Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread

Poll: Do you want it to be coverted to a TCG (english)

I dont care
This looks nice
Total: 100% 15 vote(s)
Awwwwww, I want to buy dragonic overlord but I live in the US
Cardfight Vanguard is obviously available in the United States..have you not read any posts on even this page?
I cant find it😡Raaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwr!!!!!!
(Apr. 23, 2012  10:15 PM)Granblue Wrote: eBay, local stores around you, Walmart, and just various online shops.

Really not hard. I mean, Granblue JUST said where.

You can also go on, click the Cardfight Vanguard banner, and go from there. They show which stores that sell them.

Seriously...come on, Granblue said where.
Akane runs well in populating the field. I just use her for that in case I dont have enough Counter blasts for Alfred.
My meta here is overrun with field retirement builds. G1 are the number one target for retirements hence I usually keep them in my hand unless I find it necessary to boost.
I usually forgo SSD's soul blast unless I really find that I could end the game then or cripple him. I play SSD for the 13K attack mostly. Even with Marcgal boosting its still 17K and the opponents would still have to drop at least 15 for 2 trigger pass.

As for buying cards, if you guys are looking for English cards specifically, I'd recommend BlackCatz from VG rider forums. I believe his accessibility to English cards is one of the highest at the moment and he does have a rather high rep rating. GranBlue players should also take note that he does have Immortal Skull Dragon and KingSeaHorse both in English.
I've been trying to ask people on that forum for cards so I can buy from them. It's within an affordable range (I mean within my Paypal's range). I'm thinking of adding money into my PayPal so I can buy some Barris. I need dose Barris.
I've decided to convert to using Japanese cards because for one, the card stock is better (it's thicker and more durable), cards get released sooner, it's a good way to keep refreshing my Japanese, and a good friend at locals has a ton of Japanese cards, so getting started with that will be pretty good.

That said, I am keeping two decks in English for the sake of being able to compete in larger-scale tournaments. I'm currently selling my Kagero deck as a whole, and it's fully done (Conroe, 4 Barri, 2 RRR Overlord, etc.) if anyone's interested; not breaking the deck up, and sorry for advertising it here. There just doesn't seem to be another appropriate area to do so.
Hmm, what clans might you be playing (in Japanese)? I'd suggest you keep the Barri's at least.
Pretty much just MLB Paladins and The End Kagerou. I'm currently keeping my English RP and OTT decks, since I do well with those. I'm also considering Shadow Paladins, but I'm going to try them out before I decide whether or not to build them in Japanese or English.

Nothing in Set 6 is interesting to me; I refuse to bandwagon onto GP's or Narukami.
Same. I'm only interested in Tachikazes, Kagerous, and probably one more that i wouldn't expect. lol
MLB eh? I'm running one of those.. Result was a big hole in the wallet and a very hard to play deck... If you wanna consider BT05 material, Id suggest getting DOTE first. They're somewhat cheaper seeing that the only real foils you need are Barri, DOTE and perhaps a conroe.

I'm running several decks in both English and Japanese. The only ones I would consider porting over to Japanese completely are those which have promo exclusive cards which most likely wont get an English release (Purple trapezist and Death Anchor no Life King)
Really? I've played MLB before, and it was pretty easy to understand. Perhaps it's because there are a lot of options the deck has, but under my piloting, the deck has responded quite well. My friend at locals sells MLB's for about $15 to $20 a piece, whereas DOTE goes for about $25 a piece.

I do agree with your final statement though. I dunno why, but regardless of exclusives, some cards just look better to me in Japanese.

I really wish that once the English and Japanese languages are finally on the same pace, Bushiroad will let Japanese users play in official tournaments that don't necessarily sell Japanese products.
Against most decks, its a beast. Against DOTE and PBO, I'm screwed most of the time hahaha. Power +3k is a HUGE advantage for guarding. The big 3 in BT05 all have their respective issues in setting up.

My real issue is actually finding a stable build. too many variations. I can PM you several deck builds which I've seen around for MLB. the variation is just CRAZY.

I still find DOTE being more worth the money. I doubt the newer clans would adopt perm +3K anytime soon... It would definitely still be competitive.
Just pulled CEO amaterasu and Barcgal out of 16 packs. Also found a way to spend less just to go to Chinatown. And it's worth the exercise.

I also pulled Maiden of Libra, Flash Shield Iseult, and 2 vortex dragons. I spent a total of $40 for 16 packs (2 for five, though next time, I'm dealing with boxes). Think I can make up the $40 with these?
Are the 5 cards separate or all within the 16? If you got the foils from 16 packs, CEO and Iseult sorta covers back what you've spent. Not so much for Vortex and Libra though...
I'm aware, someone told me. How about Barcgal and Future Knight, Llew (latter from a previous purchase)?
Varies really. If english tournament doesnt ban barcgal as a starter, the value of both of these wont drop.
Llew definitely has more value than vortex and libra currently imo.

