Anyone plays LOL(League of Legends)

Sorry for the 'necro-bump' but I insisted that I had to post this.

I haven't been playing league of legends for a while, this week was my holidays which lasted...well a week. I experienced my brother's addiction to league of legends for 2 weeks and his almost level 30. I began to play last week and got slightly addicted, I played as Master Yi but I didn't think of a build. After playing Yi for a while I realised that this item build was the best for him.

I played with my build, and got 3150 IP. I bought Gragas, as you all know the Gangnam Style Parody on youtube Ulti Gragas Style. He was pretty beast but after 5 games I got bored so I refunded him, now I'm currently going for marhazal..? So I played teemo, my build was pretty average but I sucked. So I went to Master Yi again and well with my brand new build I pretty much owned. And my overall score was this:

I got alot of assists and most of them were obtained by teamwork, some where when teammates joined in and thought I needed help. But it was okay we had a pretty ownage team either way, my name is SkyTsuna X the one highlighted. My addiction to League of Legends is not high but my thought of League of legends can only be put in one word, awesome.

...I rate this game around 10/10, being honest here. The graphics can be turned to high, for alienware turning the graphics to high is nothing. The game itself is exciting and right now is the championship which you can watch live!
I bought Malhazar and I find him really interesting. Creating Voids and dealing a considerable damage, I'm in love with Malhazar. Although, seeing all these noobs with Master Yi made me angry, since I start school again tomorrow I decided to have one match. I played Master Yi and BAM I owned. Here is my score, be sure to check my score above with Master Yi. There was a player with a champion he thought was ownage, apparently he did not even bother writing a build for it.

What did everyone think of the outcome of the World Championships? I'm personally pretty satisfied.
Can't believe that a lot of people don't know what LoL is. I'm playing a carp ton of ADC recently, besides my usual role as AP carry. Favourite ADC has to be Draven Ezreal or Tristana. I also go AD Teemo but that usually doesn't end well.
Played for about a month, level 16, 61 wins.

Pretty beast actually, I like Ad or As champions. Username is SkyTsuna X, bought Garen and played 2 games. First I got 5-1-10 and then 13-7-17.
I started playing recently and I'm currently level 9. I'm using ashe for now until I can try to use Nocturne as my main as he looks interesting. IGN is: ARedBeanChocobo
I'm a bit noobish but level 17, I mainly play ranged champions such as Varus, Ashe, Veigar, etc.

I'm MiiNotFit. Add if you go 1v1
I play cutthroat bUt always go bot. Master yi assassin skin FTW!!!!
im pretty new to it but its fun
Hehe, I play LoL a lot, but never enough to level up. Currently Lv 17.
I use AP Teemo A LOT! Plus the Panda skin as a tribute to my heritage Grin
I play him ok and I can also use Ezreal (but I suck at him).
I play LoL. US west I think. I play Varus, Alistar, Tristana, and maybe Veigar. I usually go for the adcs.. Tongue_out Add me: MiiNotFit

EDIT: Went scrolling and saw that I posted Tongue_out
Well, I play on EU West as well. If you wanna add, go ahead, it's Manicben. Grin
Used to play adc Teemo, but I found AP to be much better Tongue_out
Really gotta learn how to use other champs. XD
Alright, I updated a lot since i first posted in this thread, and am now lvl 30 (and got way better too!).

I play on the NA Servers, and mainly play jungle consisting of a wide variety, though I still dont like some on the Jungle champs. I "Main": Nautilus, Amumu, Nocturne, Hecarim, Vi, Riven, Sejuani and Lee Sin in the jungle
My friend recently got me into this game ^^
It's quite addicting!
I always play as Nidalee as I fell in love with her as she suits my play style greatly.
I just began playing LOL, and it's a lot of fun.

Unfortunately, I'm really bad at it and I die a lot. Tongue_out
Would anybody want to play a couple of games someday? I generally play with people that I know in school, but I'm sure that playing with you guys would be very entertaining. Add "ARedBeanChocobo" if you wish to play, and PM me here with your username so I know who you are.
I'm a semi-noob; I know what I'm doing but I would get mauled in a game with good players. I play mostly Nasus, Cho'Gath, and Ashe, from most often to least. My username is Purple Beaver, because beavers and purple are awesome, and I couldn't do Cake XD

My best round thus far has been 4 deaths, 8 kills, 6 assists with Nasus, with two of my deaths due to lag. Since then I have fixed the lag issues and gotten a better build, but I haven't played much lately and had a couple bad rounds.
I just wrote a guide for some of the newer players who want to play as Vi. I just got her today, and I'm areadt beasting as her.

Read it here:

or here:
anyone know if aatrox is out? my regular league computer is out of commission at the moment
yeah aatrox is out, he is an absolute pain to lane against.

After nerfing sustain champs, they release a character with such broken sustain Tired