You know now I look through it more closely, knowing what to look for, a lot of those things you listed there are in the spin up guide books, Ultra. I'll try to begin scanning those tomorrow, they might have some more info or whatever.
Thanks very, very much for the link, Kai-V, I'll go through it more thoroughly once I have time
Also, as I was finishing the Guardian Driger SAR section I realised it's slightly differed to Gaia Dragoon's (and therefore Gabriel and Cyber Dragoon Battle Spec.'s, given they all use the same runner frame with the tip and SAR). The central ring is thinner (width, not height), and the wings have slightly different angles as a result, but the whole thing is just over twice as thick (height), which also makes it stiffer.
In fact, I'm also rather curious as to what material is used for the sub ring of guardian driger and the sub ring and tips of gaia dragoon/gabriel/cyber dragoon battle spec. If anyone has a box of a takara one, it'd be nice to get some clear scans of the text in case it has some information (IIRC takara boxes had info on materials but of all of these I think only some of the Gaia Dragoon recolors had normal boxes). But yeah, it would be good information to have on beywiki.
I'll try and work out when each was released or at least which was released first, unless that information is available, though I *think* Gaia Dragoon came first which means Guardian Driger's couldn't have been a mold improvement (given the design seems more breakage prone) and the change is bafflingly small. It'd make sense if guardian driger was released first but yeah.
I'll take some comparative pics for beywiki when I get the chance, of course.
Obviously their performance isn't too different, they're still the same length and basically the same shape so they suffer the same leverage-providing issues, though Guardian Driger's would be more breakage prone - in fact I somewhat doubt that Gabriel etc's version has any breakage issues at all given how flexible and solidly made they are.
The main difference is that due to their thinner nature there aren't any legal ways I know of to fix Gabriel etc's in place as a Sub AR* while Guardian Driger's is much easier (all of the Gaia Dragoon AR's will fix it in place when used with Wide Defense, like most fixable SAR's).
*There are one or two ways to do it on SG Wing Base but it's a really terrible idea to use any aggressive SAR on there.
Oh, and lastly, there is of course one more variation of the mold - that used by White Gabriel G, which is based on Gabriel etc's version but uses ABS and has a decorative (I guess) indentation on the wings instead of the slight slope. Again, no real performance difference from the gabriel version aside from likely being way more fragile.
Of course, I'm pretty sure hasbro didn't release any of the beys with that version of the SAR, which could explain it ("well, we've already changed the AR so may as well alter the SAR molds while we're at it!") but yeah.
Looks like I've got more writing to do than I thought, hah.