(Jan. 20, 2014 7:45 AM)Uwik Wrote: I didn't mean an essay of descriptions for each parts. You know this, right? A more general reasoning on the term itself would suffice.
Naw, 'course not, pretty sure after the post a few pages back where I gave the reasons each MW was banned/not realistically unbannable I've already done that. However seeing as I sense some reservations about a possible very long post, here's the shortest version I can manage:
The general idea with limited is to maximise the number of viable wheels (seeing as these are generally the key part), with a focus on the pre-maximum series releases (up until the max series parts were generally pretty evenly balanced at least post-rsf), so if something has a significant negative impact on that, it is banworthy. The second factor is balancing the types in a tournament scenario, though due to the aggressive nature of most pre-maximum wheels, this generally comes as part of the former anyway, because if defense is too strong then the weaker attack wheels just can't be used. Thirdly, in the case of outright brokenness, the metagame has to shift significantly in response to a combination, generally because it beats the standard attack, defense and stamina customs, and brokenness is banworthy.
Viable basically refers to "usable at a tournament to win against good combinations". Bull can KO any stamina type as long as it can hit the MW, even Dark 85RF can be enough of a pain to beat attack (though generally speaking good defense wheels are fairly limited pre-basalt, and the natural factors that lower attack type usage play a part here), and Thermal can outspin defense - uh well, Earth and Libra Defense, anyway*
Obviously where you draw the line on what something should beat is another matter but generally I go for an advantageous height matchup for Defense (and Attack though generally that's same height for a lot of wheels) and same height for Stamina. The line on attack might be drawn even further, because of how closely related to confidence it is, for example RS generally scared off a lot of right spin wheels if I remember correctly.
Part of the reason Scythe is too strong is that while Earth and Flame W145WD manage to OS MF-H Scythe Cancer GB145RSF (for me, of course, with my AA2 Scythe), Burn gets smacked around so much with a little banking of Scythe it's almost always gonna find an exit especially with a more aggro RSF, but it could still manage at a tournament. Thermal however, just gets smacked around a bit and then outspun.
Obviously this is just from informal testing but for right now the consistency and margin is p clear. Will do some formal ones tonight or tomorrow.
I hope that's sufficient and sorry for bringing up Scythe, but I stumbled on what I posted while rechecking stuff for this post and to me it probably deserves mentioning
@Stars: pay attention to the official banlist discussion in the advanced forum, stuff like that is mentioned there.