[London, UK, Regents Park, 15/10/11] The Autumn Battle Bash!




One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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It's time for another UK tournament! This will be held on the 15 of October!
That's right, another tournament, this time held by myself and Hell Kid!
My co-host won't be participating as he isn't up to it, but he will help with the judging and sorting out the groups.

Specific info:

When: 15th of October 11:30AM until it finishes.
If you do not turn up after 11:30AM there is a chance you won't be able to take part and your place will be given to someone else!

Where: Regents Park Bandstand

Directions to the bandstand:
If you don't know this by now you can find the directions here -

Map of the Park -

Tournament Format: Standard MFB
Block Round Robin / Double Elimination -
(Event Guide - http://worldbeyblade.org/eventguide.pdf )

This is the WBO universal format rule book (READ IT, if not already)-

The regular price is £3
Or free If you have purchased a Blader Passport,
which is available to buy on the day for £6

Credit to Blitz for format.

You can only go on the attendance list if you are 120% sure you can come!
Remember if a parent/s is bringing you to the tournament to let them know that the times may vary!

Confirmed Attendees: Block Round Robin.
ControL_s SouL_
Hell Kid
= 22


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Are you saying you went into Regents Park but you couldn't find the bandstand, if so, i don't believe you, what kind of person would pay money for the journey, but just give up because they can't find it? There are many maps in regents park and it is quite easy to find the bandstand TBH.
(Oct. 16, 2011  9:03 PM)ControL_ Wrote:
(Oct. 16, 2011  8:40 PM)Enzoxs Wrote: :\ It moves around alot compared to a different stadium, even then. Its not moving around on the floor mostly because of the cracks in the bottom where it says 'Made in China'.

@ Hell Kid, where you holding the stadium down?
Clothing was put underneath to stadium to stop the breaking of bottoms and preventing the stadium from moving. We made sure the clothing was even etc.

I meant in the Vids, but if it was on clothing at the tourney it doesn't matter, I guess.

But in the finals the clothing was removed from the stadium.
No they weren't. In the finals we switched ThePokeBladers jacket for mine because he was starting to get cold. Don't make up random statements.
oh yeah sorry.
can a mod delete my post thanks
Just found this:


looks like 'BlazingFire's' new account.
This tournament will not be processed. ControL_s SouL_ reached a one-hundred percent warning level, permanently banning him from everything related to this organisation, for fabricating lies and doing seriously illegal threats against another member. Hell Kid was also warned, and he might not be the last.

We are extremely disappointed in all of you. From now on, we will only trust Blitz, Alex or LeeDraciel to host tournaments, and it will depend how Enzoxs' event goes. We will also make sure that police does get called if any banned member shows up at our events and does not want to leave upon being told to.

I hope I made myself very clear. We will not tolerate such stupidities from anyone.
I am disappointed about the tournament not being processed, but i guess i will just have to get over it. Also i do agree with you Kai-V, where you said only Blitz, LeeDraciel and <3 are the only ones allowed to host tournaments in London. But what should happen is when Blitz, LeeDraciel and <3 decide to stop (God forbid) they should decide on a few more responsible and trusted members that are experienced to be the tournament hosts.
Well that's disappointing. But I don't see why everyone who wants to hold a tourney should be punished. Can't the people who did the wrong be banned from doing more tourneys? I was hoping to do another tourney when I have time.
(Oct. 17, 2011  4:55 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Well that's disappointing. But I don't see why everyone who wants to hold a tourney should be punished. Can't the people who did the wrong be banned from doing more tourneys? I was hoping to do another tourney when I have time.

Apparently LeeDraciel had to save a lot of the recent tournaments because the hosts had no idea at all what to do.
To touch up on the banning thing, you should try to identify the username to a person's actual name that way the authorities understand who it is you are banning. For example, if you have a picture of that person, perhaps you should post it along with their first name stating they are banned from events.

In the US, I've asked about this. They have told me that the website acts as a mock restraining order. You'll have to check with your laws in the UK.
(Oct. 17, 2011  5:37 PM)Kai-V Wrote:
(Oct. 17, 2011  4:55 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Well that's disappointing. But I don't see why everyone who wants to hold a tourney should be punished. Can't the people who did the wrong be banned from doing more tourneys? I was hoping to do another tourney when I have time.

Apparently LeeDraciel had to save a lot of the recent tournaments because the hosts had no idea at all what to do.