If we strictly compare it from set 2 and 1, all of the cards are worth something. But once other sets are out, they may not worth as much especially libra since, in set 3 and the td, there are lots of ways to draw out cards with less strict requirements.. Likewise for vortex. There are other more efficient retiring means....

But for now, these definitely have value.
(Apr. 25, 2012  6:21 AM)桃太郎 Wrote: Pretty much just MLB Paladins and The End Kagerou. I'm currently keeping my English RP and OTT decks, since I do well with those. I'm also considering Shadow Paladins, but I'm going to try them out before I decide whether or not to build them in Japanese or English.

Nothing in Set 6 is interesting to me; I refuse to bandwagon onto GP's or Narukami.

I took a look at the Narukami singles. And holy carp, the Narukami's are crazy. Especially Breaker of Limit's "Thunder Emperor, Indra" and "Dragonic Kaiser, Vermillion." Indra get's +1 critical for every Indra in the RG zone for one Counter Blast. Vermillion's LB of 4 let's you attack the entire front row with one attack so long as you CB. Also gain 2k. It's...friggin'...sick.
GP's and Narukami honestly don't seem broken to the point where I'd just drop my RP's and Kagrou. Agravain's Megablast is crazy, but like a lot of Megablast Units, they rarely go off, because you either win or lose before it goes off. Eisel and Garmore are pretty good, too, but still....

MLB being a constant 12K Crit 2 Vanguard forces the opponent to guard for a lot more than normal, since he can potentially go up to Crit 4 when BB and BD enter the soul. The End is just ridiculous as well; a constant 13K Vanguard being able to Stand after hitting the Vanguard via Persona Blast, but doesn't lose its Twin Drive.

Of course, it's very early for GP and Narukami to define itself like their predecessors, but even from their first Set, I gotta say they're pretty good.

(Apr. 26, 2012  6:02 AM)Pcyborg Wrote: Against most decks, its a beast. Against DOTE and PBO, I'm screwed most of the time hahaha. Power +3k is a HUGE advantage for guarding. The big 3 in BT05 all have their respective issues in setting up.

My real issue is actually finding a stable build. too many variations. I can PM you several deck builds which I've seen around for MLB. the variation is just CRAZY.

I still find DOTE being more worth the money. I doubt the newer clans would adopt perm +3K anytime soon... It would definitely still be competitive.

As soon as you get a Blaster card at Grade 2, MLB sets up quite easily via Wingal Brave imo.

I agree, there are many variations you could run, but I find running 3 of the Blaster cards (MLB, BB, and BD) are good enough since you have many ways to search for them.
Yep, setting it up is easy. The draw backs which comes afterwards is what usually kills me and if not, most MLB players.

If you notice, it has quite a number of weaknesses, more so than most decks since you have to stick to a specific ride path.

Regardless, I find the issue Im facing is primary because the meta here is overrun with DOTE/PBO decks. The extra 1K and both having immense hand size growing capability. Then again, each deck has their own weaknesses anyway.
Oh, if anyone is interested, I'm selling cards. If you need a link to the thread (not on this forum), let me know. However, i'm only shipping to USA until I learn how much shipping outside is.
Just faced a deck using the new BT06 (both Narukami and GP alike)
These new cards are extremely highly offensive. Especially the GP new "Incandescant Lion, Blonde Ezel" which is able to superior ride with very little cost involve.

Getting to G3 on your first attacking turn is a huge advantage. The damage it can cause (since it can twin drive early) is devastating. Even before I could get my MLB set up, I'd have at least 3/4 damage due to the fact I'm being rushed. Its limit break skill also field populates easily..
No love for Angel Feathers? Sad face...
I'm lovin Angel Feathers XD
The few builds that I've faced and used have been pretty great.
The fact that damage checking a grade 3 is actually a plus, is just fantastic!
AF is something completely new which I still havent fully grasp yet. Mixed opinions about it.

Gameplay for AF is absurdly unique and requires a specific combo to have a smooth game or so I was told (something like bermuda).

But the fact that you can swap, superior call (from damage zone) and even persona blast to heal is something really unique.

Because of persona blast, you may encounter situations like, to heal or to keep the damage...

Truth be told, there are more and more GP players than NK at the moment on my side. Blonde Ezel provides a much more bigger advantage than Vermilion despite wiping out your front row. You get to populate your field AND get power from it.