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(Sep. 07, 2013  2:04 AM)tac1017 Wrote:
(Sep. 07, 2013  1:06 AM)Kai Hiwatari Wrote:
(Sep. 07, 2013  12:15 AM)Lazer Wrote: does meteo have any use competitivly anymore or does Dragooon outclass it to much cause when I launch I can't launch very hard or it spins slow Unhappy

Yes, Dragooon has outclassed Meteo as well as any other Left Spin Metal Wheel.

well, meteo l-drago is better at absorbing. all Ldragos are perfect in their own way. they are not useless

Yeah, but Dragoon far-by outclasses it. In a tournament situation, your not going to use a Meteo L-Drago TR145 EWD, you'd use a Reviser Dragoon SA165 EWD. In addition, it has a lot more uses then just Spin Steal.
(Sep. 07, 2013  2:04 AM)tac1017 Wrote: well, meteo l-drago is better at absorbing. all Ldragos are perfect in their own way. they are not useless

Not really, Meteo L Drago can't take a hit from anything hardly now with out being KO'd. Meteo is fun, but Dragooon Is simply better in every possible way.
oh yeah speaking of dragooon how does it spin steal better then meteo without any rubber? i've benn wandering this for awhile
it does its job far better.
(Sep. 07, 2013  2:33 AM)AZL Wrote: it does its job far better.
That is far from helping him :\

Rubber does not attribute to spin stealing solely. Rubber allows it to grip onto its opponent and "pull" itself in the opposite direction. Dragooon spin steals better because of its superior weight, round(ish) shape, and weight distribution.
(Sep. 07, 2013  2:23 AM)Lazer Wrote: oh yeah speaking of dragooon how does it spin steal better then meteo without any rubber? i've benn wandering this for awhile
It can be used with other chrome wheels, plus it can stay in the stadium because of its weight.
(Sep. 07, 2013  2:23 AM)Lazer Wrote: oh yeah speaking of Dark Knight Dragooon how does it spin steal better then meteo without any rubber? i've benn wandering this for awhile

exactly! and it doesn't spin-steal, instead it does something cooler, mainly in the zero g stadium. when you try to eject it with a zero g sway, it wont work because it spins in the opposite direction than the way the stadium is moving. this can be useful, especially against a top tier swaying beyblade, as it wont be moved to the top. here is a good combo for you with dragoon. If you don't have the parts, you can use an l'drago with the track and tip I suggest, or any related parts: Theif Dragooon w145 pd. The w145 will make it harder to eject, plus, you don't need a synchrome with a left rotating bey, it will be strong enough with a crystal wheel!
you mean like gravity in left spin defence mode? cause I tried that and when I weak launch it it can take out most stamina combo by a few rotations as long as the the latter's not on B:D
(Sep. 07, 2013  2:35 AM)Ultramarine Wrote:
(Sep. 07, 2013  2:23 AM)Lazer Wrote: oh yeah speaking of dragooon how does it spin steal better then meteo without any rubber? i've benn wandering this for awhile
It can be used with other chrome wheels, plus it can stay in the stadium because of its weight.

Not exactly. Dark Knight Dragoon is a fairly light bey. it stays in the stadium because of its rotation.

(Sep. 07, 2013  2:36 AM)Lazer Wrote: you mean like gravity in left spin defence mode? cause I tried that and when I weak launch it it can take out most stamina combo by a few rotations as long as the the latter's not on BGrin

Any left rotating zero g bey with a minimal amount of movement can be devastating to a right spinning zero g attack type. even a left spinning stamina type can defeat an attack type!
dude no Zero-G bey is good uncustomized he's talking about a synchrome for example if I use a stock Dark Knight Dragooon against Reviser Dragoon B:D its like Poison Scorpio M145Q against Wyvang Wyavng GB145R2F...
(Sep. 07, 2013  2:35 AM)tac1017 Wrote:
(Sep. 07, 2013  2:23 AM)Lazer Wrote: oh yeah speaking of Dark Knight Dragooon how does it spin steal better then meteo without any rubber? i've benn wandering this for awhile

exactly! and it doesn't spin-steal, instead it does something cooler, mainly in the zero g stadium. when you try to eject it with a zero g sway, it wont work because it spins in the opposite direction than the way the stadium is moving. this can be useful, especially against a top tier swaying beyblade, as it wont be moved to the top. here is a good combo for you with dragoon. If you don't have the parts, you can use an l'drago with the track and tip I suggest, or any related parts: Theif Dragooon w145 pd. The w145 will make it harder to eject, plus, you don't need a synchrome with a left rotating bey, it will be strong enough with a crystal wheel!

