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(Dec. 03, 2018  3:52 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 02, 2018  6:19 PM)DreamBlade Wrote: [ -> ]Transfer to Another World

Wilson And Lexy was researching for other types of beyblades and was taken to the Shogun Steel world in the process. They then went to a cyclone bey stadium to practice with their beys.

"So this is the cyclone bey stadium huh?" Said Wilson.
"This seems to be a stadium that rotates from centrifugal force" Lexy said.

A group of bladers came to them and said, "Are you a newcomer here? Newcomers are not welcome here."

"Who said so?" said Lexy
"We said so. You are just going to lose first time here."
"If that's the case prove it with your beys and not words."
"Are you challenging us? Fine then, but you're going to regret it later."
"Alright sure, we'll battle you. both me and Wilson."

The bladers aim their beys toward the stadium while Wilson puts his bey into  right rotation with the right armor.

They all said "3 2 1 LET IT RIP"

The beys land on the stadium floor while Aurora Requiem goes counter clockwise rotation stopping the stadium from rotating because of its weight."Wilson, I'll go to the center and use katana boost. You knock the beys towards me alright." says Lexy. "Ok, that's a plan."Wilson says. Pegasus begins to go to the tornado ridge and gains a burst of speed. Zyro was watching to see how they battle but then got shocked when Wilson said," I'm going to finish this in one hit. Now Pegasus, Air Wing Uppercut!" "There is another Pegasus! I thought there was only one!" Zyro said. All the other beys started to get pushed down towards the center. "Aurora, Katana Boost!" Lexy said. The beys hit Aurora and got sent flying."Yes we won!" Lexy and Wilson said.

Meanwhile at the WBBA office, Tsubasa got a call from Madoka telling him about the new blades and the new bays and the fact that there was another bey that went by the name of Pegasus.

At the beypark, Lexy and Wilson keeps winning battle after battle. And Gingka came inside the beystadium and Wilson saw his Pegasus and said, "Gingka, battle me. I want to test my Pegasus against yours." Gingka accepts his challenge and steps up to the stadium. Wilson switches to left rotation and uses the left armor. They set their launchers and said,"3 2 1 LET IT RIP" Wilson launched weakly on purpose to steal spin Samurai Pegasus. Wilson stayed in the center of the stadium while Gingka kept attacking the center until Zion Pegasus's engine gear activated. "Its not slowing him down at all," Gingka said "Pegasus, Storm Bringer!" Samurai Pegasus circled around the stadium at fast speed moving the stadium. Zion Pegasus sped up with the engine gear and Wilson said, "Pegasus, Zion Break!" Zion Pegasus went to attack Samurai Pegasus head on. "What! Reverse rotation!" Gingka said. Zion and Samurai collided and sent each other flying. Ending up in a tie. Wilson was shocked, "A tie! I thought i would win by stadium out." Wilson went to Lexy and said, "Are you going to battle Zyro?" Lexy replied,"Tat was exactly what i was going to do."
"Zyro, I challenge you to a battle!" Lexy said.
Wilson started to see a dark aura around her. "Oh no, its happening again."

Interesting but one big problem, burst vs ZeroG. If it was that their beys transformed into a ZeroG beyblade it would be different, but as it is now they would get out spun, have the disadvantage of bursting, are lighter, and would get damaged if not broken because of plastic on metal impacts. The story is flawed but with some simple changes it could work.
What do you mean simple changes?
(Dec. 04, 2018  2:51 AM)DreamBlade Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 03, 2018  3:52 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting but one big problem, burst vs ZeroG. If it was that their beys transformed into a ZeroG beyblade it would be different, but as it is now they would get out spun, have the disadvantage of bursting, are lighter, and would get damaged if not broken because of plastic on metal impacts. The story is flawed but with some simple changes it could work.
What do you mean simple changes?

As in the beys becoming zero g beys when they went through the portal.

(Dec. 03, 2018  6:39 PM)Dt20000 Wrote: [ -> ]I know, but I could not find the first part. Also, I was just going to add any new parts when they came

Please don't, they are already in order and do not need to be pushed into one oversized post. By doing that the little notes at the bottom are lost. That is where I put credits and information that helps connect the parts together. I do not need someone else to keep my stories in order.

