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Death Discussion - Printable Version

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Death Discussion - gibsonmac - Nov. 04, 2011

Okay since no one else has done so as of yet, here are some tests... I actually own the part (several actually, due to a shipping delay and error with my order I now have 7 of them so I hope it rocks lol). We all know the specifics of the wheels design, the mode changes etc so I'll spare you all.

Standard procedures

death (attack mode) Quetzalcoatl 125RDF vs MFH Basalt kerbecs bd145MB
Death 18-20 all OS/Destabilized
Basalt 2-20 ko

Death 90%

Death(Attack Mode) Quetz 125RDF vs MFH Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS
Death 19-20 All OS/Destabilize
Basalt 1-20 OS

Death 95%

Yep an uncustomized out of the box Bey takes down Goliath so to speak. Kinda surprising, but when I get a Bey for the first time I always try it as it comes against top tier combos for some reason... so anyway it did well.


Death and BD145 are a great match, there is roughly 1mm or less of space between Death MW and the Boost Disk, it fits like a well oiled glove...

MFH Death Quetz BD145RDF vs MFH VariAres R145RF

Attack Mode (bank)
Death 11-20 OS
Vari 9-20 KO

Death 55%

Defense Mode (straight shot)
Death 12-20
Vari 8-20

Death 60%

So the Defense mode, with RDF needs to be shot in the middle, otherwise the attacker hits you up to the ridge and the RDF goes wild when the Plastic takes hold and you go flying out faster than a poorly launched XF...

MFH Death (defense mode) BD145RDF vs MFH Basalt Kerbecs BD145MB
Death 20-20 all os
Basalt 0-20

Death 100%

MFH Death Quetz BD145CS vs MF Blitz Herculeo S130R2F

Attack mode

Death 12-20
Blitz 8-20

Death 60%

Defense mode

Death 15-30
Blitz 15-30

Death 50%

MFH Death Quetz BD145CS vs MFH VariAres CH120RF Right Spin

Attack mode
Death 18-20
Vari 2-20

Death 90%

Defense mode
Death 16-20
Vari 4-20

Death 80%

Again, both modes perform pretty equally, and I couldn't tell you which does the better job overall, in the Blitz matchup I would tend to say defense mode, because in attack mode, the indents on the side of death match up with the contact points on Blitz, so there is a greater potential for an early KO due to the excess surface area in attack mode leaving more for Blitz to 'dig in/grab on to', but in other matches you want those deep smooth ridges because there is actually less for say Basalt to grind against...

MFH Death Quetz BD145CS vs MFH Basalt Kerbecs 230CS
Attack mode

Death 5-10
Basalt 5-10

Death 50%

Defense Mode

Death 7-10
Basalt 3-10

Death 70%

okay, in this matchup, the defense mode is the clear winner, I was somewhat surprised, I had expected the 'teeth' in attack mode to do a better job of destabilizing, and it may well have, if not for the floor scraping of the BD145, so AD145 might yield better results in attack mode than defense, though this is pure speculation at this point.

MFH Death (Attack mode)Quetzalcoatl BD145RDF vs MF LLD BD145LRF
Death 10-10 (all OS, most very close, but no ties)
LLD 0-10

Death 100%

Here is a weird one:
MFH Death Quetz BD145CS vs MF Phantom (Stamina mode) BD145CS
Attack Mode
Death 10-10 all OS
Phantom 0-10

Death 100%

Defense Mode
Death 10-10 all OS
Phantom 0-10

Death 100%

So this was really strange, it almost suggests there is stamina potential for Death, that may match the abilities of phantom, which I do not wish to believe, however the tests suggest it may be so...

MFH Death (Attack mode)Quetz 85CS vs MFH VariAres R145RF
Death 20-20
Vari 0-20

Death 100%!!!

WTH?!?! I really didn't expect this, at all, but yeah, LTDC works VERY well with death, at this point, I think its fair to say that outside of BD145, the lower tracks are generally better...

