This combo was formed at the last MD tournament by nightwing247 and I. I had access to a friend's zero-g stadiums collection for a little while (don't have any of my own) and got to testing it.
This combo launches first at all times.
Beylauncher R
Beylauncher L
Zero G Attack Stadium, Balance Stadium, Defense Stadium
First things to consider:
In the attack stadium MB is used for sway resistance, in the balance stadium BWD is used because of less risk of being swayed out and in the defense stadium EWD is used for pure endurance.
Attack Stadium testing:
MF-H Phantom Aquario E230 (upper mode) MB vs. Ifraid Begirados E230GCF
Phantom: 14 wins (13 OS, 1 KO)
Ifraid: 6 wins (6 KO)
MF-H Phantom Aquario E230 (upper mode) EWD vs. Death Quetzalcoatl AD145MB
Phantom: 14 Wins (13 OS, 1 KO)
Death: 6 wins (1 OS (phantom got knocked really off-balance), 5 KO)
Defense stadium
MF-H Phantom Aquario E230 (upper mode) EWDvs. Duo Aquario B
Phantom: 19 wins (18 OS, 1 KO)
Duo: 1 win (1 OS)
MF-H Phantom Aquario E230 (upper mode) EWDvs. Phantom Aquario B
E230: 18 wins (17 OS, 1 KO)
: 2 wins
MF-H Phantom Aquario E230 (upper mode) Ewdvs. Revizer Dragoon B
Phantom: 4 wins (4 OS)
Dragoon: 16 wins (15 OS, 1 KO)
Balance stadium:
MF-H Phantom Aquario E230 (upper mode) BWd vs. Duo Aquario W145 WD
Phantom: 13 wins (12 OS, 1 Crazy KO)
Duo: 7 wins (7 OS)
This combo launches first at all times.
Beylauncher R
Beylauncher L
Zero G Attack Stadium, Balance Stadium, Defense Stadium
First things to consider:
In the attack stadium MB is used for sway resistance, in the balance stadium BWD is used because of less risk of being swayed out and in the defense stadium EWD is used for pure endurance.
Attack Stadium testing:
MF-H Phantom Aquario E230 (upper mode) MB vs. Ifraid Begirados E230GCF
Phantom: 14 wins (13 OS, 1 KO)
Ifraid: 6 wins (6 KO)
MF-H Phantom Aquario E230 (upper mode) EWD vs. Death Quetzalcoatl AD145MB
Phantom: 14 Wins (13 OS, 1 KO)
Death: 6 wins (1 OS (phantom got knocked really off-balance), 5 KO)
Defense stadium
MF-H Phantom Aquario E230 (upper mode) EWDvs. Duo Aquario B

Phantom: 19 wins (18 OS, 1 KO)
Duo: 1 win (1 OS)
MF-H Phantom Aquario E230 (upper mode) EWDvs. Phantom Aquario B

E230: 18 wins (17 OS, 1 KO)

MF-H Phantom Aquario E230 (upper mode) Ewdvs. Revizer Dragoon B

Phantom: 4 wins (4 OS)
Dragoon: 16 wins (15 OS, 1 KO)
Balance stadium:
MF-H Phantom Aquario E230 (upper mode) BWd vs. Duo Aquario W145 WD
Phantom: 13 wins (12 OS, 1 Crazy KO)
Duo: 7 wins (7 OS)