I guess i will be the only one with a plastic generation design. everyone seems to be doing mfb designs.
Face Contest: Design a Beyblade, Space-Style!
No, you are not the only one with a plastic design. Some people have said that they will do Plastics/HMS while an entry of Plastics has already been posted.
i'm doing a plastic bey, i'm not going to post it without pics cause i already got a warning, but i'd like to say alot of these designs are really interesting, i didn't know this many uknowns could turn out such good ideas, and coaster, you won't win with that attitude! you got to believe in yourself
Jeez you guys, stop predicting winners. Not only do you make the people who posted feel bad, but it's not even close to the deadline. Look at the other contests and you'll see that many excellent entries were posted probably only a day or even on the deadline.
(Aug. 21, 2011 1:56 PM)Xyo Wrote: Nova BlitzHO145XRF
Metal Wheel:Legend has it that it was created from the residue of a star that exploded which is Nova. Nova has thin blades which causes high recoil for more attack it is also perfectly symmetrical although with that much recoil it is designed it would KO itself in battle so its has to be used with XRF and MF-H its underside has 3 dents which is compatible with HO145Spoiler (Click to View)
That looks quite similar to Vulcan. Nevertheless, I'm diggin' that bey !
I agree, i remember when people were commenting on beys, and mine was left out last time, if you really want people to try hard you have to make people feel confident
Name: Seniel hatakashi
Nationality: American
Personality: Energetic, Friendly, Loyal, and Good humored, tempered
Age: 12
Team: none
Bey: Gravitate Pegasus (or spaţiu) AMGB 159 (Armored Magnetic Gravity Bowl) CS
Nationality: American
Personality: Energetic, Friendly, Loyal, and Good humored, tempered
Age: 12
Team: none
Bey: Gravitate Pegasus (or spaţiu) AMGB 159 (Armored Magnetic Gravity Bowl) CS
You're supposed to draw it...
I'm uploading mine now, and I'll be sure to post it ASAP
It isn't that good XD
I'm uploading mine now, and I'll be sure to post it ASAP

It isn't that good XD
Thank CurlyMagic im glad some people like it

(Aug. 22, 2011 11:35 PM)Dragon_Pegasus Wrote: Name: Seniel hatakashi
Nationality: American
Personality: Energetic, Friendly, Loyal, and Good humored, tempered
Age: 12
Team: none
Bey: Gravitate Pegasus (or spaţiu) AMGB 159 (Armored Magnetic Gravity Bowl) CS
what are you doing?
(Aug. 14, 2011 5:38 PM)Jacksonian Wrote: Name: Kastu Katsume
Nationality: American
Personality: Energetic, Friendly, Loyal, and Good humored
Age: 15
Team: none
Bey: Lunar Raven (or Corus) AMGB 155 (Armored Magnetic Gravity Bowl) CS
Alright, so here's mine. With a little bit of a name change than what I had previously planned it to be:
This face depicts an asteroid, one of the several 'rocks' in space.
This clear wheel is four sided, which you would think gives it great balance with metal wheels with an even number of sides. It's diameter is smaller than most clear wheels, but it makes up for it in its weight, weighing the same as the commonly used Bull CW. There are three depressions on each of it's four 'wings', which are randomly placed, giving an unstable wobble when matched with certain metal wheels. The fact that each of the four wings are of a slightly different size and shape, this causes it to be even more unbalanced. This CW is not recommended for serious use, unless Bull, Aquario, Cancer, or Kerbecs are all unavailable.
This metal wheel has seven sides, something you do not see very often. This metal wheel is much like the Rock metal wheel, with 7 protrusions, instead of six. On each 'wing', there are two orange triangular designs, that are set further within the metal wheel than most designs. This gives this metal wheel tremendous recoil. The fact that this metal wheel also has seven sides, makes it near impossible to find the right clear wheel for this metal wheel, causing any bey utilizing Orbit terrible unbalance. That, and its recoil, makes this a near worthless metal wheel.