Um almost everything you said was false, please don't give out information without knowing what you are talking about. Dragooon does indeed spin steal, Dragooon + Crystal Wheel = you loose, and that Theif Dragoon combo isn't very good either, sorry..
me and yuko ray are right you can read aruond beywiki to learn more and maybe someday you'll start writing good articles for it Smile
(Sep. 07, 2013  2:37 AM)tac1017 Wrote:
(Sep. 07, 2013  2:35 AM)Ultramarine Wrote:
(Sep. 07, 2013  2:23 AM)Lazer Wrote: oh yeah speaking of dragooon how does it spin steal better then meteo without any rubber? i've benn wandering this for awhile
It can be used with other chrome wheels, plus it can stay in the stadium because of its weight.

Not exactly. Dark Knight Dragoon is a fairly light bey. it stays in the stadium because of its rotation.
What...are you talking about? I specifically said it can be used with other chrome wheels. I wasn't talking about Dark Knight Dragooon...
dragoon is mainly used for smash attack. my usage is partially from spin stealing through the stadium, but maintaining a good spin and staying in the stadium. plus, tracks and tips are more prone to breakage on a synchrome.
who told you that Dragoon is for spin steal/stamina it can be used in the combo Wyvang Dragoon SA165gcf/cf for sway attack but other then that everything you just said is false please don't post again until you read the Dark Knight Dragooon article on beywiki and read some more about Zero-G Smile
(Sep. 07, 2013  2:45 AM)tac1017 Wrote: dragoon is mainly used for smash attack. my usage is partially from spin stealing through the stadium, but maintaining a good spin and staying in the stadium. plus, tracks and tips are more prone to breakage on a synchrome.

Umm no its not? its used for spin stealer mainly in the BB10 format. It has attack uses with Wyvang or Balro. Dragoon is used with Revizer, Killerken or Genbull for spin stealers/
Where.. Where are you getting this information from? Dragoon is mainly used for spin steal There is only one top tier left spin smash attacker, but there are numerous spin steal combos, Reviser Dragooon BD, Reviser Dragooon SA165EWD, Reviser Dragooon BD145RDF..
Plus there is no documented information of tips breaking on synchrome combos..
(Sep. 07, 2013  2:45 AM)tac1017 Wrote: dragoon is mainly used for smash attack. my usage is partially from spin stealing through the stadium, but maintaining a good spin and staying in the stadium. plus, tracks and tips are more prone to breakage on a synchrome.
You need to get your facts straight. Dragooon is mainly used in spin stealing, you can't steal spin from the stadium, and tracks and tips are not probe to breakage on synchromes unless you chuck them against a wall, drop them off a building, run over then with a car, feed them to an alligator, et cetera.
No it's not mainly used for smash attack, it's used for a mixture between smash attack & spin steal and it's by far not the only way it's used. It works in all sorts of different customizations, the 2 actual main ones: Reviser Dragoon BGrin & Genbull/Girago/Wyvang Dragooon f230 cf.

EDIT: Beaten by Dark, Yuko, and Ultramarine lol!
So to finish this Tac107 please stop giving out me false information about Zero-G and Dragooon me Yuko-ray 14 Ultramarine and Dark_Mousy told you that this was false so go read around beywiki and make sure you check the Dark Knight Dragoon article any more posting of your theory would be conisedered SPAM like I said maybe one day you'll right articles for Beywiki same goes for me but until that happens beywiki is the place for both of us to go Smile

(Sep. 07, 2013  2:54 AM)tac1017 Wrote: how do you make a poll?

click the box that says make a poll while making a thread
To add on that goes on the Questions about the WBO thread at the top of the page. Smile
Does SA165 have use in attack mode?
Yes, MF-H Wyvang Dragooon/Wyvang sa165(attack) R2F.
Yes, in spin stealing situations like Revizer Dragooon SA165EWD and Wyvang Dragooon SA165R2F. It is very useful in that mode.