Sticker Sheets Scans!


because it's the sticker sheet thread, I hope that I can ask my question here. In don't find a direct answer now, sorry if somebody asked it before...

I bought some sticker paper in the local store, but I think it's too mat (right word? Hope so...).
Does anybody can recommend some sticker paper which is comparable to the normal paper?
Maybe a good brand or kind of the paper?

Greetings, DrigerGatling Smile
I can't recommend any specifically, but many brands produce multiple types of paper. What you could try, though, is printing it on your matte paper, buying a wide roll of completely transparent tape, and tape over it before cutting it out. I used to do that with custom Lego stickers.

Not quite the same appearance as normal stickers, unless you find less-glossy-than-usual tape, but it adds a layer of protection, which is quite desirable if you use the beys Smile Heck, if I could get tape pieces to put on original bit chips I'd jump at the chance, probably.

Heck, you could do the same with normal paper and glue the stickers on with a strong enough glue, if you're careful. More of a cheaper but harder alternative, I guess.
you really have a lot of unuesd sticker scans Nocto..haha
i like the dranzer v2 in green color scheme..haha..that looks great Nocto..
i am glad that many people are really contributing in the scans..the gallery had grew a lot since lately.. Eee

more needed to update on the OP:
Dranzer V2

Death Gargoyle (Click to View)

Ultimate Dragoon Bit Chip

Flash Sagittario

ha? do I need to post stickers of DG here?
thanks for the stickers for flash sagittario. my stickers got ruined by a gattyaki by a random kid during a tournament... a big bummer. thanks again!
Yes we have flash sagittario but what about inferno.
(Feb. 29, 2012  6:27 AM)CrystalPegasus Wrote: Yes we have flash sagittario but what about inferno.
you have posted before...apparently,none are having it at the moment..please be patience on is not everyday people can go to this work..
EDIT:Thanks Uwik Eee
OP has been updated, up to the Dranzer VS, Death Gargoyle, Ultimate Dragoon and Flash Sagittario scans
(Feb. 28, 2012  10:56 AM)Benjohadi Wrote: you really have a lot of unused sticker scans Nocto.. haha

Not really, most of the stuff I buy tends to be NIB/NIP, and I've come to systematically scan every sticker sheets I get.


Dranzer MF
Driger G (White Tiger Ver.)

many thanks to th!nk, I'll try and get that Zinrai to you very soon.
Stickers Worklist (upadated) :
updated the worklist..but i think there are some more that i missed..especially the the HMS..
I'm working on Dranzer GT..but always forgot..XD

Dragoon S
Dranzer S
Dranzer GT
^Driger F stickers have already been posted (by me) and is now on the front page Wink

(Mar. 01, 2012  5:15 AM)Benjohadi Wrote: Gabriel

obviously i got a gabriel sticker!

(Mar. 01, 2012  3:07 PM)roux Wrote:
(Mar. 01, 2012  5:15 AM)Benjohadi Wrote: Gabriel

obviously i got a gabriel sticker!

Nice roux...Thanks.. Eee

(Mar. 01, 2012  5:29 AM)Neko Fury Wrote: ^Driger F stickers have already been posted (by me) and is now on the front page Wink

Yo..thanks for the correction..haha

i dont know if this is good enough..i put it in high resolution...i peeled of my dranzer GT stickers and out it on a paper..feel free to use.. Eee
Dranzer GT
i dunno why i scanned like that
it was fine with my lady gaga tickets scan though=_=

it's okay when u zoom out it as 50%....=_=
Nice stickers, it would be better if you could scan them though.
(Mar. 07, 2012  11:18 PM)th!nk Wrote: Nice stickers, it would be better if you could scan them though.

sorry I've just used them all....:L
Got my Phantom Force Dranzer and Dragoon S today.

Dragoon S: Phantom Force Dragoon S has to be the first Plastic I think looks better without its stickers.

Dranzer S

That bird seems to be the sole random Bit sticker Hasbro has. (Click to View)
IIRC Metal Dranzer or Ice Dranzer or something.

Yeah I have like a million of those.
Yeah, I'd leave the stickers off PF Dragoon S. They should have recoloured them for it, but oh well.

I once or twice got an Ice Dragoon instead of Ice Dranzer (aka Spamzer aka That Damned Bird).
Updated the list (Click to View)

put spoilers on the them to avoid the OP from too stretched...
@K-Lesh:it was not usable bro.. XD can scan the AR if you want..scans are always better than photos for stickers.. Eee
(Mar. 09, 2012  7:22 AM)Benjohadi Wrote: @K-Lesh:it was not usable bro.. XD can scan the AR if you want..scans are always better than photos for stickers.. Eee
He said he already used them Speechless

I don't know why he would post stickers if they are not going to be useable for others and the fact that he has already used it...what's the point of even posting it anyway :\