But but I respect the idea, you should have asked before copy and pasting what is at this point more or less a small novel.
(Dec. 04, 2018  2:51 AM)DreamBlade Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 03, 2018  3:52 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting but one big problem, burst vs ZeroG. If it was that their beys transformed into a ZeroG beyblade it would be different, but as it is now they would get out spun, have the disadvantage of bursting, are lighter, and would get damaged if not broken because of plastic on metal impacts. The story is flawed but with some simple changes it could work.
What do you mean simple changes?

I was also going to do one with the plastic gen and after g revolution. But would it work with burst?
(Dec. 04, 2018  1:54 PM)DreamBlade Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 04, 2018  2:51 AM)DreamBlade Wrote: [ -> ]What do you mean simple changes?

I was also going to do one with the plastic gen and after g revolution. But would it work with burst?

the general rule that I follow is cross gen is not a good Idea. Why do you think I keep my story in the burst timeline?
(Dec. 04, 2018  1:54 PM)DreamBlade Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 04, 2018  2:51 AM)DreamBlade Wrote: [ -> ]What do you mean simple changes?

I was also going to do one with the plastic gen and after g revolution. But would it work with burst?

I agree with what MWF said, you should only do that if you change the beys and have it planned
(Dec. 04, 2018  2:02 PM)Dt20000 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 04, 2018  1:54 PM)DreamBlade Wrote: [ -> ]I was also going to do one with the plastic gen and after g revolution. But would it work with burst?

I agree with what MWF said, you should only do that if you change the beys and have it planned
But wouldn't the original make more sense than the metal. Because they are mostly plastic? Plus it looked like burst evolved from it.
(Dec. 04, 2018  11:57 PM)DreamBlade Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 04, 2018  2:02 PM)Dt20000 Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with what MWF said, you should only do that if you change the beys and have it planned
But wouldn't the original make more sense than the metal. Because they are mostly plastic? Plus it looked like burst evolved from it.

Yes, but both systems perform very differently and plastics would still win easily because of the difference in design
Jeez that's weird better use CYCLONE WALL!
(Dec. 05, 2018  1:52 AM)Dt20000 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 04, 2018  11:57 PM)DreamBlade Wrote: [ -> ]But wouldn't the original make more sense than the metal. Because they are mostly plastic? Plus it looked like burst evolved from it.

Yes, but both systems perform very differently and plastics would still win easily because of the difference in design

True. And I also saw a video between cho z valkryie and Dragoon galaxy. It's better than other generations it almost won and never burst. If only there was a way to put metal beys or plastic beys into burst format. But wouldn't work because there are already equivalents for it. Like caynox is like phantom orion and doomscizor is like chronos. Also I'm making a 3d model of a beyblade Using tinkercad
A Snapping Point! Vis' Anger

"So what you are saying is that if we battle Vis he will cheer up?" Says Matt, listening to what Zach has to say.
"Yes," Says Zach, "but Matt, don't battle him yet. Just watch and let me know if things get better."

Vis is walking and is met by Misuku. He says he wants to battle. They launch and Sonar sends Drake flying after a short clash. Vis grabs Sonar and continues on his way.

He bumps into Misuki and is challenged again.
"Sure." He says as he gets ready. They launch and Sonar sends Draco out of the stadium.

He is then challenged by Mysuku and Tsuku. When they battle Jinnus gets sent flying at Mysuku as Kulkulkan bursts. Vis then storms off.

"Hey buddy," says Mytero, "I decided to visit the dojo. Want to battle?"
Vis agrees with annoyance in his voice. They launch and Sonar attacks Ifrit with aggressive power and bursts Ifrit.
As Vis storms off Zach says, "I designed a new part. Want to help test it?"
Vis chooses to battle and as they launch Vis yells, "Why wouldn't anyone leave me alone!"
Matt panics as he sees Vis' aura spike, the darkness reaching out, and watches as Aeros spits into two pieces, the new driver reduced to splinters.

Vis bursts into tears as he realizes what he has just done. Matt watches as the aura shrinks into itself and nearly dissappear.

-end of part 25-

Matt belongs to @[Jman jman]

Yeet, so yep, this happened.

Also Zach can remake his bey, Vis knows that.

