i know this is an old topic but reading some of the things about the 00 dub cast on here wanted to point this out
Sumeragi english voice = Murrue Ramius english voice
Terira english voice = Athrun Zala English voice
Fledt = Lacus Clyne english voice
theres heaps more that are terrible bad like you know the voice as charathers from gundam seed/destiny without changing the voice what so ever.
Although with gundam 00 english dub i quite like Brad Swalie doing setsuna since his voice is hugely diffrent compared to some of the other gundam charathers he has done. Although his Wing role and Moblie suit gundam roles are quite simalar you can see that this voice actor has gotten alot better over the years.
Since he did dearker in gundam seed i normaly pick up on voice actors who have played other roles but didnt pick up on this at all since he changed his voice.Although at points in 00 Brad Sawlie as Setsuna saying the word "god" does sound alot like when he was doing light from deathnote but imo he pulled setsuna off well its just a shame the rest of the dub was either average or horrible.
Sumeragi english voice = Murrue Ramius english voice
Terira english voice = Athrun Zala English voice
Fledt = Lacus Clyne english voice
theres heaps more that are terrible bad like you know the voice as charathers from gundam seed/destiny without changing the voice what so ever.
Although with gundam 00 english dub i quite like Brad Swalie doing setsuna since his voice is hugely diffrent compared to some of the other gundam charathers he has done. Although his Wing role and Moblie suit gundam roles are quite simalar you can see that this voice actor has gotten alot better over the years.
Since he did dearker in gundam seed i normaly pick up on voice actors who have played other roles but didnt pick up on this at all since he changed his voice.Although at points in 00 Brad Sawlie as Setsuna saying the word "god" does sound alot like when he was doing light from deathnote but imo he pulled setsuna off well its just a shame the rest of the dub was either average or horrible.