(Nov. 05, 2012 1:22 PM)*Ginga* Wrote: MAJOR NOTE
We need to find a counter to ________ Dragooon combos. It is just dominating the metagame. In order to do well in Zero-G, you need to have Dragooon, another Zero-G Beyblade, Band your set.
Right spin Stamina won't work, Right Spin Sway Attack won't work, etc.
As of right now we need a left spin smasher, to go against Dragooon.
Our Options (IMHO)
- Left Spin VariAres R145 RF/R2F
- Any Attack oriented Zero G wheel, below Dragooon E230 CF/GCF etc.
I hope this was helpful.
So, I create this thread for anyone to post their suggestions on combo's. Remember, the combo you are proposing must be competitive, and not just to counter Dragooon (i.e Death B: D etc..).
I am going to go ahead and post test results for Reviser Dragooon against standard sway attack and stamina combos.
Reviser Dragooon B: D vs Ifraid Ifraid 230CF
Reviser:19 wins (4 KO , 1 ZA , 15 KO)
Ifraid : 1 win (KO)
Reviser win :95 %
Reviser Dragooon B: D vs Phantom Cancer AD145B
Reviser : 10 wins (All OS)
Reviser win: 100%
This was so one sided, so I did only 10 rounds.
BTW Variares doesn't work so well, even in left spin.
Possible counters: Gargoyle Dragooon SA165GCF
Duo W145EWD etc (Other Variants)
Genbull Dragooon LW160TB
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