(Aug. 27, 2008  4:17 AM)Train Wrote:
(Aug. 27, 2008  3:07 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: It occurred to me, maybe Pegasis' performance in TBTS shouldn't be much of a concern for us. TBTS wasn't designed with MFB in mind, and Pegasis wasn't designed with TBTS in mind.

I'd also like to point out that a more violent attack type like DGMS UV in a smaller stadium hits more and obviously harder making it superior. Bigger stadium equals a lot more avoidance and it seemed to me that's what the big factor was with Pegasis winning. Also isn't Pegasis bigger than DGMS UV and the issues with the shooters in HMS being more powerful means yeah it's got a lot more power to each of it's hits when compared to our MFB Attack type of the moment?

This is essentially what I was getting at. I'm just curious to how the performance would have been if the RPM was equal. I plan on trying to retrofit an MFB shooter prong set to a Dual Shooter.
(Aug. 27, 2008  4:18 AM)Bey Brad Wrote:
(Aug. 27, 2008  4:17 AM)Train Wrote:
(Aug. 27, 2008  3:07 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: It occurred to me, maybe Pegasis' performance in TBTS shouldn't be much of a concern for us. TBTS wasn't designed with MFB in mind, and Pegasis wasn't designed with TBTS in mind.

I'd also like to point out that a more violent attack type like DGMS UV in a smaller stadium hits more and obviously harder making it superior. Bigger stadium equals a lot more avoidance and it seemed to me that's what the big factor was with Pegasis winning. Also isn't Pegasis bigger than DGMS UV and the issues with the shooters in HMS being more powerful means yeah it's got a lot more power to each of it's hits when compared to our MFB Attack type of the moment?

This is essentially what I was getting at. I'm just curious to how the performance would have been if the RPM was equal. I plan on trying to retrofit an MFB shooter prong set to a Dual Shooter.

Might be a bit hard that screw looks odd. I'd like to see Nic or like Anubis try it. They always do nice work, but isn't the overall size of MFB larger than HMS? Which would lower RPM anyway? I know the shooters are a huge factor for this too I'm just saying maybe it's not all the shooter.
I simply calls how I saws. When I looked at the whole, massive shoutfest I just saw the same themes over and over. I never understood the fact you were doing this as a way to test an MFB in an HMS field against an HMS for the hell of it. I suppose if other folks weren't rapidly punching their keyboard with an angry orgasm flaring up, I would have noticed the sense in the chaos. Although it still doesn't make much sense why you would try an MFB in an HMS stadium. It's highly likely that will not be what will be used in sanctioned competitions.

Edit: Should be quoting Roan's last post.
(Aug. 27, 2008  4:26 AM)Neverender Wrote: Although it still doesn't make much sense why you would try an MFB in an HMS stadium. It's highly likely that will not be what will be used in sanctioned competitions.

Because we are comparing the old to the new. After four years, who wouldn't?
(Aug. 27, 2008  4:27 AM)Bey Brad Wrote:
(Aug. 27, 2008  4:26 AM)Neverender Wrote: Although it still doesn't make much sense why you would try an MFB in an HMS stadium. It's highly likely that will not be what will be used in sanctioned competitions.

Because we are comparing the old to the new. After four years, who wouldn't?

Then I'm also assuming you did the same thing using the MFB stadium, correct?
(Aug. 27, 2008  4:23 AM)Train Wrote: Might be a bit hard that screw looks odd. I'd like to see Nic or like Anubis try it. They always do nice work, but isn't the overall size of MFB larger than HMS? Which would lower RPM anyway? I know the shooters are a huge factor for this too I'm just saying maybe it's not all the shooter.

It's about the same size. I'm sure a rough modification could be done just to get a feel for it. And I'm talking about the max RPM, not the ability to sustain it.
Neverender Wrote:I simply calls how I saws. When I looked at the whole, massive shoutfest I just saw the same themes over and over. I never understood the fact you were doing this as a way to test an MFB in an HMS field against an HMS for the hell of it. I suppose if other folks weren't rapidly punching their keyboard with an angry orgasm flaring up, I would have noticed the sense in the chaos. Although it still doesn't make much sense why you would try an MFB in an HMS stadium. It's highly likely that will not be what will be used in sanctioned competitions.

Edit: Should be quoting Roan's last post.

Comparing MFB to HMS is no different than what we all did when HMS first came out.

We compared them to the Plastic generation. We all realized that Plastic and HMS were two entirely different leagues and that Plastic more or less had no grounds for competition against HMS.

