
Jimmy Zeutron 2: Blast from the Past

  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (PA)
FDR Park
1800 Pattison Ave
  Near the baseball diamonds, across the street from the skate park.
12:00 PM on 03/16/2019
Hosted by
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Most official Beyblade Burst gear can be used.

View Rulebook

One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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5 cash

The WBO is a volunteer, fan-run organization.
About the WBO

Who is ready for PA's first Burst Classic tournament? Because the format is still in its trial stages, this event will not be ranked, but still come out to try the new format, especially if you're itching to play with Beyblades that actually burst again. Most of the standard rules for Burst Format apply, but there are a few additional rules that I strongly encourage you to read up on before attending.

PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A BURST CLASSIC FORMAT TOURNAMENT. THAT MEANS SOME PARTS ARE BANNED. Check out the banlist, as well as additional rules about the format, in the first post of this thread.

Location: FDR Park, near the baseball diamonds and across the street from the skate park.
[Image: gi7WvaT.jpg]
(shoutout to Jimmyjazz39 for the map)

Participant L-word: (45)
Ardmore Bladers (Passport)
bladekid (Passport)
Overhauled (like 3 passports)
Common Pickle (Passport)
LazerBeamz (Passport)
NatedogPhilly (Passport)
DeceasedCrab (Passport)
phantom blade
YamiPoyoChan (Passport)
Trizzy15 (Passport)
RequiemBlader2 (Passport)

Eriel bigmuffin
Free man
BeyBreaker Boi

If you can make it to the event, make sure you post here and click the blue "Join Tournament" button at the top of the page!

Guardian Kerbeus Fire Dog Ver.
Spriggan Heavy Defense
Spryzen S2 Limited Variable
Ifritor I2 Infinity Zephyr Betromoth B2 Down Liner

Side Notes
Please be aware of your belongings: We'd advise users to please, please look after your stuff. While yes this is a Beyblade tournament and we're not suggesting that any of us would attempt to take each other's stuff it is still happening at a public venue where other people (who may not be so friendly) are going to be present as well. Of course, if you see a personal belonging lying around bring it up any of the judges so we can return it to the right person. Your co-operation is appreciated!

All players must arrive on-time: Registration will begin at 11:00 AM. The tournament will begin promptly at 12:00 PM and is expected to run for about 4 hours, though if there is a large turnout it may take longer. Please plan accordingly. If you do not arrive at the scheduled start time, you risk being excluded from the tournament. The software we use to run our events–Challonge–does not allow us to add in extra participants once the tournament has started.

If you know in advance that you will be late, please post in this thread or contact someone at the event and depending on the circumstances we can perhaps still include you if we know you will arrive soon.

All questions about this tournament may be asked in this thread.

Need-to-Know Information

1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.

Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.

Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

Link to classic format allowed parts spreadsheet:

I see there's a parking lot near the two football (soccer) fields the tournament will be on. Those... those are some depressing looking fields, at least on Google maps. Also I'm surprised KJ is going this far south for it, that's a heck of a drive!

Time for me to figure out some more effective Classic combos.
Just to add, I definitely want to go, but I'm not 100% confirmed yet haha.
(Mar. 01, 2019  4:54 AM)kjrules17 Wrote: Just to add, I definitely want to go, but I'm not 100% confirmed yet haha.

Lets hope man, looking forward to possibly seeing you there.

Not gonna lie m8, that's one hella gucci name.
I really want to go but I don’t like burst classic because I think it makes all the stuff that made BEYBLADE interesting was throw away for more bursting
Ps I’m sorry if this made anyone mad
(Mar. 02, 2019  3:45 AM)Sebas2000 Wrote: I really want to go but I don’t like burst  classic because I think it makes all the stuff that made BEYBLADE interesting was throw away for more bursting
Ps I’m sorry if this made anyone mad

Not mad really, just confused. What you wrote didn't make a lot of sense.
(Mar. 02, 2019  3:45 AM)Sebas2000 Wrote: I really want to go but I don’t like burst  classic because I think it makes all the stuff that made BEYBLADE interesting was throw away for more bursting
Ps I’m sorry if this made anyone mad

I'd still encourage you to come out if you really want to go! Aside from DeceasedCrab no one who's signed up for this tournament has tried Classic yet, so who knows, you might end up liking it if you try it. I'll have a few combos people can borrow if they need, as well as a few classic-legal Beyblades for sale, so you don't need to worry if you don't have any parts you can use. It's also an unranked tournament, so even if you do badly, it won't affect your points at all.

At the end of the day, regardless of the format, it's a choice between going to a Beyblade tournament or not going to a Beyblade tournament. And I dunno about you, but if I could go to a Beyblade tournament I wouldn't want to miss out on it.
I will confirm that the Classic tournament I went to was a lot of fun. I enjoyed seeing a whole new meta of burst beys (for the first time in my case, because I started in November) and it was cool to see more bursting and different parts. BeyBlade is very different with core disks and frames removed, and you still have a ton of driver options from Cho-Z and earlier.

Go ahead and deprive yourself of a Beyblade tournament if you want. The rest of us will enjoy 3 2 1 go shooting and letting one rip. Grin

As a reminder, I made a spreadsheet with all the banned/unbanned parts in it. Use this as a reference, let me know if anything's wrong.
May be interested. Checking schedule. Thanks for hosting!
Well hopefully I actually go
to the finals

My username used to be strikeboltz
I wish I could use chou z beys
I might be come

Sorry mistyped

I might come
no Sr Bearing to get shreked against this time lol
(Mar. 03, 2019  5:46 PM)Ardmore Bladers Wrote: no Sr Bearing to get shreked against this time lol
Or hS.5B.At. lol
sounds good im a maybe
(Mar. 03, 2019  5:46 PM)Ardmore Bladers Wrote: no Sr Bearing to get shreked against this time lol

lmao yeah
All I look forward to in the prizes are guardian ke4beus fire dog because of the revolve
does anyone have an extra revolve or orbit that they can sell me at the tournament. I'll do $10-15 for both.
I do have an extra Hasbro orbit, but it has an extremely weak spring. You don't want to buy that one. Get yourself a fresh Anubion A2 if you want a Hasbro Orbit, it's strong and Anubion A2 is not terrible.
(Mar. 04, 2019  3:55 AM)DeceasedCrab Wrote: I do have an extra Hasbro orbit, but it has an extremely weak spring. You don't want to buy that one. Get yourself a fresh Anubion A2 if you want a Hasbro Orbit, it's strong and Anubion A2 is not terrible.

ok thx
Any combo suggestions
(Mar. 02, 2019  6:59 PM)RaitonXDBlader Wrote: Well hopefully I actually go
to the finals

My username used to be strikeboltz

I remember that username from the CRASH tournament last August, is this you?

Technically, you aren't allowed to have 2 WBO accounts, so I would PM @[~Mana~] and see about getting them merged together.

(Mar. 04, 2019  4:34 AM)phantom blade Wrote: Any combo suggestions

What all parts do you have? I would post them here, so people can give you suggestions.
What order are the prides in or does first and second take all
So will there be both hasbro and takara tomy ?
Many TT and Hasbro parts are allowed in the tournament, but many are not. You Need to read and understand the rules of the Burst Classic format linked in the tournament post.

At a previous tournament I went to there were a lot of both. I used mostly Hasbro myself. Keep in mind layers banned in one manufacture might not be banned in the other.