That's true. My tourney was guilty of that. But I know how to do it now so it would be much better if I did a second tourney.
You will know why I'm posting this if I told you via PM the reason:
Hell Kid Wrote:
BeyHyperKiLLer Wrote:
Hell Kid Wrote:
BeyHyperKiLLer Wrote:Why did Kai-V warn you and ban Control_s Soul_? What did you do?
Because apparently I 'lied' about the condition of the stadium...
OH MY! It was Lee going against this processed, and saying the stadium was illegal and trying to persuade Kai-V not to process it! He even said at the beginning of the tourney the stadium is just about legal but because he didn't do well and he's beypoints will go down he didn't want it processed!

EDIT: Stadium, stadium floor surface was smooth, walls had the odd hole in it, I hear on the remembrance day, the Tornado Balance S used in the US had larger holes on the wall.
Seriously, I do not care if I do well or not anymore, I had a long run at the top and I love seeing other people win. I blade because its great fun and I love giving opotunities to kids, I wish the WBO was around when i was younger. I do not get paid, I am not a Mod or committee member, anything i do is off my own back.

I told everyone from the start that there was 95% chance that this will not be processed due to all of the reasons stated. I recall people saying ok well 'if its not getting processed then i will go all out attack in the final'. Because of certain people doing well you all conspired to get this processed, you keep saying that the stadiums surface is fine, since when do blades just stay in the middle during battles, they hit the side walls and if there are holes in it then it will seriously effect spin power. The stadium has a slight warp in it and there is sellotape everywhere. With cracks round the bottom the stadium will move about and will not have structural integrity and be leaning to one side. Yes there was clothing under for the first part but not for the final.

The tourney started over 2 hours late leaving poor parents waiting around for much longer than need be, not to mention the aggresive behaviour that took place, I know it wasn't anybody in particulars fault but by responding in the manner some people did it just provoked it further. It was completely unorganised as is most tourneys hosted by inexperienced people.

Regarding hosting, I feel that it should be left with myself, Matt and Alex for the time being untill some more mature and able members emerge from the ranks. Yes people need experience to do so, so if you are interested then approach one of us and ask to be a judge so we can show you certain things and teach you the proper way rather than just diving in at the deep end. I don't see what the big fasination is with everyone wanting to host lately, we provide plenty of tourneys on a regular basis. Your getting all the same recognition by being a judge and you don't have to deal with sending money and results, planning it or anything, the presure is all on us so your lives are nice and easy. Just turn up and have fun, you can't say we don't host great and fun tourneys for all.

(Oct. 17, 2011  8:07 PM)ControL_ Wrote: EDIT: Stadium, stadium floor surface was smooth, walls had the odd hole in it, I hear on the remembrance day, the Tornado Balance S used in the US had larger holes on the wall.
That would be in Toronto, actually. It was at the corner of the wall of my type S.
(Oct. 17, 2011  9:01 PM)LeeDraciel Wrote: Seriously, I do not care if I do well or not anymore, I had a long run at the top and I love seeing other people win. I blade because its great fun and I love giving opotunities to kids, I wish the WBO was around when i was younger. I do not get paid, I am not a Mod or committee member, anything i do is off my own back.

I told everyone from the start that there was 95% chance that this will not be processed due to all of the reasons stated. I recall people saying ok well 'if its not getting processed then i will go all out attack in the final'. Because of certain people doing well you all conspired to get this processed, you keep saying that the stadiums surface is fine, since when do blades just stay in the middle during battles, they hit the side walls and if there are holes in it then it will seriously effect spin power. The stadium has a slight warp in it and there is sellotape everywhere. With cracks round the bottom the stadium will move about and will not have structural integrity and be leaning to one side. Yes there was clothing under for the first part but not for the final.

The tourney started over 2 hours late leaving poor parents waiting around for much longer than need be, not to mention the aggresive behaviour that took place, I know it wasn't anybody in particulars fault but by responding in the manner some people did it just provoked it further. It was completely unorganised as is most tourneys hosted by inexperienced people.

Regarding hosting, I feel that it should be left with myself, Matt and Alex for the time being untill some more mature and able members emerge from the ranks. Yes people need experience to do so, so if you are interested then approach one of us and ask to be a judge so we can show you certain things and teach you the proper way rather than just diving in at the deep end. I don't see what the big fasination is with everyone wanting to host lately, we provide plenty of tourneys on a regular basis. Your getting all the same recognition by being a judge and you don't have to deal with sending money and results, planning it or anything, the presure is all on us so your lives are nice and easy. Just turn up and have fun, you can't say we don't host great and fun tourneys for all.
You told us there's a chance it wouldn't get processed after you got knocked out. I have many witnesses telling me so. You told us the chance of it not getting processed was about 80%, at the finals stages, when I remember definitely, as do many others. It was when I asked why you were not numbering the matches.