We're doing the same thing here and yet coming to a very different conclusion. MFB is not nearly the gigantic leap in performance over HMS as we all had hoped it would be. In fact, so far we have seen that HMS is superior in terms of performance, but, and this is where I assume the whole argument sprang from, we're coming to these conclusions by testing the two types of beyblades against each other in a stadium designed for HMS. So, of course, HMS are likely to fare better against MFB since they have the "home field advantage", as it were.

Given that the number of people who own the new MFB stadiums is very low, and that hardcore players from the previous series still have their old stadiums lying around, its not that big of a stretch to see them testing the new blades in the old stadiums, as they likely have nothing else to test them in.

When the ownership of the MFB stadiums becomes more widespread, who knows, perhaps things will turn out differently.
It would be stupid to use the older stadiums with a current tournament. I'm happy to see that even though Pegasis is at a lower RPM, it can hold it's own.

Perhaps higher RPM's could have been more dangerous.

Also, the above argument is moot because the producer of the video obviously had the new stadium.

(Aug. 27, 2008  3:28 AM)Roan Wrote:
(Aug. 27, 2008  3:25 AM)Evan Wrote: I'm going to end this again, although it doesn't make any carp sense. I'd like to still be in this community and not end banned because I "back talked"

Ugh I am half tempted to ban you just for saying this.

It's stupid stuff like this that needs to stop. Even statements like these.
(Aug. 27, 2008  5:21 AM)flashfox Wrote:
(Aug. 27, 2008  3:28 AM)Roan Wrote:
(Aug. 27, 2008  3:25 AM)Evan Wrote: I'm going to end this again, although it doesn't make any carp sense. I'd like to still be in this community and not end banned because I "back talked"

Ugh I am half tempted to ban you just for saying this.

It's stupid stuff like this that needs to stop. Even statements like these.

So I need to just keep my mouth shut when people are spewing out blatant fallacies? Fallacies that just so happen to imply negative things about how this board (which I care very much about) is run? I don't think so.

You know as well as I do that no one on this board has been banned for "back talking" the staff, as Evan claimed they have. Was I a little harsh with my wording? Sure, but is he banned? No. It would've been different had I actually followed through with what I said and banned Evan, but I didn't.

I'm getting pretty sick of a lot of you thinking and acting like we're some sort of stuck up, third-Reich wannabe with the way we run things around here. As far as I'm concerned, this is one of the best attempts at a "community-owned, community-run" board that I've ever seen.

But its things like this that really make me want to take off the admin hat and let one of you guys wear it. See how much it more or less sucks to be in this position. I'm friends with the lot of you, but I'm also a part of the staff here so it gets a little difficult balancing that -- should I be friendly because I'm friends with you all at the cost of my administrative duties, or should I just be a "rule with an iron fist", "banhammer" administrator? I've bent over carp backwards for you people trying to make this community the best it can possibly be, even going so far as to suggest completely reforming the rules and the way we do things here and yet somehow it never seems enough for a few people.

I'm sorry for going off on a tirade like this, but flashfox, your comment really upset me. There have been a lot of times recently that I've considered either stepping down as staff or leaving this board altogether because its getting to the point where I'm sick of having to wear all these hats, be all these different things to all these people. Ugggh.

I'm not going to get into all of it, but Roan summed it up well in his other post. We compared Plastic to HMS, so it should be expected that we compare HMS to MFB.

Tomorrow I will be uploading the Wolborg MS vs. MFB in Tornado Balance video. It is purely for informational purposes, and it shows that Wolborg MS has still maintained it's status as the king of TB. At the end of the video description though, I will post some results of Wolborg MS in the new Attack Stadium.
Edit: *Mybad.
^Hey Roan if you feel that way, really, maybe taking a little break might be good? College is comming I guess right, but maybe a few dayz will be good. If its that stressful, yeah I say take a break.
Like you once said aaggges you didn't exatly agree with some of my opinions, you can only be your self. Some will love, some will hate. Its hard to be yourself all the time but, "Do ya thang, carp what they looking at..." - Ice Cube

Back to MFB, personally judgement should be reserved.
I'm not surprised Pegasis lost to DGMSUV, I hardly think of it as a poor beyblade. How can you expect Pegasis to counter without a grip tip?

For one, grip tip would afford more "defense".
Plastic will simply slide on plastic, sure "spin" is conserved, but movement speed is always slower than if the tip were rubber/elastomer.

