Can you test that against Phantom AD145WD?
MF-L Phantom (Attack) Cygnus 85MF - A Combo Revisted
AD145 is outclassed by W145, but I think AD145 would get crushed.
How will Phantom 85MF fare against DUo Sa165EWD?
This would most likely beat Duo.
I'd imagine this would beat that Duo custom, but I really want to do actual tests to confirm or debunk that since that Duo custom has become so incredibly popular lately. I'll post the results after work (if anyone wants to test that in the meantime, it would be awesome to get more than one person's results for this test).
If you wouldn't mind testing it against Duo SA165 MB (a favorite of mine) as well it would be appreciated
so any requests for tests on this combo? use my sig too see what I have
oh and Time I wish I could do that test but I don't have SA165

will you try duo kerbecs th170wd ? 220 mode
look at my sig I don't have kerbecs or TH170... and WD isn't that good on heights above 160... it presceses to easily
EDIT: Ingulit I used this against Duo W145WD and I noticed that it was able to KO it easier and more consisntly in Stamina mode...
EDIT: Ingulit I used this against Duo W145WD and I noticed that it was able to KO it easier and more consisntly in Stamina mode...
I could test against Duo, that is if I find my MF. What Duo combos would you want me to test against?
if you're talking about me then duo kerbecs bd145wd or rdf or cs
Yeah, and this would obviously destroy defense, haha.
im not that good at combos till i actually get the bey,but ya gotta gimme some points for trying right?
dose anyone know hos this will behave in the zero-g stadiums?
(Oct. 06, 2013 5:51 PM)Wally.web Wrote: dose anyone know hos this will behave in the zero-g stadiums?
Firstly, I don't quite understand, but if it's just about the combo, then check previous posts and the OP. I remember reading this, related to your question, if it's what I think it's about.
EDIT: Thanks Kyler, you really are the best!
I think he's saying if it will work in Zero-G. I do believe it has seen good tournament experience so yeah.
NOT in 0G, this thing will scrape immediately lol.
Kinda. This would still get demolished. WSF is the tornado staller-sequel tip in 0G, along with CF
This thread is only about this custom in the BB-10; if you want to talk about how this performs in a Zero-G stadium, you'll need to ask about it in the Zero-G subforum.
Can you test against Flash/Wyvang?
Flash and Wyvang would completely and utterly destroy this thing. I've gotten not so aggressive bottoms like BSF to even KO this thing.
(Oct. 09, 2013 12:35 PM)Tri Wrote: Flash and Wyvang would completely and utterly destroy this thing. I've gotten not so aggressive bottoms like BSF to even KO this thing.First of all, this combo is mainly used for defense and stamina as a counter for them, not for attack.
Hey, I don't have a Cygnus, can I use a nemesis instead? Nemesis looks almost the same.
Well, yah.
What he's saying is that testing it would be useless, because we already know Wyvang/Flash would win.