MF Death (Attack mode) CH120RF vs MFH Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS
Death 0-10 (normal Banking)
Basalt 10-10 all OS

Death 0%

Not too surprising here, they are both pretty round metal wheels with not a whole lot of recoil, so it became a stamina battle... CS>RF in stamina... I'm thinking it needs to get under the opposing MW to utilize its attack potential...

Disclaimer- the next test, you need a MAD powerful launch, 110% for it to work, or I suppose a modded RUL will do the trick as well..NOT TORNADO STALLED
MF Death (defense mode) CH120RF vs MFH Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS
Death 18-20 (3KO) Banking, STRONG Launch
Basalt 2-20

(Attack mode)
Death 16-20 all OS Banking, STRONG Launch
Basalt 4-20

So like I said this is not tornado stalling, if you can launch an RF like a madman and get it to stay in, it will outlast the CS and destabilize the basalt... as Death has much better balance/weight distribution than Basalt does, it will hit basalt multiple times, destabilizing, thus causing the BD145 to scrape and eventually OS for the win...

MFH Death Quetz (Attack mode) R145RF vs MFH Phantom(Stamina mode) B: D (7min+ BGrin)
Death 0-10
Phantom 10-10

Death 0%

I think 145 is much too high a track for Death to be an effective attacker, even 120 seems i little high, perhaps 85-105 will be best, I believe the spikes will be most effective under the opposing wheel, as all of the good contact points are on top of the wheel's edge.

MF Death Quetz (Attack mode) 85RF vs MFH Phantom(Stamina mode) B: D
Death 10-10
Phantom 0-10

Death 100%

Much better, true 'upper' attacks, lifts the opposing bey off the ground...

MF Death Horogium (attack mode) 85RF vs MFH Basalt Kerbecs TH220RSF
Death 5-10 3KO
Basalt 5-10

Death 50%

Yeah those little 'teeth' are great, I think at this point 100 might be the most universal track for Death + RF, at 85, it has to destabilize a bit and get basalt wobbling so the teeth can make MW contact and eject Basalt from the stadium... so at 230, 85 would not be able to hit the underside of the opposing wheel easily if at all, so 100 would do the trick IMO, but testing will of course be needed to prove 100 to be optimal...

So far I'm uncertain as to which mode is best to use for a given situation, as they both perform similarly... it may come down to there simply not being a definitive 'best' mode to use for any given combo, rather merely a better mode to use in a given match-up with said combo... only more time/testing will determine this for sure, but so far I could definitely see this being true..

After many many battles/tests with Death, I think it most definitely has a spot in the current metagame... even straight out of the box it is very competitive, probably the only other bey that can be said about is Phantom Orion, but not to the same extent... 120-130 seems to be a great versatile height for Death, so while a plain 125 might not be optimal track, it is a very usable height, while D/T125, S130, and CH120 would be obvious upgrades, they are not necessarily needed... and the RDF is a great part as well, again best at 120-130 to use to its full potential, when any lower you cannot use the 'DF' part of RDF, that is to say the giant plastic WD-sized HF... when it catches, look out, it goes fast, and when on lower heights, the MW scrapes before this can happen or while its happening causing instant self-destabilization... so overall, the out of the box Death Quetz 125RDF is a bey that I would be comfortable taking to a tournament, and maybe only add a MF/MFH...

So there is a ton of potential for Death, it is very versatile, it is a great defense wheel, that beats current defense heavyweights, and has good numbers against the top attack combos... and the 'mode changes' are not as dramatic as I had initially hoped, as they both seem to be about equal outside of a few specific matches where one mode has a slight advantage to the other... there are a few odd results I got from the tests, such as BD145CS OS-ing the same Phantom combo, every single time... and Death being able to eat up Basalt BD145MB and KO it on occasion, yet loses to Phantom BGrin (R145RF only) and again that is due to the height making it awkward...

