Which one spy???
BEYDAYS 2012 BeyLotto Results + Afterthoughts!
ill choose a red face booster
Id choose blue if i were u
did phil916 get a face booster

U have to get a place in a beylotto
I wonder what these people will get
Xcore Chaos!
Xcore Chaos!
(Jun. 25, 2012 4:14 PM)phil916 Wrote:DID PHIL916 GET A FACE BOOSTER KAI V
Read this for info on Face Boosters:
ho do you play bey lotto
how do you earn a face booster
how do you earn a face booster
Please read the original BEYDAYS 2012 Beylotto thread.
Stop spamming this thread.
Stop spamming this thread.
I think he was wondering what they will choose... It's well known that they get to choose three items.
EDIT: Beaten by the man himself!
EDIT: Beaten by the man himself!
Time for the first tornado of Faces to begin! The Face Boosters have been shaking for a while now, so let's crack them all open and hatch!
You, you, you, you and you got...
Cygnus! [Image: cygnusface.png]
Uranus! [Image: uranusface.png]
Byxis! [Image: ByxisFace.png]
Escolpio! [Image: escolpioface.png]
Cyber Pegasis! [Image: cyberpegasisface.png]
Gemios! [Image: gemiosface.png]
Wolf! [Image: wolfface.png]
Gemios! [Image: gemiosface.png]
Uranus! [Image: uranusface.png]
Escolpio! [Image: escolpioface.png]
Ketos! [Image: ketosface.png]
Leone! [Image: leoneface.png]
Cygnus! [Image: cygnusface.png]
Beafowl! [Image: beafowlface.png]
L Drago! [Image: ldragoface.png]
Sagittario! [Image: sagittarioface.png]
Aquario! [Image: aquarioface.png]
Pegasis! [Image: pegasisface.png]
Cygnus! [Image: cygnusface.png]
Wolf! [Image: wolfface.png]
Bull! [Image: bullface.png]
For those who won a Face Booster AZURE and who have not already posted, here is what you receive...
Blitz....................... Uranus! [Image: uranusface.png]
alfonsokian.................................. Cygnus! [Image: cygnusface.png]
michael.j.............................. Ketos! [Image: ketosface.png]
Mike 8............................... Cygnus! [Image: cygnusface.png]
Lucas........................... Cygnus! [Image: cygnusface.png]
Sam the Beast..................................... Uranus! [Image: uranusface.png]
Again, congratulations to everyone! There are still numerous Bladers who have not come to claim and choose their Face Booster however, so if you know those who have not been crossed from the list in the first post, reach out to them and tell them the good news!
Awesome news for one of the BeyDays participant too! One of the initial winners has generously decided to give their place to another WBO Member. So, the next up on the list, who will win either a Face Booster RED, BLUE, GREEN or ORANGE, is...
?Mr.MyStery?! Congrats! You can post your choice of Face Booster right here.
You, you, you, you and you got...
(Jun. 18, 2012 7:47 PM)BeyHyperKiLLer Wrote: But, i do know what face booster i will ask for, can i have a Face Booster Azure please?
Cygnus! [Image: cygnusface.png]
(Jun. 18, 2012 7:49 PM)darkwocher Wrote: Niceee!!let's open the Azure Booster! xD
Uranus! [Image: uranusface.png]
(Jun. 18, 2012 7:52 PM)Galaxy Wrote: •PЯΣDΛƬӨR• that was NikoDefenseITA is asking for a Purple Face Booster!
Byxis! [Image: ByxisFace.png]
(Jun. 19, 2012 12:14 AM)Galaxy Wrote: I choose the Face Booster...Orange; I've never opened it in my life. It's a great chance to know what there's insidexD!
Escolpio! [Image: escolpioface.png]
(Jun. 19, 2012 1:43 AM)Hitsugiya Wrote: After hours of deciding, I've decided that I want to open Face Booster Crimson!
Cyber Pegasis! [Image: cyberpegasisface.png]
(Jun. 19, 2012 4:00 AM)PyrusOverlord Wrote: If It's not too much, Green Face Booster [Image: faceboostergreen.png] please.
Gemios! [Image: gemiosface.png]
(Jun. 19, 2012 5:47 AM)Chaos Blader Wrote: Yet another great Beydays! Can I get a Face Booster Blue please?
Wolf! [Image: wolfface.png]
(Jun. 19, 2012 6:55 AM)vincenteh Wrote: i want the green face
Gemios! [Image: gemiosface.png]
(Jun. 19, 2012 11:22 AM)Relic Wrote: Anyway, I'd like to get my Face Booster Azure opened! Thanks!
Uranus! [Image: uranusface.png]
(Jun. 19, 2012 11:51 AM)Ldrago destroy1 Wrote: face booster orange please
Escolpio! [Image: escolpioface.png]
(Jun. 19, 2012 1:12 PM)Ethan H Wrote: Yay I won face booster azure congrats to everyone else who won or participated!!!
Thanks so much
Ketos! [Image: ketosface.png]
(Jun. 19, 2012 2:38 PM)betraka000 Wrote: Wew,I don't believe it, hmm, a face booster blue might be nice.
Leone! [Image: leoneface.png]
(Jun. 19, 2012 6:38 PM)N0body Wrote: And, I hope my Facebooster Azure has some new face(or a face which I can trade with Gaia Dragoon face).
Cygnus! [Image: cygnusface.png]
(Jun. 19, 2012 6:58 PM)Lord N Wrote: can i have the crimson face bolt
Beafowl! [Image: beafowlface.png]
(Jun. 20, 2012 3:16 PM)GalaxyHart Wrote: Yesssssss! I won something for the first time on WBO-from my very first tourney! I'm lucky
Face Booster Orange Please!
L Drago! [Image: ldragoface.png]
(Jun. 21, 2012 6:09 PM)Galaxy Wrote: darkblader97 desires a Face Booster Red!
He's only 6, that's why I'm writing here instead of him!
Hope it isn't a problem, thanks!
Sagittario! [Image: sagittarioface.png]
(Jun. 21, 2012 8:47 PM)IptBladerStyle Wrote: hii want green face please
thx for the prize
Aquario! [Image: aquarioface.png]
(Jun. 22, 2012 5:05 AM)CYRUckus Wrote: hehe i win i like red!
Pegasis! [Image: pegasisface.png]
(Jun. 22, 2012 3:26 PM)Enzoxs Wrote: Can I have Face Booster Azure please?
Cygnus! [Image: cygnusface.png]
(Jun. 23, 2012 6:12 PM)Bigbang4ever Wrote: Can i have the Blue Face Booster?
Wolf! [Image: wolfface.png]
(Jun. 25, 2012 2:17 PM)Spy Wrote: ill choose a red face booster
Bull! [Image: bullface.png]
For those who won a Face Booster AZURE and who have not already posted, here is what you receive...
Blitz....................... Uranus! [Image: uranusface.png]
alfonsokian.................................. Cygnus! [Image: cygnusface.png]
michael.j.............................. Ketos! [Image: ketosface.png]
Mike 8............................... Cygnus! [Image: cygnusface.png]
Lucas........................... Cygnus! [Image: cygnusface.png]
Sam the Beast..................................... Uranus! [Image: uranusface.png]
Again, congratulations to everyone! There are still numerous Bladers who have not come to claim and choose their Face Booster however, so if you know those who have not been crossed from the list in the first post, reach out to them and tell them the good news!
Awesome news for one of the BeyDays participant too! One of the initial winners has generously decided to give their place to another WBO Member. So, the next up on the list, who will win either a Face Booster RED, BLUE, GREEN or ORANGE, is...
?Mr.MyStery?! Congrats! You can post your choice of Face Booster right here.
Thank you Kai-V, I'll "wear" this face with pride.
Wow! Uranus face!!
thank you!!

