Can't do anything with Wyvang or Balro, but against
Duo B

Phantom EWD Wins: 75% (15 wins, 13 os, 2 awesome ko)
Duo 145WD
Phantom EWD Wins: 80% (16 wins, 15 os, 1 awesome ko)
Killerken Dragooon B
Phantom EWD Wins: 15% (3 wins, 3 os) The only time this thing managed to beat dragoon was when it was able to control the center of the stadium which it has a hard time doing being so outweighed.
Killerken Dragoon SA165 BWD
Phantom EWD Wins: 25% (5 wins, 5 0s) a little bit better luck against this, no obvious explanation)
Begaridoas Dragoon SA165 GF
Phantom MB Wins: 90% (18 Wins, 18 OS) This dragoon just doesn't have the lad/precession of the others to pull out the win