There was clothing for the finals, I was to play first, and I refused to play without clothing if you remember correctly. Ahmed offered his hoodie, it was evenly flattened before play, the stadium did not move for sure.

What is with this information you are trying to portray?

BeyHyperKiLLer Wrote:
ControL_ Wrote:Did Lee tell us it would be unprocessed at 80%, before, during, or during the finals of the tournament?
It was just before the finals started... i think... i'm pretty sure...
Trying to win back support IMO.

I have heard many a thing about this. Sadly I wasnt there to witness and I cant support the truth.
However, from what I have heard from trusted people, Kevin and many others, what Lee is saying may not be what it seems. Im not blaming Lee or anything, but I believe the absolute TRUTH must be told here.
We have already lost one honourable friend to this argument.
I agree with letting the host pros only hosting tourneys and actually training trusted judges to host, but still,
I think that something fishy is going on here, and I want to get to the bottom of it so that everyone is treated fairly and no lying occurs.

Basically, what is going on here Lee?
Like, Kevin, I want to know what you are doing here? Is this info true, or is it, according to witnesses, false, as stated by Kevin?

Just to clear things up, Im not pointing the finger of blame upon anybody, but someone already has taken it for no justified, solid reason... (or maybe im wrong).
You are very wrong, taking your friends word against mine will obviously be unfair. What exactly do you mean by what am i doing here. I have been here a very long time and help everyone out, am honest and always had peoples best interests in mind. After all i have done for certain people and this is how i am being treated.... thankyou very much. The UK has always been a very close community much more so than other countries, but people are tearing that apart by making false accusations.
(Oct. 17, 2011  9:23 PM)LeeDraciel Wrote: You are very wrong, taking your friends word against mine will obviously be unfair. What exactly do you mean by what am i doing here. I have been here a very long time and help everyone out, am honest and always had peoples best interests in mind. After all i have done for certain people and this is how i am being treated.... thankyou very much. The UK has always been a very close community much more so than other countries, but people are tearing that apart by making false accusations.
The thing is, I have PMed several people, friends or not, returning the exact same answer.

I am not questioning what you are doing here...

As much good you can bring to a community, it can not constantly hide any negative happenings, life can never be treated in your favour, instead, balanced, and fair.

None of the accusations at all are at all fake. The ones you have made, no clothing under stadium in finals, during the start of finals, declaring no processing, and more are not the ones that sit like crystal in our minds. The witnesses, the actual UK communities' minds.

When we give our Saturdays to play the hobby we so much love, the hobby that makes us pull out of others, the one that makes me pretend I've got too much homework to go elsewhere, I expect what everyone else expects in the outcome of a tournament. It has been set, and it is to be followed, not with the banning of helpless members, and utter crushing of a famous community as you are fully aware of.
Why are you guys being so hard on Lee? He's a nice guy who always does nothing but help everyone in the London blading community. Who are you to say that he didn't want it processed because he'd lose lots of points? He told you that he believed that the stadium used was illegal. Are you really so untrusting to not believe that is his real point of view. Anyway it sounds like it was unlikely to be processed whatever he said. It's not being processed anyway so arguing with each other and creating hard feelings in the UK's close community is pointless at this stage.
(Oct. 17, 2011  9:35 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Why are you guys being so hard on Lee? He's a nice guy who always does nothing but help everyone in the London blading community. Who are you to say that he didn't want it processed because he'd lose lots of points? He told you that he believed that the stadium used was illegal. Are you really so untrusting to not believe that is his real point of view.
You have skimmed over 3% of the argument, please be more observant.

He claimed it legal, then illegal, two-faced switch. Kai-V knows more of this argument I have not mentioned than anyone here.

AS I will say one more time, everyone is thankful for people that do good for the London community, we are all human, and how are people being hard? Can a UK "star" not take his first criticism? That's not being hard. That's being human, giving it, accepting/dealing with it.
So I have a question here: whose BB-10 was it and when this tournament was proposed, did Soul_ mention anything about a BB-10 in his proposal? The host should own their own stadium, first of all. It's a host's job to be prepared. Secondly, if he even thought his stadium might have been questionable, he should have mentioned that in his proposal.