Because grip tips have higher friction coeffecients, they translate their spin into lateral speed (kinetic energy, not counting the rotational KE) much more effciently than plastic.

That movement speed is kinetic energy. DGMSUV has more than Pegasis, collision, transfer, Pegasis recoils=KO.

as for the shooter, I am not quite convinced
Try Sagittario verse Eterner?
try compact combos/match tip diameters RC to Bottom, then compare movement speeds :? make sense?

Also DEMS and samurai changer should face Pegasis.
and really only the MFB stadium should be used.
Leo vs DGMS and UV

Kei I ain't calling you a liar, I just think its too early to call it.
Thank you for the video. Eee Wink
Everything you've said Blue is correct, it really isn't that fair to expect Pegasis to win consistently over DGMSUV considering the tip it has.

Tomorrow I will be recording DEMS vs. MFB. I will mainly focus on the Attack Stadium, but I'll throw in some TBTS or TB. I'll also try Leone vs. DGMS and UV for you.

Also, maybe I'll make some videos where similar Beyblades (tip wise for the most part) face each other. For example, Pegasis would face a Beyblade with Flat Core.

There is still a lot of testing to be done.
Blue is completely right with everything he wrote and hopefully the videos that Kei posts will help answer some of the many questions that everyone has.
(Aug. 27, 2008  4:23 AM)Train Wrote: Might be a bit hard that screw looks odd. I'd like to see Nic or like Anubis try it. They always do nice work, but isn't the overall size of MFB larger than HMS? Which would lower RPM anyway? I know the shooters are a huge factor for this too I'm just saying maybe it's not all the shooter.

Nope, I won't be doing it. Actually, I don't think I'll be getting MFB for quite a while, maybe two years or so.

(Aug. 27, 2008  6:47 AM)Blue Wrote: Back to MFB, personally judgement should be reserved.
I'm not surprised Pegasis lost to DGMSUV, I hardly think of it as a poor beyblade. How can you expect Pegasis to counter without a grip tip?

For one, grip tip would afford more "defense".
Plastic will simply slide on plastic, sure "spin" is conserved, but movement speed is always slower than if the tip were rubber/elastomer.

Because grip tips have higher friction coeffecients, they translate their spin into lateral speed (kinetic energy, not counting the rotational KE) much more effciently than plastic.

That movement speed is kinetic energy. DGMSUV has more than Pegasis, collision, transfer, Pegasis recoils=KO.

Mmmhmm actually, I expected it to fly further with each hit. To be honest, I haven't actually ever tried DragoonMSUV attack ring before, since I don't see the point of doing so, but it seems to me like Pegasus actually has decent defensive capability on it.

Anyway, it isn't so simple to talk about kinetic energy like that. It's much better to talk in terms of momentums and speeds, also, the line between "kinetic energy" and "rotational kinetic energy" is insanely fine. It's better to just not talk about it.

(Aug. 27, 2008  6:59 AM)Kei Wrote: Tomorrow I will be recording DEMS vs. MFB. I will mainly focus on the Attack Stadium, but I'll throw in some TBTS or TB. I'll also try Leone vs. DGMS and UV for you.

Also, maybe I'll make some videos where similar Beyblades (tip wise for the most part) face each other. For example, Pegasis would face a Beyblade with Flat Core.

There is still a lot of testing to be done.

If you could, I really want to see the effects of HMS attack customizations against it. For example, Circle Upper/Grip Flat Ultimate, Jiraiya Blade/Grip Flat Ultimate... I want to see how it stands up against them.

Do you have plastic bearing customs? That'll be another interesting thing.

Oh! Also! The videos that were posted previously had more satisfying "DINK DINK" sounds when the two beyblades clashed. Hmm is this a result of the metal-on-metal action of the MFB?
(Aug. 27, 2008  10:19 AM)Nic Wrote:
(Aug. 27, 2008  6:59 AM)Kei Wrote: Tomorrow I will be recording DEMS vs. MFB. I will mainly focus on the Attack Stadium, but I'll throw in some TBTS or TB. I'll also try Leone vs. DGMS and UV for you.

Also, maybe I'll make some videos where similar Beyblades (tip wise for the most part) face each other. For example, Pegasis would face a Beyblade with Flat Core.

There is still a lot of testing to be done.

If you could, I really want to see the effects of HMS attack customizations against it. For example, Circle Upper/Grip Flat Ultimate, Jiraiya Blade/Grip Flat Ultimate... I want to see how it stands up against them.

