Saying he was the source, tbh, sounds a lot like blaming to me, the validity of it is kinda beside the point in that case.
Don't take me to be a blind supporter of Bluezee, I know where people are coming from, but there are better ways to handle it than what everyone seems to do (i.e. Yell at him). I'm not saying it's wrong to criticise his gusto/ego, but there are better ways to try to get him to change than this. This only makes him more stubborn.
I know the point of this was getting the community to change, and I'm sure it'll do a great job at that, but it's at the cost of also being a shot at a user, which should have been taken into account, or considered more heavily.
The difference is that libra was banned, and banning it didn't imbalance the metagame as banning basalt would (it checks a lot of new parts). IIRC, none of the counters for it were any more than Niche combos. MF LLD BD145LRF and MF MLD CH120XF are versatile enough to be used against almost anything and do fine. It doesn't justify the cult, but it explains it somewhat.
That said, I'd be excited in their place: It would be like finding a counter to Libra CH120RF that at the same time beat everything else that was being used. Basalt was just as influential, but banning it was totally impractical.
That's also the difference with a lot of these "counters", they're total niche combo's. They don't get much of a cult following once people test them properly. Still, the cult around MF LLD BD145LRF has lead to a whole bunch of people rushing to find "counters", and yeah, it's become a quest for fame. I can see how that relates, and how a bad example was set, but I still don't think it's fair to blame Bluezee for this, he didn't ask people to act like him
As I've said, this is a great wake up call, but I don't think it should have been done like this.
Don't take me to be a blind supporter of Bluezee, I know where people are coming from, but there are better ways to handle it than what everyone seems to do (i.e. Yell at him). I'm not saying it's wrong to criticise his gusto/ego, but there are better ways to try to get him to change than this. This only makes him more stubborn.
I know the point of this was getting the community to change, and I'm sure it'll do a great job at that, but it's at the cost of also being a shot at a user, which should have been taken into account, or considered more heavily.
The difference is that libra was banned, and banning it didn't imbalance the metagame as banning basalt would (it checks a lot of new parts). IIRC, none of the counters for it were any more than Niche combos. MF LLD BD145LRF and MF MLD CH120XF are versatile enough to be used against almost anything and do fine. It doesn't justify the cult, but it explains it somewhat.
That said, I'd be excited in their place: It would be like finding a counter to Libra CH120RF that at the same time beat everything else that was being used. Basalt was just as influential, but banning it was totally impractical.
That's also the difference with a lot of these "counters", they're total niche combo's. They don't get much of a cult following once people test them properly. Still, the cult around MF LLD BD145LRF has lead to a whole bunch of people rushing to find "counters", and yeah, it's become a quest for fame. I can see how that relates, and how a bad example was set, but I still don't think it's fair to blame Bluezee for this, he didn't ask people to act like him
As I've said, this is a great wake up call, but I don't think it should have been done like this.