Defense 125 is similar to 125 and Tornado 125. Apart from the shifts in weight distribution and air resistance, there are few notable differences. The ring serves no significant defensive purposes. The track’s relatively low height prevents the opponent’s Bey from making any sort of consistent contact. D125 is an outclassed track for Stamina and Defense Customizations. This specific D125 is orange in color.
Metal Wide Defense, as its name implies, is essentially a metal Wide Defense bottom. The fact that it is near the exact same gives this bottom just as much stamina as the original WD. This bottom resolves what MS had problems with, fixing it's balance problems, essentially. The fact that there is slightly less friction with metal than there is with plastic and rubber, this gives MWD a longer spin rate, but it is slightly easier to KO (?).
This bey has a lot left to be desired. The only reason anyone should buy this bey is for D125 and MWD, but D125 comes in a much better bey, Ray Unicorno. So, this leaves MWD the only reason for anyone to purchase this blade. Though this bey has near to no use,every stamina enthusiast should own this beyblade.
On a side note, all of this was done with a pencil and colored pencils
I also decided to make a bey that would be horrible, instead of taking the easy way out and making 'AN UNSTOPPABLE, OHMYGAWD, I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE TO FACE THIS' type bey.
Astro Face (Click to View)
Astro CW 3.g (Click to View)
Orbit MW 35.4g (Click to View)
D125 Track (Click to View)
MWD (Click to View)
This bey has a lot left to be desired. The only reason anyone should buy this bey is for D125 and MWD, but D125 comes in a much better bey, Ray Unicorno. So, this leaves MWD the only reason for anyone to purchase this blade. Though this bey has near to no use,every stamina enthusiast should own this beyblade.
On a side note, all of this was done with a pencil and colored pencils

I also decided to make a bey that would be horrible, instead of taking the easy way out and making 'AN UNSTOPPABLE, OHMYGAWD, I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE TO FACE THIS' type bey.
Very nice Coasters, I like the CW design

I'm gonna enter, be ready
, I don't have a scanner though so I will use my phone camera.

Very nice, CRU. I'll have to change my tip AGAIN. *sigh* oh well...
Your bey, except for D125, is very good.
By the way, can we use compass to draw?
By the way, can we use compass to draw?
^ Of course. You can use whatever tools to draw it.
Are we allowed to have two pages of the beyblade as long as it is the same Beyblade?
And also can I share what I want to do for my beyblade before I post my picture?
And yes I did read the first post in case there is something there that answers my questions.
And also can I share what I want to do for my beyblade before I post my picture?
And yes I did read the first post in case there is something there that answers my questions.
^ People have done different views of there beyblade before so I guess if it is the same beyblade I can't see why not. In response to your second question don't say anything until you post it. You don't need to do it before hand and it is very unlikely someone will steal your idea before you post it.
korji you can't post like a description, or they will think that is your entry, but you could probably say what it was
Hi everyone, I decided to enter as well (it's also my first time entering a contest.) I worked real hard on this and am happy with the results (although I'm not sure if i'll win, since there are many better artists than me.) Well, here it is.
Bey: Blaze Meteor S125UF/MS
Rough Copy- http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5569/...opyspa.jpg
Face- http://imageshack.us/f/13/facecontestpartface.jpg/
Clear Wheel- http://imageshack.us/f/685/facecontestpartclearwhe.jpg/
Metal Wheel- http://imageshack.us/f/202/facecontestpart4dmetalw.jpg/
Track- http://imageshack.us/f/94/facecontestparttrack.jpg/
Bottom- http://imageshack.us/f/705/facecontestpartbottom.jpg/
Fully Assembeled- http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/3838/...ledbey.jpg
Now a discription for each part:
Face: The face shows a smirking meteor travelling the starry galaxies of space.
Clear Wheel: Meteor is a oval -shaped clear Wheel with black craters, just like a real meteor. The colour of the clear wheel is grey. Because of it's oval shape, it has an unbalanced weight distribution to the rest of the bey when spinning.
