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Are the Sono Kong plastics/HMS compatible with the Takara ones? And are the Gold series(Sono Kong) beys compatible among themselves?

EDIT: Another question...why arent destabilizers useful in MFB anymore?
Gold series sonokong plastics are compatible amongst themselves, and the SGs can be used with other beyblades of any kind, with a little rattling, as can the base clips. The Bases, AR's and WD's don't fit well on other parts (the bases especially).

Outside of the gold series, their plastics are compatible (though the molds are slightly "sharper" and more defined, like they use a different composition (same with WD's)). No idea about HMS.
(Dec. 21, 2011  8:06 AM)SAM10795 Wrote: Are the Sono Kong plastics/HMS compatible with the Takara ones? And are the Gold series(Sono Kong) beys compatible among themselves?

EDIT: Another question...why arent destabilizers useful in MFB anymore?

They never were, actually. Destabilizers were extremely unreliable, and they only found niche use against the top tiers of the time.
Their downfall can be observed with the release of the maximum series, and most notably Basalt. Destabilizing Basalt, with a wheel about 15 grams lighter than it was not possible. Basalt crushed Destabilizers under its weight, and that's where I once called it a good wheel for Force Smash. I was wrong though...
This was probably the reason why Destabilizers came down. Other powerful parts like BD145 also wrecked destabilizers.
The time when destabilizers flourished was when a top tier Defense wheel was just about 2-5 grams heavier.
As of now, with the release of 4D beys which are considerably more heavy, destabilizers are extinct.
Picture this-
Destabilizers VS. Attack- Do you expect those to stay around against the Kings of Smash?
Destabilizers VS. Defense- The weight would kill!
Destabilizers VS. Stamina- Well, considering the fact that current stamina wheels are just as heavy as the ones in Defense, same reason for Stamina as Defense. As for getting these KOed, top tier customs face problems in KOing those at times, so you can't expect a puny Flame/Thermal wheel to get it done easily. Smile
(Dec. 21, 2011  8:06 AM)SAM10795 Wrote: Are the Sono Kong plastics/HMS compatible with the Takara ones? And are the Gold series(Sono Kong) beys compatible among themselves?

EDIT: Another question...why arent destabilizers useful in MFB anymore?

as far as i know..sonokong HMS's are compatible with the other versions..used to have a sonokong Dranzer MS...and its RC can be interchange with others..
Only gold plastics of sonokong is not compatible..the rest are fine..
Oh, yes, I realise I forgot to answer your question about destabilisers in PM, Sam.

Destabilisers weren't that great in the first place, other than MF LDrago 90WF, they weren't 100% against stamina types, and attack types laughed at them. MF LDrago 90WF had a decent chance against most things until 230 came along. What they did do, however, was make people realise that low tracks weren't just for attack, and furthermore, when people realised that you didn't need SF etc to destabilise, that WD could do it just fine, Destabilisers basically evolved into LTSC's.

I suspect a similar thing would have happened to defense if BD145 and 230 weren't released so soon, in fact there is a thread for LTDC from just before their release that showed fairly promising results (methinks due to the fact many attackers relied on getting under their opponents). Fyuuor made it iirc. "Don't look down on midgets" may have been the name.
Ah, so Basalt actually played no role in ripping off Destabilizers(as mentioned in my answer above)? I am asking so that I could avoid saying this in the future. Smile
I've got a question regarding the Sliding Shoot. I always heard that you bank on the left bank for right-spin attackers, and on the right bank for left-spin attackers. However, I think I remember seeing someone (was it th!nk? Could've been.) say the opposite (right on right, left on left).

Left on right and right on left is how I've always done it, and I seem to get better results that way, but is it the right way?
Case 1- Banking right on left and left on right is probably to keep up the bey's speed, by launching it in the direction of its revolution around the center of the stadium.
Case 2- By banking right on right and left on left, more control is attained as I've noticed. The reason, is quite clear. You are banking in the opposite direction of the bey's revolution.
IMO, both methods are correct, it depends on a person's preference. In case 1, one gets a powerful movement(which is usually more preferred) while in Case 2, more control is gained(which is detrimental at times, because these move around slowly initially, and are sitting ducks for Tornado Stalled beys).

I may be wrong though...
I think if you see the bey not stopping before it attack, it is good. If it does, it could be good, but the bey will lose some of its spin.
which is better for defence duo, death, or basalt
Duo hands down. But yes, Basalt is not extremely bad in comparison. The difference between the two is quite minute, but due to Basalt's recoil, Duo is better.
Death's Defense capabilities are highly overrated according to some people. So, I'd place them in order of Best to Worst as-
Duo; recent testing has shown it has better defense and stamina than Basalt and Death.

EDIT: Once again, Jan. Smile
From MF-H VariAres R145RF, MF-H Blitz Unicorno 85R2F, and MF-H LDD BD145RF, which one has a higher chance in KOing Basalt?
I would guess that it depends on the details of the Basalt combo but I doubt it's LDD.
Which is better Gravity Perseus CH120Rf or Gravity Perseus R145RF?

Which is better LLD H145RF or LLD 100RF?
which one suffers more recoil variares or blitz, also which is better for stamina scythe or phantom
VariAres has more recoil. Phantom is more widely-applicable for Stamina.
What are the best parts to use in order to beat this combo, Variares CH120 R2F?
Use Build Me A Combo for that.
Which one is better Gravity Perseus CH120RF or Gravity Perseus R145RF?

Also, Which is better LLD H145RF or LLD 100RF?
which tip is better rdf or rs for defence
Most people would probably prefer to own an RDF right now as it is usable in more combos. Beyond that it's situational as they are both good for different things.
in which areas does eds perform better than wd