*sigh* I guess I'll re-upload tomorrow. Hopefully the audio/video syncing problem will be fixed by then.
Face Contest: Create a Video to EARTHBEND's "Too Many Stars"!
lol, good luck with it xD
DUH,I really wish i could of used this as an entry 

lol. nah, 2 problems with that. it doesn't use the song and it would have gave the judges seizures. XD
(Apr. 27, 2011 5:17 AM)Bladestar20 Wrote: DUH,I really wish i could of used this as an entry
It's like Electric Soldier Porygon all over again...
srry if this is spam but wat is this is it that u can win a blader pass?
lol, i made the vid
, can someone put my name up on the list?

(Apr. 27, 2011 5:19 AM)Sky Prince Wrote: lol. nah, 2 problems with that. it doesn't use the song and it would have gave the judges seizures. XD
I would have used the song

Nano,hah yeah

Cant wait for the results!!!
Gwarsh, I don't stand a chance. Though it was a good video for my standards, you guys are too good!
Gud luck 2 all the contestants...only 3 more days to go.......Best of luck u guys........
, good luck guys

One question, will the videos be rated on picture quality also?
One question, will the videos be rated on picture quality also?
(Apr. 27, 2011 8:14 PM)HorogiumX Wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZu-5HPkr3o
One question, will the videos be rated on picture quality also?
Nice! I love how you did the OMG in the end. I'm not sure about your question though... Sorry.
It depends. We understand that some video-editing programs unfortunately lower the video quality a lot, however, at the same time, everyone has access to very high quality videos from Metal Fight Beyblade.
kai-v, u plan on updating the list? a lot of people posted videos. (just making sure if ur keeping track). :3
I am, do not worry. Plus, it is not because I do not update the list that the videos submitted recently are not taken into account, of course.
I might actually try to win this. Wonder how fast I can learn Adobe Premiere.
The committee is going to have this song playing in their heads for DAYS.