Death is definitely worth buying, although I don't think it is better than Phantom at this point, its a little early to say where Death fits, but it will most definitely find its home in the metagame, either as a defense custom must have (which is the most likely), or as an attack/anti-meta or hopefully a great balance piece... time will tell.

Currently I'm working on a Balance/quasi-attack combo for death, if I find something decent, I'll obviously post it...

More tests to come, I have attack and defense/balance combos ready to put up later in the evening. If anyone has any requests of combos you would like to see, pm me, I have minimum of 2 of every part and wheel so I can accommodate any request.

RE: Death metal wheel - sum 472 - Nov. 04, 2011

Wouldn't this be better in Rai's currently deserted with no tests Death Discussion thread?

RE: Death metal wheel - Dan - Nov. 04, 2011

Thats really cool.
Could you do it vs. Basalt BD145CS and then use MF Death Queztaclaotl CH120RF after uncustomized test?

RE: Death metal wheel - CyberBlader27 - Nov. 04, 2011

Wow. Nice results. Although, I think Death in Defense mode would be more useful. Please get some testing done on that. Smile

Psst! 18-20 is 90%, not 95%.

RE: Death metal wheel - sum 472 - Nov. 04, 2011

DAN NINJA'D ME TO CH120RF! After Dan could you possibly do[Attack mode] MF-Death Quetzacoatl R145RF Vs MF-H Phantom Orion BGrin.

RE: Death metal wheel - KiLL_SwiTcH - Nov. 04, 2011

I would actually like to see Death's defensive capabilities. Can you try MF-H Death Quetz BD145CS vs. MF-H Variares CH120R2F (Right Spin) and MF Blitz Unicorno S130R2F.

RE: Death metal wheel - BeybladeStation - Nov. 05, 2011

Stock Death? Somehow I cannot believe that, seeing a stock Fang Leone was not knocked out in a series of tests on YouTube.

RE: Death metal wheel - Dan - Nov. 05, 2011

Most YouTube videos are complete garbage: People can't shoot for carp, thats exactly why they use out of the box beys for videos instead of actually having a meaningful video.

By the way, Gibson, it'd be cool if you did your tests on a first post, first serve basis..

RE: Death metal wheel - BeybladeStation - Nov. 05, 2011

Not the way the Japanese do it :P, hah.

No, I cannot take that into consideration even that it was said to be that RS has more Stamina than RDF.

RE: Death metal wheel - Hazel - Nov. 05, 2011

(Nov. 05, 2011  2:09 AM)BeybladeStation Wrote: Not the way the Japanese do it Tongue_out, hah.

No, I cannot take that into consideration even that it was said to be that RS has more Stamina than RDF.

Said by whom? Do we know them? Have they got formal tests? A reputation?

(Nov. 05, 2011  2:03 AM)BeybladeStation Wrote: Stock Death? Somehow I cannot believe that, seeing a stock Fang Leone was not knocked out in a series of tests on YouTube.

I swear if YouTube continues being everyone's source for actual information instead of real tests done by known-competent Bladers I'm going to go nuclear. And, just because the video you're watching is by a Japanese person does not mean it is going to be done any better than by an American, Native American, Horse, or Piano-Playing Chicken.

If your only source of "information" on a part is a stock video you found on youtube, don't post.

RE: Death metal wheel - Hitsugiya - Nov. 05, 2011

(Nov. 05, 2011  2:15 AM)Hazel Wrote:
(Nov. 05, 2011  2:09 AM)BeybladeStation Wrote: Not the way the Japanese do it Tongue_out, hah.

No, I cannot take that into consideration even that it was said to be that RS has more Stamina than RDF.

Said by whom? Do we know them? Have they got formal tests? A reputation?

(Nov. 05, 2011  2:03 AM)BeybladeStation Wrote: Stock Death? Somehow I cannot believe that, seeing a stock Fang Leone was not knocked out in a series of tests on YouTube.