At the remembrance tournament, I did bring a Tornado Attack in case my stadium wasn't acceptable. Even if it wasn't my tournament, I didn't know what Kei had or if he needed a second or third stadium. There should always be a Plan B in any case.
^ Testified brother! Grin (To kevin, btw)

Same thing over here. I wasnt there, so I would not know what happened, but I have heard a lot from the participants about what happened and lead to this "disaster". Yes, a banned member turned up, and that is understandable and ridiculed, but this behaviour shown by Lee described by the UK community present at the tournament is just not right. No accusations are falsely made here. Kevin already made that clear.
We are not trying to go against Lee here, but to improve the circumstances by treating everyone with respect and justice here. Whether ControL_s SouL_ was dealt justly or not, I do not know, but a permanent ban without a CLEAR and accurate reason is just not fair, to him and to everyone else. This tournament is not getting processed and many are unhappy about that. Only Lee thinks that this is ok, while many others are outraged.

I think this must be looked over again to find out what really happened, as I think that Kai-V is listening only to LeeDraciel and not to the many witnesses supporting the opposition.

I have lost a friend to what I think is a unjust cause. Lee still acts like everything is fine and thinks we are treating him unfairly. CS tried to do exactly the same for everyone, giving a good experience, hoping Lee would guide him, as he and Blitz guided me on my first tourney. How do you think CS feels, after being banned?
Think how HE is being treated.

LeeDraciel Wrote:After all i have done for certain people and this is how i am being treated.... thankyou very much
Me thinks this sound a tad selfish... or is it just me?

Deikailo@ I think it was Hell Kid's stadium. Mind you, some of us cannot afford a £35 stadium to be shipped from China or Japan. Soul has very little beyblades himself, and relied on friends and TRUSTED people to bring stadiums. At my tournament, I brought a stadium and two others brought theirs, but surprisingly but understandable) Blitz and Lee did not bring stadiums (but they notified me beforehand, well only Blitz did...).
We should expect these advanced veterans to bring stadiums, as we know they have them and it isnt that hard to bring an extra bag... Amiright?
(Oct. 17, 2011  9:38 PM)ControL_ Wrote:
(Oct. 17, 2011  9:35 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Why are you guys being so hard on Lee? He's a nice guy who always does nothing but help everyone in the London blading community. Who are you to say that he didn't want it processed because he'd lose lots of points? He told you that he believed that the stadium used was illegal. Are you really so untrusting to not believe that is his real point of view.
You have skimmed over 3% of the argument, please be more observant.

He claimed it legal, then illegal, two-faced switch. Kai-V knows more of this argument I have not mentioned than anyone here.

AS I will say one more time, everyone is thankful for people that do good for the London community, we are all human, and how are people being hard? Can a UK "star" not take his first criticism? That's not being hard. That's being human, giving it, accepting/dealing with it.

So he can't change his mind? That seems pretty harsh.
(Oct. 17, 2011  9:43 PM)Deikailo Wrote: So I have a question here: whose BB-10 was it and when this tournament was proposed, did Soul_ mention anything about a BB-10 in his proposal? The host should own their own stadium, first of all. It's a host's job to be prepared. Secondly, if he even thought his stadium might have been questionable, he should have mentioned that in his proposal.

At the remembrance tournament, I did bring a Tornado Attack in case my stadium wasn't acceptable. Even if it wasn't my tournament, I didn't know what Kei had or if he needed a second or third stadium. There should always be a Plan B in any case.
Two hosts.

Hell Kid co host owns the questionable.

SouL_ owns a near-mint BB-10, however, he left it at my house, and has been extremely busy and with both of our businesses, could not collect it, I had an early morning football match, therefore could not pick it up, however Lee told me I did not need to go home to get it as Hell Kid's BB-10 was supplied.

Lee knew Hell Kid's BB-10 was supplied, told me not to bring mine when it was too late anyways.

(Oct. 17, 2011  9:45 PM)Ultrablader Wrote:
(Oct. 17, 2011  9:38 PM)ControL_ Wrote:
(Oct. 17, 2011  9:35 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Why are you guys being so hard on Lee? He's a nice guy who always does nothing but help everyone in the London blading community. Who are you to say that he didn't want it processed because he'd lose lots of points? He told you that he believed that the stadium used was illegal. Are you really so untrusting to not believe that is his real point of view.
You have skimmed over 3% of the argument, please be more observant.

He claimed it legal, then illegal, two-faced switch. Kai-V knows more of this argument I have not mentioned than anyone here.

AS I will say one more time, everyone is thankful for people that do good for the London community, we are all human, and how are people being hard? Can a UK "star" not take his first criticism? That's not being hard. That's being human, giving it, accepting/dealing with it.

So he can't change his mind? That seems pretty harsh.
You of all people should know that changing your mind towards the end of a tournament, is not a good idea, is it not? An hour of playing and simply changing your mind? With power, comes responsibility, he called it legal, he took responsibility.