Old Post:
(Jul. 14, 2014 6:57 PM)Angry Face Wrote: After seeing Stars' Scythe Zero-G Stamina combo pop up in the Winning Combos thread some months back, I became very curious about how Duo fares against Scythe, a matchup I was unfamiliar with.
(Dec. 09, 2011 4:46 PM)th!nk Wrote: Duo Aquario AD145WD (Stamina) vs Scythe Aquario AD145WD (Stamina)
Same WD’s as before, swapped after 10 rounds.
Alternating Launches, Duo Launched First R1
1 Duo OS
2 Duo KO
3 Scythe OS
4 Duo OS
5 Scythe KO
6 Duo OS
7 Duo OS
8 Duo KO
9 Duo OS
10 Duo OS
11 Duo OS
12 Duo OS
13 Scythe OS
14 Duo OS
15 Duo OS
16 Duo OS
17 Duo OS
18 Duo OS
19 Duo OS
20 Duo OS
Draws: 1 (spin, R19)
Duo: 17/20 (85%) (15OS, 2KO)
Scythe: 3/20 (15%) (2OS, 1KO)
In R3, Scythe managed to slip under duo and destabilise it, due to scythe’s thin profile. That said, it has to do this with some decent spin left, or it just makes itself hit the ground faster.
Duo has the better LAD of the two, as it should, as its underside is a perfect circle.
(Dec. 20, 2011 6:58 PM)H8R Wrote: Duo cancer(S mode) 230D VS Scythe Cancer 230D:
DC:9(ALL OS's)
SC:11(all OS's)
(Dec. 21, 2011 10:19 AM)H8R Wrote: PLAYER VS PLAYER TESTS!:
Duo Cancer(S mode) 230D VS Scythe Cancer 230D:
DU:7 (all OS's)
SC:13(All OS's)
(Jan. 15, 2012 3:07 AM)S.D.C Wrote: MF-L DuoUranus230D (Stamina Mode) vs MF-L ScytheKronos230D (Stamina Mode)
Duo Win = 85% (16 OS, 1 KO)
Scythe Win = 15% (All OS)
Duo was out spinning Scythe by a fair margin, often 7 seconds+. It even managed to get a fluke KO by knocking Scythe to the outer edge of the stadium and swinging around the tip it out. Scythe, however only out-spun by 1-4 seconds.
I finally had the the chance to do some personal Stamina Wheel comparisons last week, but some of the results may surprise you.
Red SK Attack Stadium
Launcher Rubber
All launches alternated
Bottoms always swapped 15 rounds in
WDs and TBs mint at start
Worn Phantom
Worn Duo
New Scythe
All Wheels in their Stamina Modes
Hasbro and Takara Pegasis IIs
Phantom Pegasis II AD145WD vs Scythe Pegasis II AD145WD:
Phantom: 22 (20 OS, 2 KO)
Scythe: 8 (7 OS, 1 KO)
Ties: 1
Winner: Phantom
This went as expected, matching the results most people got back in the Phantom Discussion thread, as well as my own previous experiences.
Phantom Pegasis II AD145WD vs Duo Pegasis II AD145WD:
Phantom: 19 (17 OS, 2 KO)
Duo: 11 (10 OS, 1 KO)
Ties: 0
Winner: Phantom
This surprised me, though, as I thought my Duo used to outspin my Phantom (Guess not?).
Duo Pegasis II AD145WD vs Scythe Pegasis II AD145WD:
Duo: 14 OS
Scythe: 16 (15 OS, 1 KO)
Ties: 2
Winner: Scythe
Duo Pegasis II 230TB vs Scythe Pegasis II 230TB:
Duo: 14 (13 OS, 1 KO)
Scythe: 16 (15 OS, 1 KO)
Ties: 0
Winner: Scythe
The results between these two were much closer than they were against my Phantom individually. If followup tests are similar, maybe we could begin looking into Scythe as a cheaper alternative to Duo? Or at least a competitive Stamina Wheel again?
I completely forgot that I'd already done these Duo-Scythe Stamina comparison tests, so I just finished doing them again... Nobody ever commented on the original results I posted in the Overlooked Parts Discussion and Testing thread, but maybe it'll be different this time?
Anyway, here are the new tests, but in the Burst Standard Type BeyStadium, as I didn't have either of my MFB Attack Type Beystadiums on me when I found the time to do these.
B-04 Beyblade Burst Standard Type BeyStadium
Beylauncher L/R
Karabiner Grip
Launcher Rubber
Unused WDs (I'd been saving them just for these tests, ha)
Heavily used Duo (42.3g)
Lightly used Scythe (40.1g)
Heavily used Phantom (42.4g)
Duo Pegasis II AD145WD vs. Phantom Pegasus II AD145WD
Alternated launches - Duo launched first Round 1.
FBs, CWs, Tracks, and Bottoms swapped 10 rounds in.
1. Phantom KO
2. Phantom OS
3. Phantom OS
4. Duo OS
5. Phantom OS
6. Phantom OS
7. Phantom OS
8. Duo OS
9. Phantom OS
10. Phantom OS
11. Phantom OS
12. Duo OS
13. Phantom OS
14. Duo OS
15. Duo OS
16. Duo OS
17. Phantom OS
18. Duo KO
19. Phantom OS
20. Duo OS
Duo: 8 (7 OS, 1 KO)
Phantom: 12 (11 OS, 1 KO)
Duo Win %: 40.0%
Scythe Pegasus II AD145WD vs. Phantom Pegasis II AD145WD
Alternated launches - Scythe launched first Round 1.
FBs, CWs, Tracks, and Bottoms swapped 10 rounds in.
1. Phantom OS
2. Phantom OS
3. Phantom OS
4. Phantom OS
5. Phantom OS
6. Tie - Scythe OS
7. Phantom OS
8. Scythe OS
9. Phantom OS
10. Scythe OS
11. Phantom OS
12. Phantom OS
13. Phantom OS
14. Phantom OS
15. Phantom OS
16. Phantom OS
17. Phantom OS
18. Phantom OS
19. Phantom OS
20. Phantom OS
Duo: 3 OS
Phantom: 17 OS
Scythe Win %: 15.0%
Scythe Pegasis II AD145WD vs. Duo Pegasus II AD145WD
Alternated launches - Scythe launched first Round 1.
FBs, CWs, Tracks, and Bottoms swapped 10 rounds in.
1. Duo OS
2. Scythe OS
3. Scythe OS
4. Duo OS
5. Duo OS
6. Scythe OS
7. Duo OS
8. Scythe OS
9. Duo OS
10. Scythe OS
11. Duo OS
12. Scythe OS
13. Scythe OS
14. Scythe OS
15. Duo OS
16. Scythe OS
17. Duo OS
18. Scythe OS
19. Duo OS
20. Scythe OS
Scythe: 11 OS
Duo: 10 OS
Scythe Win %: 55.0%
Based on these results, my Scythe and Duo still appear to be about on par with each other in mirror matches, but Duo still performs better against my Phantom than Scythe. I'd also like to do some more tests between Scythe and some modern heavyweight spin-equalizers to see if it fares as well against most of them as Duo.
(Jun. 14, 2016 9:00 PM)Neo Wrote: This is what we all want, Brad.