I swear if YouTube continues being everyone's source for actual information instead of real tests done by known-competent Bladers I'm going to go nuclear. And, just because the video you're watching is by a Japanese person does not mean it is going to be done any better than by an American, Native American, Horse, or Piano-Playing Chicken.

If your only source of "information" on a part is a stock video you found on youtube, don't post.
Actually, I think the results would be drastically less if the tests were done by any sort of species besides a human let alone a multitasking chicken.

RE: Death metal wheel - Arupaeo - Nov. 05, 2011

(Nov. 04, 2011  11:22 PM)sum 472 Wrote: Wouldn't this be better in Rai's currently deserted with no tests Death Discussion thread?

Nope. Threads started by people who don't own the part and have no tests get shut down - and for good reason... They're worthless.

RE: Death metal wheel - Hazel - Nov. 05, 2011

(Nov. 05, 2011  2:27 AM)hitsugiya Wrote: Actually, I think the results would be drastically less if the tests were done by any sort of species besides a human let alone a multitasking chicken.

In case you weren't aware, though, I was using hyperbole for dramatic effect. I only assume you did not know this, because otherwise you wouldn't have posted. In before you misuse the term "trolling".

I ordered a Death Quetz today, and I'll be testing it fairly soon. If I can manage any kind of KOs with it, given my poor skill level, that alone should indicate it has attack potential.

RE: Death metal wheel - BeybladeStation - Nov. 05, 2011

(Nov. 05, 2011  2:15 AM)Hazel Wrote: I swear if YouTube continues being everyone's source for actual information instead of real tests done by known-competent Bladers I'm going to go nuclear. And, just because the video you're watching is by a Japanese person does not mean it is going to be done any better than by an American, Native American, Horse, or Piano-Playing Chicken.

If your only source of "information" on a part is a stock video you found on youtube, don't post.
Yo, its just so apparent after studying its movement for so long. I'm the one trying to educate those Beybladers on YouTube. I don't need that bull.

Anyways, hopefully we can see more. I just don't get it seeing that it did not OS a Basalt 145WD, nor KO. If anyone wants to see, please ask. Again, not blaming or anything.

RE: Death metal wheel - jayar2.0 - Nov. 05, 2011

Thanks for the testing for Death Metal Wheel.
Can you do Death _____ BD145CS Vs Basalt 230CS/MF?

RE: Death metal wheel - gibsonmac - Nov. 05, 2011

More tests up... Have a show tonight so It'll be tomorrow afternoon before I can get to the rest, but rest assured I WILL get to ALL relevant test requests, as Dan suggested, on a first post/PM first serve basis...

Also please feel free to contribute for those of you with Death Quetz... The more people who contribute the better, even if the results were bad, it still helps the cause of determining what Death Can and Can't do... so please don't be shy!!!

And don't be afraid to test things that I, or anyone else, have tested and post the results as well, especially if they differ greatly in results... it doesn't mean either you, me, or the other guy/gal is wrong, but that somebody did something differently(launch style/power of Death and/or the test bey) so be specific as to what/how you did things when posting something that varies greatly from what others have posted previously, instead of calling someone a liar or stating their results are impossible... remember ability still plays a role in this game, specifically with attack types, and a specific launch style/strategy might be necessary to get a given result...

I'm just saying be civil and respect each-other, and do not under any circumstances claim something is impossible or fake unless YOU, YOURSELF have tried that specific match-up... there is no room for Unfounded speculation in a test thread, it only clutters things and causes confusion to those who are trying to learn the tested capabilities of a Wheel/Combo

RE: Death metal wheel - Rendezvous - Nov. 05, 2011

Are you able to do the test for MF-H Death Bull B : D ? In the Singapore tournament today , It seems to perform pretty well.

RE: Death metal wheel - Bleik - Nov. 05, 2011

I would like to see the results of: MF-H Blitz Unicorno S130R2F VS Death Kerbecs BD145/TH170/EDS/CS/RB

RE: Death metal wheel - th!nk - Nov. 05, 2011

Could you use CS on the defense combinations instead of RDF? Seeing as RDF is a new part that we don't have a full understanding of, it introduces a second variable into the performance and makes it difficult to compare against previous testing of other wheels, which used CS.

