(Jun. 16, 2020 2:13 PM)Zeutron Wrote: Personally I’m a little bit more interested in this bey than Lucifer (crazy right). I guess it has a good chance of appearing in the anime since Lane is featured as its owner on the box art. Yes it is a b-00 release but it was featured outside of the limited edition bey special chapter and in two different chapters as well.
the thing is, it makes more sense for this bey to be in the manga (all its appearances can be replaced with lucifer in the anime). If you know this bey you read the manga, the manga runs in the Corocoro magazine, and you get the bey through the CoroCoro magazine. I hope it does appear in the anime, but its not likely imo. Im guessing Hiro Morita decided to make Lane have 2 beys, and the makers of the anime got lazy and are just giving him Lucifer. (to be fair, making a ton of models for beys and stuff is hard). Either way I think its gonna be a pretty solid release.
(also do you know uranus' type? I dont think they've said it anywhere, but just wondering)