I searched for several items synonymous with dreams and only the "Strange Dreams You've Had" thread popped up. I'm starting this thread because most of the dreams discussed there aren't really all that intense, just kinda casual sharing. Me included, I'm not all that comfortable ruining such an environment lol. Feel free to discuss them here, if they creep you out, make you severely uncomfortable, or just down-right scare you and you wanna vent to people with the same problem.
I'll give a little background on myself:
Not to toot my own horn, but several people regard me as the bravest person they know, as I'm not really intimidated by much and usually take things as a challenge. Top three fears though: Being completely alone, absolute darkness (to the point where eyes are pretty much useless, other than that it's fine), and my imagination; there's too much extra info for that one though, hah. But when I tell people that I have terrible nightmares and rarely sleep much, they just give me a really odd look, some people notice it if I point out that I don't really sleep; as I have bags under my eyes, and it's not an iron deficiency hah. As of right this moment in time, I haven't slept in about 2 1/2 days believe it or not. I've come to terms with nightmares, I've had them terribly since I was about 8, for various reasons. But the one I've been having has been for about a month and a half and has been the absolute worst I've ever had.
Before reading this vvv, read that ^^^
Here's the dream
But I strongly advise that if you get scared easily, do
not read
If anyone has seen the movie "Sinister," they'd know that it isn't specifically scary; just insanely creepy. The plot revolves around an author who moves into a house with his family to create a new story around a very strange suspected homocide/suicide (Not giving details because it's kinda gruesome, I don't think I should post [/b]that. But he goes to the attic and finds a box of tapes labeled "Home Videos." They all start like any normal home video would, then take a very terrible turn (again, [b]no details from me). There are kids in the videos and they are the culprits of what happen, I think there are 5 or 6 total.
Bottom line, I have a very close group of friends I talk to and spend time with, and in the dreams I have, they represent the kids whereas I represent the main character. The videos feature them doing various activities, all terrible like in the screenplay itself and they haunt me. From this movie, I've become extremely wary of mirrors, and old films. It keeps me from sleeping and it's making me really PO'd. If you're one of the strong at heart, go watch the movie and you can understand all of this.
So yeah, post if you'd like, no judging here, and if there is, shame on whomever is doing it.
We're all afraid of something guys, we just need to be there for eachother.
Veteran, just getting back into the sway of things