At one point. Then Duo came along. Then Flash.
Death Discussion
Janstarblast: I don't know what the big deal is with B : D and Koing... it can actually pull some higher win rates against attackers than WD. I posted tests on it in the B : D discussion, and flash got a lower win rate against it than it did against AD145WD. 
Everyone is saying that B : D can be KOed WAY too easily to even be used on anything. Though it can be OSed pretty frequently by W145WD because of its awkward height, could someone please direct me to the standard formatted tests that demonstrate B : D's incredibly-low-outclassed-by-WD-gets-KOed-by-air defensive properties? 'Cause I haven't seen them yet.
UGottaCetus: Death has quite a bit less stamina in attack mode. Earth can OS it
. Meow!'s Death Escolpio 90RF pulled some impressive KOs on video, but I don't think it would be able to KO stamina any higher than that.

Everyone is saying that B : D can be KOed WAY too easily to even be used on anything. Though it can be OSed pretty frequently by W145WD because of its awkward height, could someone please direct me to the standard formatted tests that demonstrate B : D's incredibly-low-outclassed-by-WD-gets-KOed-by-air defensive properties? 'Cause I haven't seen them yet.
UGottaCetus: Death has quite a bit less stamina in attack mode. Earth can OS it

On the topic of Death OSing defenders-
Today my brother and a friend were just doing some fun competitive battles, using WBO rules and such. (aka unofficial WBO tournament without 8 people lol) I was facing my friend. We did double blind pick. He selected Death Aquario AD145 WD, to my Revizer Killerken E230 CS.
First round: I KO'd him.
Second round: I OS him.
Third round: I OS him.
3-0, I won.
Today my brother and a friend were just doing some fun competitive battles, using WBO rules and such. (aka unofficial WBO tournament without 8 people lol) I was facing my friend. We did double blind pick. He selected Death Aquario AD145 WD, to my Revizer Killerken E230 CS.
First round: I KO'd him.
Second round: I OS him.
Third round: I OS him.
3-0, I won.
Equally strange stuff has happened in the past at tournaments. We can't just assume Scythe is good for Attack because it KO'd a Basalt Defense combo. We need test results to reach conclusions.

OK, here ya go:
Beylauncher with Rubber and 3 Seg. Grip
Launches Rotated
Ties Redone
MF-F Death Sagittario 2 W145 WD vs Revizer Killerken E230(Lower) CS
Death: 1 Win(KO)
Killerken: 19 Wins(18 OS, 1 KO)
1 Tie
Death Win Rate: 5%
I have no clue how Death KO'd it. Lol
Beylauncher with Rubber and 3 Seg. Grip
Launches Rotated
Ties Redone
MF-F Death Sagittario 2 W145 WD vs Revizer Killerken E230(Lower) CS
Death: 1 Win(KO)
Killerken: 19 Wins(18 OS, 1 KO)
1 Tie
Death Win Rate: 5%
I have no clue how Death KO'd it. Lol
Thanks for the tests!
So was Revizer Force Smashing or destabilizing Death? That's the only way I could imagine it losing to such a Defense combo, especially considering the height match up.
So was Revizer Force Smashing or destabilizing Death? That's the only way I could imagine it losing to such a Defense combo, especially considering the height match up.
@ shinobuXD could you try that test again with cygnus or hades on death
Sorry, don't have either. I don't it'll make much if a difference though.
@Insomniac: E230's disk was grinding Death's stamina down. E230 also seemed to be getting under Death sometimes, which caused it to be destabilized.
@Insomniac: E230's disk was grinding Death's stamina down. E230 also seemed to be getting under Death sometimes, which caused it to be destabilized.
do you think th170 could get past the e230 disk i would test myself but i dont have a revizer nor e230
Death th170 could destablilize iT SOME, but nevertheless got OS'd almost every time.
hmm shocking but true this interesting
(Jun. 24, 2013 9:17 PM)Insomniac Wrote: Thanks for the tests!
So was Revizer Force Smashing or destabilizing Death? That's the only way I could imagine it losing to such a Defense combo, especially considering the height match up.
The disc of E230 could have been making constant contact, like under Death (If you know what I mean) And it literally ground away at it's stamina. Synchroms have unusual stamina -.-
Has anybody seen the Death (Attack mode) Escolpio 90RF thread? it seems like a good custom!
It is a good custom!
Death just has a problem with force smash/grinding from taller combos. Just like Duo does sometimes.

As well as stamina, attackers, and anti-attackers.
Well yah, top-tier ones.
Duo can't take out tall defense combos like that because it can't take force smash like other metal wheels. I don't see why you're so, so pitted against death. It's pretty obvious that it shouldn't be on the top-tier list for its ability against conventional right-spin stamina types, but it can take on defense combos pretty well, and does much better against spin equalizers than anything else. It has passable stamina anyway. It can OS basalt, and sometimes phantom. It has plenty enough to OS defense. Though Duo is a better choice in most situations, I don't see why you think death is so bad... it can definitely pull its own weight, IMO.

Here's why I hate it so much-
Launches Rotated
Beylauncher with 3 Seg Grip and Launcher Rubber
Death Gasher W145 WD vs Revizer Killerken BD145 CS
Death: 1 Win(OS)
Killerken: 9 Wins(All OS)
1 Tie
Death Win Rate: 10%
Not only does it lose to Synchrom E230, it also loses to Synchrom BD145, both on defensive setups.
Launches Rotated
Beylauncher with 3 Seg Grip and Launcher Rubber
Death Gasher W145 WD vs Revizer Killerken BD145 CS
Death: 1 Win(OS)
Killerken: 9 Wins(All OS)
1 Tie
Death Win Rate: 10%
Not only does it lose to Synchrom E230, it also loses to Synchrom BD145, both on defensive setups.
I have personally never seen it lose to something like that.
maybe there are mold variations or something like that...

I've owned two Deaths(sold the other recently), and the one I'm using now does better than the one I sold.
Not to question your tests, but you seem to have a vendetta against death, I'll have the same test up in like 10 minutes
Beylauncher R with launcher grip
Launches rotated
Death Cancer W145WD: 10 wins all is
Revizer Killerken BD145CS: 0 wins
These weren't even close, I have no idea how you got the results you did
Beylauncher R with launcher grip
Launches rotated
Death Cancer W145WD: 10 wins all is
Revizer Killerken BD145CS: 0 wins
These weren't even close, I have no idea how you got the results you did
I can post a video if you'd like.
EDIT: oh, by the way, I don't have a vendetta against Death, I just have a vendetta against overrated parts thought to be good when they aren't, and Death is one if those parts...
EDIT #2: What condition is your WD in Time?
EDIT: oh, by the way, I don't have a vendetta against Death, I just have a vendetta against overrated parts thought to be good when they aren't, and Death is one if those parts...
EDIT #2: What condition is your WD in Time?
Still we shouldn't underestimate death I would to test but can't currently but death has still holds its place in winning. Combinations for tournament and its grinding ability needs to be looked at again yes it gets destabilized with e230"s disc make it go higher I may be repeating a earlier request but could someone try to do test with death on th170 on at least 220 height or even death 230 maybe but i mainly care about the 220 test
At shinobuxd I was using my wd that is close to new and y cs that is worn to the point where it has the most endurance
Ok, I used a semi-worn WD and a semi-aggro CS.
I gave a completely mint WD a go yesterday, and Death did better, but it was still only 50/50.
I gave a completely mint WD a go yesterday, and Death did better, but it was still only 50/50.