Well, I finally found Caynox C3, Lunior L3, and Spryzen Requiem at my local Meijer store and got them all (leaving behind Regulus, because Regulus just sucks). Lunior worked as expected, and seems pretty tight overall. Spryzen and Caynox? Not so much.
The Bearing I got with Caynox has a bent shaft, which means it moves all over the place. It's still not too bad as far as LAD is concerned, but it also never really gets a stable spin, which hinders its Stamina early.
Spryzen Requiem seems a bit... too tight, I think is the best way to put it. I tried putting Zeta on it right off the bat, and it slipped off once it was on all the way. I tried a great many tries to even get the driver into the layer to begin with, and even then I was still left trying to figure out why screwing it on all the way somehow made it fall off. Apparently all my attempts to put a driver on had switched it to left-spin mode, and switching to left-spin mode and trying to put it on that way returned it to right-spin mode. It took literally holding the mechanism in place to finally get the driver on.
Spryzen Requiem's one of the happier problems to have, but I really wish this Bearing wasn't so borked up.
Cincinnati-based Organizer, and owner of every single currently released TT Burst bey part in at least one color. Hard to think of anything I don't have from MFB either...