Anyone plays LOL(League of Legends)

LOL Nice, sorry I didn't get back to you online, I have only been playing this game for a month, so I am not close to lvl 30 (16 I believe?) I also play 2 other smurf accounts when I'm bored. I have been playing on my laptop, which as you know, sucks. I really want to build myself a gaming pc, but I don't have money to spare in the least lol so I won't be online unless I am at my friends house or I build my PC,haha

That's awesome lol that skin is funny! They won't even see the grab coming XD

Pulsfire ezreal looks like playing him will just feel more powerful lol
Definitely worth it if you ever are able to build a rig. I did it a year and a half ago and I love it! Just wish I was back home to use it.

LoL runs decently on my laptop, but the internet pretty much ruins that haha.

Ahhh Pulsefire EZ. I know once I get into using EZ I am going to splurge and buy that overpriced skin haha.
I actually just started playing. Been maining Ashe and Annie.
Yeah, I hope I'm able to build one soon lol

I started out maining ashe as well, she is a good champion to help you learn the basics. After a while you will get used to using any champ, but you will most likely have ones you are better with. I am probably the worlds worst fiddlesticks player lol don't let me get on Fizz, Ahri, or Vayne though, I will carry.
I'm probably the world's worst Master Yi player Smile
(Nov. 19, 2013  10:37 PM)zflare3 Wrote: I'm bronze 2 22LP atm.Fortunately, my MMR is decently high, so I get 22LP per match, It will get higher though Grin
I'm gonna try to make my aim at least Diamond 5 this season Tongue_out
Ill be rooting for you! Go for diamond 1 though XD or even LCS! Haha
EDIT: Your recent builds on Lee Sin are kinda bad. If you are going to play jungle lee sin, go Sunfire Cape and blade of the ruined king for additional health and sustain since your KD on him isn't high enough for full AD. I also suggest building magic resist if the situation permits and maybe you should get a last whisperer for some armor pen. Only build Hydra or BT if you know that you can quickly burst them down without dying.(or after you have built BOTRK and SC)
EDIT2: Looks like you carried your team with renekton, maybe you should play him more lol
My addiction for the game grew xD
Now I only play bots because Im scared of the trolls in normals, but Im alright, I guess. I main support. PM me if you wanna lane ADC with meh
(Nov. 20, 2013  12:00 AM)TakasuMouce Wrote: My addiction for the game grew xD
Now I only play bots because Im scared of the trolls in normals, but Im alright, I guess. I main support. PM me if you wanna lane ADC with meh
most people won't troll in normal games, since it will effect them lol the only thing you have to watch out for is smurfs when you are low lvl. It gets kind of annoying, especially if you are lvl 1 laning against NYJacky who's account got banned for ELO boosting and now he has to create a new smurf to stream...
i like LoL too
im level 23 almost 24
i really like playing riven, orianna, and diana :3
(Nov. 27, 2013  12:55 PM)4catsinaboat Wrote: i like LoL too
im level 23 almost 24
i really like playing riven, orianna, and diana :3
Ah so you mid a lot? Orianna is so cool, love her command shockwave- riven has some awesome sauce skins, and diana is, well she's diana lol
I finished my promos and got into Bronze 2 Uncertain I also opened 3 Mystery Skins and got carp. Warrior Princess Sivir, Bandit Sivir, and Buccaneer Tristana. Anyone else opened Mystery Skins?
I did not even know they re-worked Heimerdinger until seeing a lot of people play him this week.

I got to use him after ARAM gave him to me, and it was so amazing!
I pretty much 1 v 5 the entire other team as when my team would all die except me, I could hold the other team back no prob. Unfortunately though, as the match went on, it was hard to hold back the entire team when all of them had full gear haha. The rework they did to his Ultimate is so awesome, really opens up other options for him.
I don't frequent these forums often anymore, but feel free to add me on daosyn. I play on NA.
Same here, I only came back cuz I randomly met primal in a game. Tongue_out
Hey! Showdown is LIVE! I never lost a single one :3 Anyone want to 2v2 with me, add me: MiiNotFit
Hi guys, Im mew11250910, level 20, and i am currently maining nidalee.
add me.
I think I'm lvl 20. My mains are Top lane Wukong and jungle Jax.
Went 5-5 in ranked and got Bronze 4. lol time to carry myself.
I play League of Legends, was Silver 1 in Season 3, haven't played rank in this season (4).
Can play all lanes, but main mid (also main supp, but i highly dislike it)

I almost always carry with Leblanc, Zed, Yasuo, Katarina, Lee Sin, and Wukong (All mid)
but i can play every champ