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(May. 07, 2011  12:48 AM)Fickidilish Wrote: if i were to ad silly puddy to my beys metal wheel what would happen

Then your metal wheels would have silly putty on them of course.
Mess up your blade, won't work properly.
which seller on ebay sells beyblades the cheapest i need to get beyblades cheap
(May. 07, 2011  1:15 AM)Boxhead Wrote: which seller on ebay sells beyblades the cheapest i need to get beyblades cheap

Do the research on your own ... I suppose auctions can be the least expensive, however you have to actually win that auction ...
This is the Beyblade hobby Q/A...
i want to buy random booster vol 7 and get the beat lynx!
the question
whether random booster box vol 7 may in squeeze squeeze?
are beat lynx good?
I didn't understand you're first question, second questions answer is that that the Beat wheel is a very promising attack type. TH170 is not been tested yet.

Also, this belongs in Purchase Consultation, try there, pretty cool guys there, they'll tell you the answer.
(May. 06, 2011  6:04 PM)gokurox Wrote: how exactly do you put an elastic on the beylauncher? I've tried to but I've never been able to

If you mean the rubber handle grip, find an unboxing on youtube.
are random booster vol 7 are stock in indonesia??
use stores with beyblades in stock thread but i doubt it
What mode is Meteo L Drago best in Assault (the one with silver jaw) or Rush ( the one with jagged teeth)?
(May. 06, 2011  10:49 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote:
(May. 06, 2011  10:41 PM)Ajm226 Wrote: thats where i seen it thanks tho

Well then my answer was completely incorrect- I thought you were talking about Crystal LEONE. Crystal Leol does not exist just like in the DS game with Disaster Aegis, Bloody Bezelbrute, ect. Sorry.

A bunch of kids at my school thought those were all real. I told them to look it up on the WBO but they said it was wrong. Anyway, what are high recoil beys good against?
depends what you mean for example counter is good against nothing while rock is an ok attack type because of its recoil
Um, counter is actually a good attack wheel. I personally prefer it to rock on h145rf as a recoil attacker (with a metal face, of course). Sure, Leone is better, but counter is still good as long as you get the right combo.
but Counter has too much recoil and lacks the sufficient amount of stamina to defeat the top tier defense types eh?
Actually, we should say "smash" not recoil. High smash leads to high recoil, bit you want to limit tge recoil so tge opponent recieves the brunt of the impact/is pushed further. Adding weight is a good way to do this, however, adding a metal face also lowers the speed of your combo, weakening the overall force of the impact.

Basically, recoil is bad, but it results from smash, which is good. Midnight, for example, has lots of recoil due to it's shape, but mainly it's light weight. Vulc as n, however, has recoil, but it's smash is more effective due to it's weight and weight distribution.

So when most people say "recoil attacker", we mean smash attacker.
But Leone has been labeled closer to top tier-ty than CoUnTeR is eh? Counter Leone is the wheel you launch against cyber pegasis when ur showing ur noob friend what two beys not to buy.
I don't have too many recoil issues with counter, but I suppose it does suffer an amount of recoil. Not many attack types, especially right spin ones, can do well against top tier defence beys. It's exciting, and it can beat older defence combos. Keep in mind, counter isn't light and it is compact, so it isn't that easy to push back

I could be erong, I haven't formally tested, but I find it fun to use, and it performs fine for me.
Yeah, I talked my n00b 'friend' into giving me Counter for M145. So Counter is best for just messing around?
Who is the best?
L drago Destroy or Big Bang pegasis?
(May. 07, 2011  8:22 AM)junk Wrote: Who is the best?
L drago Destroy or Big Bang pegasis?

Not enough testing yet, but supposedly Big Bang Pegasis
LDD, imo, having both. LDD has potential. F: D is probably better than F: S, but yeah, LDD IMO. LDD may struggle to outperform LLD at times, but it's an excellent wheel nonetheless. That said, Beat looks like it'll overshadow everything, when sonokong release it as a starter.

And titan, well, it's fun, but if you lack a better option it's useful for attack. It's not bad, and I'd say "good" for attack. Mf counter leone (ii) h45rf probably being my favourite.
But left spin attack is more affective against defense than right. BBD does seem to have more strength in general.
(May. 07, 2011  8:05 AM)Boxhead Wrote: why is high recoil good for attack

It's more like the opposite. Good smash attack makes high recoil.
Why is it that it seems that RS is inferior to CS. I can understand that in the current metagame, people are using bottoms with moderate stamina to out spin defense bottoms like RS, but I remember RS was far better than anything else currently available. I thought about the balance issues with BD, but I'm not entirely sure. Also, I heard the RSF has softer rubber than the Gil ver. Can anyone confirm this? Can anyone test this? As far as I know, RS was only better because it had softer rubber, but since RSF eliminates both Balance and less rubber in contact with the floor sort of issues, wouldn't it be better for pure defense? I want to see BL against the RSF. (Yes, I know, post in the parts testing requests. Sigh)