Lazer's 7th Custom tournament (IMPORTANT: READ THE OP)

Poll: Do you like my custom tournaments?

yes they're awesome XD
Eh kind abut they could be better
No they suck you should stop trying Unhappy
Total: 100% 32 vote(s)
okay here's the brackets looks like 4th time is a charm DK XD same for TBD anyway I'll be doing the video's ASAP but first I havt to put all these combo'd together XD
Yay!!!! The wierd thing is that I have seen blitz b d in another custom tourney 0_o
EDIT: I'm voting for diblee123 so I don't have to face phantom 85mf
This is the first time I got a by in a tournament. IDK if that is going to be good or bad, but we'll see...
Oh yah! You and me Diblee, round 1! Get ready to EAT METAL!

EDIT: Wuh-oh... Phantom 230D is next in line. Confused Unless Blitz B : D happens to win. GO BISHOP!
Awesome, I'm battling a Stamina type Duo combo.

Like I mentioned, Lazer, please be sure to use a sliding shoot with my combo. .

I can't wait for videos. Tongue_out
Oh darn... I just realized, I'm gonna have to get through Phantom 230D, Flash AD145R2F, Synchrom CF to win this thing.

I'm predicting Ryukiba to win... I'm 70% sure. What I can say is that Switchblad3r and Ryukiba are gonna be in the final match. Positive.
I don't think ryukiba can win, a stamina type can beat it with ease
(Nov. 06, 2013  8:30 PM)theblackdragon Wrote: I'm predicting Ryukiba to win... I'm 70% sure. What I can say is that Switchblad3r and Ryukiba are gonna be in the final match. Positive.
That would make sense, but it is impossible. We will end up battling in the semi-finals, but according to the brackets we can't end up in the finals together Unhappy
I see what you are saying though, she beats SP, her combo will go against phantomOrion22, assuming AZL loses and then she goes on to face me (I hope E230 will soften the recoil and his CS will have better stamina)
EDIT: if you can put MF-M on my combo that would be cool Smile
Round 1 part 1 uploading here I'm doing the rest now Tongue_out
Awesome cant wait, blitz will destroy me (sarcasm)
actually I only did AB and C in part 1 part 2 has the rest of round 1 Grin
(Nov. 06, 2013  10:53 PM)Lazer Wrote: actually I only did AB and C in part 1 part 2 has the rest of round 1 Grin

Any ideas when Part 2 will be posted?

Thanks. Grin
(Nov. 06, 2013  8:30 PM)theblackdragon Wrote: Oh darn... I just realized, I'm gonna have to get through Phantom 230D, Flash AD145R2F, Synchrom CF to win this thing.

I'm predicting Ryukiba to win... I'm 70% sure. What I can say is that Switchblad3r and Ryukiba are gonna be in the final match. Positive.

If I get through, I don't think Phantom will win against Flash depending on how skilled he is Tongue_out
The vids up!!!
okay round 1 part 1 is up and part 2 is uploading here

EDIT: it's up!
It doesn't say it is up

EDIT: it's up now!!!! I guess it'll work out ok if my combo is a t-staller, I'm not sure Uncertain
Woo, I moved on. Good battle, Madness.

Can't wait for round 2, any ideas when it'll be up?

Thanks, and as always- good job on this one, Lazer. Grin
I can't wait for mine and TBD's battle, it's gonna be phantom vs phantom and t staller vs t staller
Lazer, your RDF is aggressive! That was a cool battle against StrikerPhantom!Grin way to go bro, you move on to the next round!👍
Just checked and I have a legit chance to make it to the finals
Yah baby! Phantom MF for the win! Grin

What did I tell yah?
So much hate on my poor Hasbro combo .. Unhappy

We'll get um next time blitz!!
Round 2 is uploading here I'll do the semi-finals tommorrow Grin and thanks everone Tongue_out
Awesome I can't wait to see mine and TBD's battle!!!!!!
It's up! I'm going to do the Semi-Finals and Finals and update the brackets again tomorrow Grin