I suppose that Kai-V assigned me an extra Face... but Escolpio is mine, Sagittario's been won by darkblader97

Woot woot!! Kai-V I will take the blue face booster!
[Huge quote removed.]
Sorry for quoting such a large post but may I know who that generous person is as I would like to thank that WBO member for giving their place to me....
[Huge quote removed.]
Sorry for quoting such a large post but may I know who that generous person is as I would like to thank that WBO member for giving their place to me....
You didn't have to quote the whole post just to ask who the person was. If you really wanted to quote the post you could have just quoted the last part, addressed to you. If i was you, i would EDIT your post before you get warned.
Anyways, thanks for my Face Booster Azure! Cygnus is really common but at least i didn't already have it and its new. Now i just can't wait to receive my ..... START DASH SET!!! Thanks again for that.
Anyways, thanks for my Face Booster Azure! Cygnus is really common but at least i didn't already have it and its new. Now i just can't wait to receive my ..... START DASH SET!!! Thanks again for that.

Man bad news again

Xcore is choosing a zero g dash set big bang dx and some zero g bey

(Jun. 26, 2012 3:05 AM)Thunder Dome Wrote:(Jun. 26, 2012 2:48 AM)echoes of hell Wrote:(Jun. 25, 2012 4:29 PM)Thunder Dome Wrote: I wonder what these people will get
Xcore Chaos!
They get to choose three beyblade items of their choice
I know I'm saying what will they pick
Xcore is choosing a zero g dash set big bang dx and some zero g bey