Aw, man! That looks so cool!
Thank you, marutti!
Thank you, marutti!
(Jan. 14, 2017 12:53 AM)ToxicAtom Wrote: it appears the part that has the free-spinning wings also continues down to the tip. Very interesting. I wonder if this will give Revolve some decent competition as the best stamina driver for LAD?
(Jan. 14, 2017 1:24 AM)Ultra Wrote: In the video it was definitely only the wings spinning and not the tip so I doubt this will give Revolve any run for it's money.
(Jan. 15, 2017 1:36 AM)ToxicAtom Wrote: The tip itself does not spin, but the casing around it seems to, as it is part of the wing assembly. Think if it like a reverse Gyro; the tip remains stationary, while the plastic around it is free-spinning.
(Jan. 15, 2017 3:21 PM)Suzaku-X Wrote: Doesn't Revolve have something like that, actually? Where the disk free spins? I can totally see this as a lesser Revolve though.
(Jan. 15, 2017 3:39 PM)MissingNo. Wrote: If it was like Wolborg 4 it would probably be the new best driver for LAD but unfortunately it isn't. The gimmick looks fun, but there's no way this thing could beat Revolve.
(Jan. 15, 2017 3:56 PM)Ultra Wrote: Did you even read the above posts? I was saying this won't be a new revolve because the tip isn't free spinning which is why revolve is good....
(Jan. 15, 2017 5:49 PM)Cake Wrote: Revolve's tip is not free spinning. It has a disk around the tip which spins freely, which appears to also be the case for Cycle (though the outer disk here is connected to the H145 bits).
I could see Cycle being a viable side-grade to Revolve (more defensive and possibly better LAD, we'll have to see about that), but definitely not outclassing it for raw Stamina.
(Jan. 20, 2017 10:34 PM)Brisk AquarioHD Wrote: Cy seems to look unbalanced to me. It may look "good" but its performance is clearly questionable.