Round 1 GFX Battle: Callum6939 Vs Omega

Tally of Votes:

Entry 1: 23 Votes
Entry 2: 4 Votes

*Voting Closes on the 15th of July*
Entry 1. It might be simple, but I like simple. I like it when graphics emphasize on one picture only, or none at all, instead of throwing the pictures down. Similar to what Fyuuor does.
I guess the sepia-ish tone could symbolize how nature is slowly diminishing each year. That's probably not what the person who made it was thinking, but that's what I make of it, so Entry 1 it is.
Entry 1 entry 2 seems a little to green for me
entry 2 is more life like
nice i like entry 1
I like entry 1 better. It's quite plain but instead of using green which I thought both entries were gonna use, entry one used autumn colours which is pretty cool.

Entry 2 seems a little weird because they've shown an animal I wouldn't think of when I think of nature. If you know what I mean......
I'm voting entry 1. I like the warm colour of Autumn it has. I think the participant did well with a difficult theme.
Entry 2 looks likes its from an google picture. Entry 1 is more taste to it.
Me liking da maple leaf! Entry one gets my vote.
Voted for Number 2! Cool opacity rates!
Entry 1 does pick up on the Nature theme a lot more...

Entry 2 just looks like Lizards to me...

Therefore my vote goes to 1
Entry 1, simple but nice on the eyes.
My vote goes the entry one, I like how the colours and texture give it a calm mood. And entry 2 seems like it is just a few pictures put together can't really see any rendering there.
Entry one looks so calm and peaceful , just like Autumn is
Entry to looks nice as well i get what you were trying to do but my vote goes to entry 1
Entry one it is focused on one thing and it look vintage Grin
entry 1 definitely, it dominates well done.
Entry one! <3 scanlines :3
Score check!

Entry 1: 17
Entry 2: 3
Entry 1 because it seems as if there was more photo manipulation instead of just a lighting adjustment.
I am going for entry 1
Number 2. Lol, very interesting, I think number 1's a bit bland. It's really close though.