[Illinois/Chicago, USA] Calling Illinois/Chicago Bladers

Poll: Would you attend a qualifier for the WBO North American Championship on Sunday April 28th?

Yes, I'm free and will go!
No, that's a bad day for me.
Total: 100% 25 vote(s)
I really hope the best for you all, Fury hold's good tourney's though.
(Dec. 24, 2012  6:59 PM)scout25 Wrote: NewBlader115, we would be pleased of you could come. Coach and madokas spirit, are you guys coming? And coach, since we have enough, (and if you are coming,) you want to propose it? I'm sooo very excited!

Edit: unfortunately, I will be out of state on Saturday. Any chance that we can do another day?

Huh? How do you have enough, I've seen 2 people say they MIGHT BE ABLE TO come... that's FAR from a confirmation... also I love the fact you didn't even pay attention that you'd be out of town. and Madoka's Spirit DOESNT BLADE UNLESS SHE HAS TO, Wyatt V2 is the main blader... I said Dec 22 and I'd need 9 confirmed by the 16th which never happened. I never said anything about the 29th in Chicago... I think I'm going to wait till the weather gets better before I try a tournament again. not only is it hard to get indoor sites, kids aren't looking for tournaments right now either...

Don't mean to sound like I'm raining on your parade, but this is no different than where you were 3 weeks ago...
I probably can come. When is the day?
We don't have one. But I think it would be best to have it during the scavenger hunt period
What do u mean by scavenger hunt period
Before the scavenger hunt ends
well it should be within the winter break period gives us more diversity but we need to publish it soon
Yah. I'll be out of state until Wednesday.
well then we will need to propose it by wendsday
Who's coming?
Lets see


That's 10. I just pm'ed them all. If any of you who have a question mark see this, post what days you are available.
never said i was coming and relax your taking it way to seriously pms and all
(Dec. 28, 2012  7:16 AM)facade Wrote: well it should be within the winter break period gives us more diversity but we need to publish it soon
Using the term "we" suggests that you would be able to attend...anyway, if anyone can or cant come then please post giving your answer.

Seriously theres no date suggested and you said youll be gone till Weds. The scavenger hunt ends Monday Dec 31.... correct?
The scavenger hunt ends January 4th 2013.

Also, for the tourny it does not seem like we will able to get enough confirmed people for one in the scavenger period. There is no more weekends to have it on anyway. I think it would be better to wait until later for a tourny.
I won't be gone, scout25 will...and there is another weekend. Eh, I don't think it's possible but you never know...
The last weekend is tomorrow, if I am not mistaken. January 4th is a Friday.
Ah. I was thinking January 8th for some reason XD
Looks like you could use some help with your tournament.
I think that would be very helpful. Although I am out of state, I will still be check the WBO, so anything that you discuss here I will still be a part of. Lets not give up hope and try to get this tourney together in time. Fury, could you come too? Also, I pm'ed the people who said they might come. We will have to see. Never give up hope!
how about we start by actually picking a day before people even consider coming or not.
Oh yeah. If fury's coming, I'm coming for sure. I also need to test out the new Flash Sagittario I got for Christmas. Thus will seriously be awesome. Can't wait.
What about Friday? Would that still be considered in the period? I'll ask.

Also, kaihiwatari5673, I know what you mean. I got an intimate dx set, killer peafowl and screw fox.
Tell me what you have so far. Who is hosting, date, time, place. After that i can gather people.
Friday, whatever time, oak park (the Park) in niles, no one is actually hosting, look at my previous posts to see who might be coming. I am very appreciative of your help.
Seriously no hoster? Lets start over, this seems really unorganized, we cant have it in Niles unless there is a indoor area. Niles is not possible, it can be snowy and freezing out. You guys have a backup or should i find a place, getting a tournament verified takes a couple days so we seriously need to be fast with this