Metal Wheel: Blaze,a 4D wheel. Flip the Metal Frame to alter from left sping mode to right spin mode.
Track: A 125 track with a 'star gimmick' that is suppose to stabilize the bey when spinning. The gimmick is simmilar to Down Force 145, but is at a 125 height and ALWAYS works.( So Sliding Shoot effects won't work, and it cancels the unbalanced weight distribution.)
Bottom: In Flat mode, It takes up the full diametre of a regular bottom. I has a hole in the middle for the Metal Sharp to come out.With such a diametre, it is uncontrolable and runs out of stamina very quickly. No wonder it's called 'Ultra Flat'! In sharp mode, it has a Metal Sharp in the very middle. Even though it has poor balance issues, it can be balanced with the S125 track. To switch modes, it has a mechanism simmilar to HF/S.
Overall: This bey is okay, but but has a couple of outclassed parts. The clear wheel is very unbalanced, so it doesn't have any use for stamina and defence. The metal Wheel has some smash, but was outclassed by vulcan's right spin smash, lightning's left spin smash, and Gravity Perseus's smash. The Bottom's only unique abillity is a ten second spin rate due to flat mode, and a taller version of metal sharp, whiich is bad. There is little to no reason to buy this bey, unless you're a stamina/ defence fan. The reason is because the Track, star 125 is a perfected version of DF145 anf T125. It also weighs a little over BD145, making it a good defensive part for mid- height defence and mid- height stamina. If you're an attack fan, ignor this bey and move on, unless you're interested in the design of the face.
So this is my bey, everyone. I worked really hard on the designs yesterday(it took me hours to finnish the rough copy.) and am really happy from the results of my work. Even if I don't win, I can be happy that I did my best and this work made me a better artist than I was 2 days ago, so I can be ready for the next Face designing contest!
Bey: Blaze Meteor S125UF/MS
Rough Copy- http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5569/...opyspa.jpg
Face- http://imageshack.us/f/13/facecontestpartface.jpg/
Clear Wheel- http://imageshack.us/f/685/facecontestpartclearwhe.jpg/
Metal Wheel- http://imageshack.us/f/202/facecontestpart4dmetalw.jpg/
Track- http://imageshack.us/f/94/facecontestparttrack.jpg/
Bottom- http://imageshack.us/f/705/facecontestpartbottom.jpg/
Fully Assembeled- http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/3838/...ledbey.jpg
Now a discription for each part:
Face: The face shows a smirking meteor travelling the starry galaxies of space.
Clear Wheel: Meteor is a oval -shaped clear Wheel with black craters, just like a real meteor. The colour of the clear wheel is grey. Because of it's oval shape, it has an unbalanced weight distribution to the rest of the bey when spinning.
Metal Wheel: Blaze,a 4D wheel. Flip the Metal Frame to alter from left sping mode to right spin mode.
Track: A 125 track with a 'star gimmick' that is suppose to stabilize the bey when spinning. The gimmick is simmilar to Down Force 145, but is at a 125 height and ALWAYS works.( So Sliding Shoot effects won't work, and it cancels the unbalanced weight distribution.)
Bottom: In Flat mode, It takes up the full diametre of a regular bottom. I has a hole in the middle for the Metal Sharp to come out.With such a diametre, it is uncontrolable and runs out of stamina very quickly. No wonder it's called 'Ultra Flat'! In sharp mode, it has a Metal Sharp in the very middle. Even though it has poor balance issues, it can be balanced with the S125 track. To switch modes, it has a mechanism simmilar to HF/S.
Overall: This bey is okay, but but has a couple of outclassed parts. The clear wheel is very unbalanced, so it doesn't have any use for stamina and defence. The metal Wheel has some smash, but was outclassed by vulcan's right spin smash, lightning's left spin smash, and Gravity Perseus's smash. The Bottom's only unique abillity is a ten second spin rate due to flat mode, and a taller version of metal sharp, whiich is bad. There is little to no reason to buy this bey, unless you're a stamina/ defence fan. The reason is because the Track, star 125 is a perfected version of DF145 anf T125. It also weighs a little over BD145, making it a good defensive part for mid- height defence and mid- height stamina. If you're an attack fan, ignor this bey and move on, unless you're interested in the design of the face.