Basic Scientific Method, stick to a single variable.
Even if you feel RDF is better, the primary tests should aim to gauge the wheel's performance, "This is an Awesome Combo" is best left for later, no offence :3

Also, an aside, I am sad you didn't name the thread "Death Discussion" as is normal convention. But maybe I'm just morbid.

RE: Death metal wheel - gibsonmac - Nov. 05, 2011

@TH!nk... I'm testing what people are requesting me to test, along with things I am interested in seeing... Also the CS tests have already been done and posted...

RE: Death metal wheel - th!nk - Nov. 05, 2011

(Nov. 05, 2011  4:50 PM)gibsonmac Wrote: @TH!nk... I'm testing what people are requesting me to test, along with things I am interested in seeing... Also the CS tests have already been done and posted...

Pretty sure you posted/edited those CS tests in an hour after I posted that comment, but nice try. :\

Try to keep it in mind for future testing anyway, and thankyou for posting said tests now.

By the way, it would be better if you wrote results as X/20, not X-20. The latter reads oddly, whereas the former is used by basically everyone. I understand you loathe to conform to the same standards as the hivemind that is everyone else on the site, but sometimes these things are done by everyone because they make sense. Plus I'm like 80% sure that's part of standard format but whatever, I don't want to push the point too hard.

Oh, there's no capital letters in my name btw. Again, not groupthink, just how it is.

RE: Death metal wheel - KiLL_SwiTcH - Nov. 05, 2011

Can you try MF-H Death Quetz BD145CS vs MF-H Basalt 230D/CS and Scythe Kronos BD145EDS?

RE: Death metal wheel - sasuke41915 - Nov. 05, 2011

How About Some 230 heights?
sorry if this has been posted already

RE: Death metal wheel - Dan - Nov. 05, 2011

Here are a couple problems:
Quote:MF Death (Attack mode) CH120RF vs MFH Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS
Death 0-10 (normal Banking)
Basalt 10-10 all OS

Death 0%


MF Death (defense mode) CH120RF vs MFH Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS
Death 18-20 (3KO) Banking, STRONG Launch
Basalt 2-20

(Attack mode)
Death 16-20 all OS Banking, STRONG Launch
Basalt 4-20

Now after telling me that you can do extremely well against Basalt BD145CS, and even KO it a couple times (even though you contradict yourself because earlier you had tests showing the opposite..) You show me this:
Quote:MFH Death Quetz (Attack mode) R145RF vs MFH Phantom(Stamina mode) B:D
Death 0-10
Phantom 10-10

Death 0%

Other than your original contradiction, you go off and get 0% against a completely plastic bottom which on a wheel with decent recoil. When earlier you got like 90% against the heaviest defense combinations createable.

i dont get it

RE: Death metal wheel - Arupaeo - Nov. 05, 2011

(Nov. 05, 2011  3:54 PM)th!nk Wrote: Could you use CS on the defense combinations instead of RDF? Seeing as RDF is a new part that we don't have a full understanding of, it introduces a second variable into the performance and makes it difficult to compare against previous testing of other wheels, which used CS.

Basic Scientific Method, stick to a single variable.
Even if you feel RDF is better, the primary tests should aim to gauge the wheel's performance, "This is an Awesome Combo" is best left for later, no offence :3

Also, an aside, I am sad you didn't name the thread "Death Discussion" as is normal convention. But maybe I'm just morbid.

I have to echo my support for single variable testing. When there are 2 new parts it really muddies the waters. You can still accommodate other people's requests and tests that you want to do, but my suggestion would be to tuck those into a spoiler on the bottom and give the most screen real estate in the OP to single variable tests that compare the death wheel to other top tier wheels in top tier match-ups.