Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread

Poll: Do you want it to be coverted to a TCG (english)

I dont care
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Having only Set 1 and 2 cards, my OTT and Kagerou weren't enough to stop my friend's MLB deck... but my RP's were able to contend; they went undefeated against it. Here's the list:

I don't know how you people can round up the money for cards like 4 Alfreds...or 4 Soul Saver Dragons...
Why is TD06 being released at the same time in english and japanese?
It dosen't matter. What matters is me getting that Thunder Break Dragon.
(Apr. 20, 2012  7:34 AM)Kaji Motomiya Wrote: I don't know how you people can round up the money for cards like 4 Alfreds...or 4 Soul Saver Dragons...

Buy boxes and trade for most of the stuff you need, and then get the rest as singles. If not trade, then sell.

You don't lose out from buying boxes (maybe Set 2), but if you can get your hands on Set 1 Boxes right now, which is hard, then do so, because people want Alfreds, Iseults, Barris, and other good stuff from Set 1 that is so vital.

Really? Because I'm only aiming to make my deck. Where would you usually sell? Is it easier to sell online? And how would you usually send them in?
I run a similar build for my english deck except... (insert some changes below to show how mine is like)
(Apr. 20, 2012  7:22 AM)桃太郎 Wrote: Having only Set 1 and 2 cards, my OTT and Kagerou weren't enough to stop my friend's MLB deck... but my RP's were able to contend; they went undefeated against it. Here's the list:

You may wanna consider putting in some HDB Akane. Serves rather well as a field multiplier (calls out pongal for boosting)

MLB build has its own issues.
If you play too much starcall, you wont have enough G2 which actually can attack. Likewise for Gancelot, not enough offensive G3s.. Not forgetting that you have to lose x2 9k field attackers for the +2K and crit to take place.

It lacks the field presence and your hand tends to be small if you dont play it right .__.

IMO, I find getting set 1 to be more important than Set 2 if you are considering to play the main clans (RP/Kagero).
Set 2 does have upgrades but cards like from Granblue and NG, the chances of getting the cards you want may be lower due to the ratio of it having more cards from other clan (SB and GB for example)
Which clan is yall's favorite?
Mine is pretty close between Granblue (duh) and Bermuda Triangle, but if I had to choose between those two, I would surely go with Bermuda Triangle Grin
That brings me to my next question, do yall think that they will release the EB02 Banquet Of Divas? :3
Or any Extra Boosters at all?
I originally was gonna start with a Nova Grappler deck, but I might stick Kageros. I mean, reusing your Counterblasts is okay, but how often can you make it work until you run out of the resources to do so?
Kagero needs loads of counter blasts. I've seen hybrid builds of Nova + Kagero...

In a strictly english meta, this is highly possible... Even Kagero + OTT is possible. I'm seeing more and more of those. OTT is in a way, the recyclable heal triggers act as a proxy counter recoverer or sorts. And besides, OTT doesnt really use the CB... Mostly is CEO as the main VG.
@ Pcyborg: I have used Akane before, and even though she adds consistency to get SSD out, I really don't find her necessary. The deck needs to CB a lot, and I prefer to save them for Alfred's Superior Call skill, or BB's skill. But, I may try out 3 Lien and 4 Pongals.

Oh yeah, my Grade 3 lineup is actually 8 instead of 7, so the deck list I have actually listed only 49 cards. I play:

It works for me quite well tbh.

@ Kaji: Yeah, you could try online, but if your TCG community is getting into Vanguard, buying boxes in the long run is a good idea. If you can get your hands on BT01 boxes, that would help you quite a bit, because it's quite the gold mine. Of course, you could always get singles; cards like Barri and stuff.
I think doing the box thing is a good idea, though. Some cards worth more than buying the pack itself when you buy them, so maybe I'll consider it. I only need two more Barris from BT01 anyway. My only problem is what type of package I should send it in.
If you're going to sell cards online, send them in a sleeve, and put the sleeved card in a top-loader. Then mail the top-loader in bubble mail.
Am I the only one to have seen this?
what the. what do people think they are doing in that vid? nice acting though.
Akane is just used to call out boosters ^^;;. Very rarely I get to use Lien's skill and both Lien and Pongal serves as a 7K boost. If I compare em to Alfred, Akane provides the same thing with one less counterblast. But of course Alfred is superior. But unfortunately, unless you heal, you'll like to carry out the effect once.

For running more SSD, its a 13K attacker. Boosted by Maron = 21K. That pierces through the 11K barrier (Asura Kaiser + the common Dragonic Overlord). Opponents have to guard a minimum of 20K shield to let 2 triggers through. This is important, especially if you run a crit based build. Running Alfred at the side still allows you to summon other cards. I rarely use SSD to soul blast.

Thats a real life live action drama they're gonna release soon. No idea how it will be like though. If you search through youtube, you can find tons of CMs by him and most of them are hilarious.
(Apr. 21, 2012  8:21 PM)桃太郎 Wrote: If you're going to sell cards online, send them in a sleeve, and put the sleeved card in a top-loader. Then mail the top-loader in bubble mail.

*was prepared to complain about the bubble mail until I visited Staples' website lol*
lol, I've been known to sorta sack with RP's when I need it, and no, I don't stack Triggers. I could've added 2 Akane in exchange for 1 Galletin and 1 BB, but if you look at it as a whole deck, I would have added two more cards that require a CB cost to activate their skills. I only use the CB's for three things: Alfred when necessary, BB, and Pongal. I use Pongal to get cards in the Soul if the opponent has removed my Barcgal, and I usually SPAM BB's skill.

I do have 2 Akanes ready to go if I need them though, and I know what to take out to fit them in.

Usually after I Drive Check or search SSD, my opponent usually wastes their attacks on my Rear Guards, but by that point, I usually have amassed hand advantage. I try and go for the Soul Blast if I can, but with RP's, there are other options if that doesn't go through.
(Apr. 22, 2012  6:40 AM)Kaji Motomiya Wrote:
(Apr. 21, 2012  8:21 PM)桃太郎 Wrote: If you're going to sell cards online, send them in a sleeve, and put the sleeved card in a top-loader. Then mail the top-loader in bubble mail.

*was prepared to complain about the bubble mail until I visited Staples' website lol*

haha I got that Staples Discount if you want Joyful_3

Anyways i have a RRR Alfred if anyone is looking
Weren't you gonna buy my extra Royal Paladin deck anyway?
(Apr. 23, 2012  5:19 AM)Sniperâ„¢ Wrote: Anyways i have a RRR Alfred if anyone is looking

ive been looking for another in case i ever enter another english tournament. is the card jap or english? i play jap but i can always just get an english TD01 and add any english RPs my bro got (particulary Gigatech charger, it's ability works nicely with alfred).
(Apr. 23, 2012  1:48 PM)Giraton Wrote:
(Apr. 23, 2012  5:19 AM)Sniperâ„¢ Wrote: Anyways i have a RRR Alfred if anyone is looking

ive been looking for another in case i ever enter another english tournament. is the card jap or english? i play jap but i can always just get an english TD01 and add any english RPs my bro got (particulary Gigatech charger, it's ability works nicely with alfred).

Its English.
So I tried to make a Tachikaze deck, but I'm having difficulties with choosing Grade 2s and Grade 3s. Especially Grade 3s.
i like to play yu-gi-oh and i've only seen two episodes of vanguard, but i'll like to know if and where you can get the cards.
eBay, local stores around you, Walmart, and just various online shops.
My local Walmart(s) don't have them anymore. It was that only one time I saw the box, but I don't see that box in a newly organized trading card section anymore...I don't wanna have to travel to Chinatown to buy new cards...