Do you have plastic bearing customs? That'll be another interesting thing.

Oh! Also! The videos that were posted previously had more satisfying "DINK DINK" sounds when the two beyblades clashed. Hmm is this a result of the metal-on-metal action of the MFB?

I was refraining from doing any customization battles right now because we currently don't have that many options for interesting MFB customization combos. Personally, I think they would do just as good as Dragoon MS UV did, and probably even better. I'll do a couple for you though.

Yup, I do. Though they won't be tuned or anything. Is there anything specific you want to see? I can probably make it. Unfortunately, I don't have Wide Survivor or Wide Defense though. Unhappy

Yeah, it is. IMO, I think the "DINK DINK" sound on MFB vs. HMS is slightly different lol. If you listen carefully in that first video, you can kind of hear it.

Later today I am also going to be taking apart an EZShooter, Dual Shooter, and MFB Shooter. Expect pictures later tonight.
Er, after actually seeing the pictures of the MFB at different angles, but some of the Tracks are too tall, mainly 145 and 125. Having a tall track gives horrible balance, and the lack of any lower weight (WEIGHT DISK PLZ) really causes the Beyblades to get knocked around easily (especially Sagittario145S).

Has anyone noticed this, or am I just making stuff up?
Uh, 125 is actually pretty good for balance, it allows for more stabilization of blades, preventing the wheel from scraping the stadium. I think that from what I've heard, Leo has better balance with 125 than with 105 when using SF and F.
145 is dead from the start, though. No argument here.
no elmo, you are definitely right...we will just have to see what happens in the future,..thats a minor issue that can be fixed by makin lower tracks..or they can be used to advantages, good wobblers with some weight or somethin like that with this combo:
Track and Tip:145D

Not too sure if this is good but its in my head sooo....yea..
(Aug. 27, 2008  10:47 PM)Bluezee Wrote: no elmo, you are definitely right...we will just have to see what happens in the future,..thats a minor issue that can be fixed by makin lower tracks..or they can be used to advantages, good wobblers with some weight or somethin like that with this combo:
Track and Tip:145D

Not too sure if this is good but its in my head sooo....yea..

Leo145D is the Starter Leo. It's not really a customization.

I could only see the higher tracks be useful for especially heavy Force Smash Wheels, or for Wobblers, as Bluezee stated.

And the 105 track making some Wheels scrape the stadium made me wonder; is the 90 Track seriously that useful? I mean, it's incredibly low, good for Upper Attack, but what if it's too low to be of much use?

I was just under the impression that both the 90 track and the WF bottom would be incredibly useful.
(Aug. 27, 2008  11:29 PM)Grey Wrote: And the 105 track making some Wheels scrape the stadium made me wonder; is the 90 Track seriously that useful? I mean, it's incredibly low, good for Upper Attack, but what if it's too low to be of much use?

I was just under the impression that both the 90 track and the WF bottom would be incredibly useful.

Smaller Wheels will eventually be released (if the MFB continues ._.), and that will probably help fix the scraping part. Bull wheel looks quite small, actually, and looks like it has nice Upper.
So, I took apart the EZShooter and MFB Shooter (I couldn't get any of the small screws out on the Dual Shooter Speechless ):


Anubis told me to record how many full revolutions each shooter could do with one winder:

EZShooter (10 cogs) with Standard Winder: 4.5 full revolutions

MFB Shooter (15 cogs) with Standard Plastic Winder: approximately 2.9 full revolutions

MFB Shooter (15 cogs) with MFB Winder: approximately 4 full revolutions

Judging from these results, I think the EZShooter is slightly more powerful than the MFB Shooter.


New video!:

I am also taking requests for random battles you guys want to see. I've already accepted some from Blue and Nic, so just name a few Beyblades you would like to see put up against MFB! I'll pick a few and do them.
Just looking at the size difference between the gears tell you that the EZ Shooter is better Speechless
(Aug. 28, 2008  1:38 AM)Kei Wrote: New video!: link removed, it will be re-uploaded ASAP

I am also taking requests for random battles you guys want to see. I've already accepted some from Blue and Nic, so just name a few Beyblades you would like to see put up against MFB! I'll pick a few and do them.

Awesome video! Thanks Kei! Joyful_3

Well, if you're accepting random battles, could you try some Metal Fight Beyblade vs. Metal Fight Beyblade, but with customizations? Like, Bull105D and Pegasis125SF (just for example)?

Thanks (in advance). Smile