So this is my bey, everyone. I worked really hard on the designs yesterday(it took me hours to finnish the rough copy.) and am really happy from the results of my work. Even if I don't win, I can be happy that I did my best and this work made me a better artist than I was 2 days ago, so I can be ready for the next Face designing contest!
Good try MusicBeyblader...Really a good one...although the parts (as in the description) seem to be outclassed yet the drawing is good
quite like the idea of it, these designs are getting better
(Aug. 23, 2011 5:07 PM)MusicBeyblader Wrote: Hi everyone, I decided to enter as well (it's also my first time entering a contest.) I worked real hard on this and am happy with the results (although I'm not sure if i'll win, since there are many better artists than me.) Well, here it is.
Bey: Blaze Meteor S125UF/MS
Rough Copy- http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5569/...opyspa.jpg
Face- http://imageshack.us/f/13/facecontestpartface.jpg/
Clear Wheel- http://imageshack.us/f/685/facecontestpartclearwhe.jpg/
Metal Wheel- http://imageshack.us/f/202/facecontestpart4dmetalw.jpg/
Track- http://imageshack.us/f/94/facecontestparttrack.jpg/
Bottom- http://imageshack.us/f/705/facecontestpartbottom.jpg/
Fully Assembeled- http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/3838/...ledbey.jpg
Now a discription for each part:
Face: The face shows a smirking meteor travelling the starry galaxies of space.
Clear Wheel: Meteor is a oval -shaped clear Wheel with black craters, just like a real meteor. The colour of the clear wheel is grey. Because of it's oval shape, it has an unbalanced weight distribution to the rest of the bey when spinning.
Metal Wheel: Blaze,a 4D wheel. Flip the Metal Frame to alter from left sping mode to right spin mode.
Track: A 125 track with a 'star gimmick' that is suppose to stabilize the bey when spinning. The gimmick is simmilar to Down Force 145, but is at a 125 height and ALWAYS works.( So Sliding Shoot effects won't work, and it cancels the unbalanced weight distribution.)
Bottom: In Flat mode, It takes up the full diametre of a regulat bottom. I has a hole in the middle for the Metal Sharp to come out.With such a diametre, it is uncontrolable and runs out of stamina very quickly. No wonder it's called 'Ultra Flat'! In sharp mode, it has a Metal Sharp in the very middle. Even though it has poor balance issues, it can be balanced with the S125 track. To switch modes, it has a mechanism simmilar to HF/S.
Overall: This bey is okay, but but has a couple of outclassed parts. The clear wheel is very unbalanced, so it doesn't have any use for stamina and defence. The metal Wheel has some smash, but was outclassed by vulcan's right spin smash, lightning's left spin smash, and Gravity Perseus's smash. The Bottom's only unique abillity is a ten second spin rte due to flat mode, and a taller version of metal sharp, whiich is bad. There is little to no reason to buy this bey, unless you're a stamina/ defence fan. The reason is because the Track, star 125 is a perfected version of DF145 anf T125. It also weighs a little over BD145, making it a good defensive part for mid- height defence and mid- height stamina. If you're an attack fan, ignor this bey and move on, unless you're interested in the design of the face.
So this is my bey, everyone. I worked really hard on the designs yesterday(it took me hours to finnish the rough copy.) and am really happy from the results of my work. Even if I don't win, I can be happy that I did my best and this work made me a better artist than I was 2 days ago, so I can be ready for the next Face designing contest!
its really good the only thing i dont get is why does it have a spin track if it has a 4d bottom?other than that its great
It's not a 4D bottom.
You shouldn't really quote that whole post just to say that.
You shouldn't really quote that whole post just to say that.