(Jun. 14, 2021 4:04 PM)JoMario67 Wrote: Official Saber Valkyrie Pictures:
[font=メイリオ, Meiryo, "ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W6", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro", Osaka, "MS Pゴシック", "MS PGothic", sans-serif]If you hit a strong shot, the driver will transform in the latter half of the battle and launch a jump attack, accelerating after landing![/font]
[font=メイリオ, Meiryo, "ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W6", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro", Osaka, "MS Pゴシック", "MS PGothic", sans-serif]By using the rubber blade and wearing it, a new attack blade appears and super powerful striking performance is awakened![/font]
[font=メイリオ, Meiryo, "ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W6", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro", Osaka, "MS Pゴシック", "MS PGothic", sans-serif]Furthermore, the attack type right-handed bay where the entire layer is made into a bound attack by the Valkyrie core with a built-in spring![/font]
[font=メイリオ, Meiryo, "ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W6", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro", Osaka, "MS Pゴシック", "MS PGothic", sans-serif]Includes "Power Custom Bay Launcher LR" equipped with a power gear unit capable of powerful shooting![/font]
[font=メイリオ, Meiryo, "ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W6", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro", Osaka, "MS Pゴシック", "MS PGothic", sans-serif]Evolution gear "V gear" that can be attached to the separately sold Dynamite Berial is included![/font]
Definitely going to get this!! I wonder what the price will be?