guess R145 is the best track for another bey. Oh and does this have enough force to KO RS combos in right spin like beat does?
Can you try this for defense? Like MFH Variares85RS? Both spins please No1 =<. It would be interesting.
(Jul. 24, 2011  2:17 AM)® Wrote: Can you try this for defense? Like MFH Variares85RS? Both spins please No1 =<. It would be interesting.

I really don't think that Kei wants to waste his time testing something clearly horrible, no offence.

Thank you very much for those tests, Kei! I'm gonna do LLD comparison tests when I get my VariAres in the mail!
That is nice, and clearly something stepping up to wheels like Fang or even L-Drago Destroy.

I would just think Let Spin would kill R145, too much equalising for me. I really hope these can be tested:

MF Vari Ares [Left and Right] H145RF

MF Vari Ares LW105MF [Left and Right]

I'll try testing these myself, as along versus Scythe soon.
BBS the second combo is bad LW105 really? use 100 or something and H145 would get results close to R145. Oh and test against basalt not scythe since basalt has better defense IMO.
Yeah, LW105 is horribleu, just like W105. And I'm gonna go with Rusty, Basalt has more Defense, test against it more than Scythe.
Watch BB18Libra's video, seriously. Even wins against Beat Lynx and Scythe Kronos make me say this.

How do you know? H145, in my case, is much more protruding and would seriously add to that recoil factor that you are not imagining. How in hell would you know that I wanted Defense tests, when I seriously wanted Stamina tests as well. It doesn't have the worst Defense, we've got like a million Basalt tests there already.

EDIT: Raigeko, watch the video.

Also, do you guys not see that the decreasing height of yet less exposure is hurting it?
By going lower, we will see Vari Ares actually fully show off its power.
Yeah that is because beat has a ton of recoil and its on a stamina bottom , and scythe kronos is quite easy to KO with an attack beyblade.

I said it would be close , the first thing is a smart idea though. Attack vs stamina proves nothing so don't bother testing it will just waste your time. And people test against basalt since it is the best defensive MW out.
I did watch the video. Speechless LW105 and W105 are both outclassed by even 105, which is then outclassed by 100.
Use 100 man. Plus if you had been here for a while, you would have known that Beat has a ton of recoil.

(Jul. 24, 2011  3:25 AM)BeyBladestation Wrote:

Also, do you guys not see that the decreasing height of yet less exposure is hurting it?
By going lower, we will see Vari Ares actually fully show off its power.

Until I see testing prove other wise, I won't believe that.
Then why would I suggest that? Obviously for some reason.

MF keeps the thing stable, if you could not think that.

Why would you not believe that? Have you ever not watched his videos?

EDIT: After watching yet so many videos of Vari Ares, I realize that the red part, needs the stable upper support. I would think that LW105 has a good upper base for just that. But, if SS Recoil turns against me, I have an MF on it. That, my friend, would keep it at least up right after a good hit.
I watch nearly every upload.
I think we should stop discussing this until there is any further testing done.
Thanks for the tests, very nice results! Most of the KO's were made while in attack mode I presume? Were there any KO's while in defense mode?

EDIT: Never mind, I skipped over a page...
(Jul. 24, 2011  6:01 AM)xXKaiouyaXx Wrote: Thanks for the tests, very nice results! Most of the KO's were made while in attack mode I presume? Were there any KO's while in defense mode?

You're welcome! And no, I don't believe there were any. Although, it is difficult to tell which mode it is in while spinning.
Thanks for those tests, surprised S130 did so bad in right spin, but ahh well, it was worth a shot. Thanks Kei!
Thank you so much Kei Joyful_3

I was just wondering if you could try a few rounds with this:

MF-L Variares CH120RF vs. MF Lightning L Drago BD145LRF/RF, MF-H Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS


MF-L Variares CH120R2F vs. some anti meta on RF please.

My theory: Variares is hindered both at the top and bottom of it's protrusions, more so at the bottom but anyway. CH120 will allow you to hit many other height beyblades directly on the metal wheel. If something like a BD145WD however, rather than going by instinct and choosing 145, since RF is taller than WD we choose 120. It won't be exactly in the centre, but it'll be more effective than 145. BD145CS, same thing. CSis as tall as RF (roughly) so we choose 145.

I'm not liking R145 on Variares either. I think the best track for Variares is CH120.

BBS, that's BS.