But that isn't the reason behind the breakdown.
Ok so just to let anyone that care the story will have a one year time skip. In that time Vis returned to normal and Matt left the dojo to start his own gym. The next part will take place after the skip.
Polarity switch! ChouZ Sonar

Vis finishes another bey, this time taking inspiration from iris sonar, he puts it with the other prototypes. He looks at the layers he created and thought about all the battles that lead to this moment. Suddenly, he goes back to forge another one. He creates a ten disk after remembering his battle with Phi and Creates an improved dagger frame when remembering his match against Xhan. He stops when it is time to make the driver. He remembers all the good and bad times and creates a driver from those conflicting emotions. He holds the bey up to the sky and watches as the light glimmers on the surface of the metal.

"What cha make there?" Asks Zach with a grin, "looks like you caught on with the trade."
Vis grins and shows him the bey. Zach grins and they decide to battle.

They launch and Sonar spins in the center as Aeros dives down to attack but the attack rolls off. They both smile when they are reminded to some of the first battles with Raos. Aeros stops spinning and they go to launch again.
Vis switches the tip on the driver and slides a bar on his launcher. They launch and the burst guards activate as Sonar rockets at Aeros. They clash and Sonar clicks, they clash again. The impact sends both beys flying and they hit the wall, causing Sonar to click twice and catch the burst guard. The improved dagger frame lines up with the contact points and Sonar hits Aeros, bursting it. Zach is amazed by his brother's handiwork and they both smile after such a great success.

A letter is found and it mentions a challenge by a gym they haven't heard about.

-end of part 26-

Raos (mentioned) belongs to @[Dragunix]

Ok so it has been a hot minute since the last part.

Vis went through thirty-six prototypes before making the beyblade. They ranged from true attack types to stone wall defense types to powerful stamina types. Each prototype had some part of it inspired by the many different beys Vis has used. The only help he got was Zach teaching him how to actually make a beyblade.

He made the launcher himself as well. It is a beylauncher that can switch between being normal and being a long variant. The burst guards were made with enough resistance so a full power launch with the normal mode does not activate them.
Unexpected! Reunion battle

"Hello." Vis says as he enters the room. He looks around, there is a stadium in the middle of the room. He is greeted by a familiar face, a bit being a little taller.
"Hello," Responds Matt with a grin, "It's been a while." Vis nods and Matt continues, "After I left the dojo I started my own gym."
Vis says, "And I am guessing that it was your gym that sent the challenge?"
Matt nods and says, "I have been improving with my students," He holds out a new bey and says, "Minbros will not be defeated."

Vis grins and gets ready. They launch and Sonar spins in the center. Minbros rushes down to attack but just rolls off Sonar. Minbros continues to attack but each impact slides off. "Sonar is the result of months of trial and error until the perfect mix of stamina, defense, and attack was achieved," Vis grins as Sonar rolls around an attack, "Sonar! Mirage counter!" Sonar blocks Minbros and then uses its frame to send it flying.
Vis switches the driver and changes his launcher to power mode. They get ready and as they launch Matt says, "Your not the only one with a new power!" They launch and the burst stoppers activate on Sonar, locking the ring. Sonar chases after Minbros, both beys diving down. The impact sends both beys flying to the edge of the stadium, both beys clicking. They attack again and both beys click again. Sonar hits the wall and clicks again, lining up the frame with the contact points. Minbros switches to defence and Matt yells, "Minbros guard!" Sonar clashes with Minbros and both bey get sent flying. Minbros bursts before landing on the stadium floor.

Both blader grin and Vis says, "The match will be in two weeks."

-end of part 27-
Matt belongs to @[Jman jman]

If it wasn't for Sonar's burst stopper it would have been a tie.
One word amazing

Sun and Moon Twin Attack 

Matt wakes up he gets out of bed and get's dress. He walks out of his room and is met by one of his students/team mate  his name is kai. Matt says " hey kai what's up" kai says " we challenge you to a battle." then Matt says " Sure. ready to rock." Matt and kai whent out side to battle. 

Mia walks up and says " hey what's up? " Matt says " I am just about to beat your brother "  then Kai says "oh you are battling us " Matt says" okay dose not mater but we are going to two points" Mia toss her beyblade to Kai. Kai locks them together. Matt then thinks " hmm  he is using a balance beyblade that has two modes. defense and stamina he is probably going to use stamina to beat my defense beyblade. but he might not realize how powerful my attack power is at the beginning. So that's my only hope for winning." 

Both bladers get ready. Matt gets in a stance similar to shu red eye launch stance. Matt and Kai both say "3 2 1 LET IT RIP " Matt jumps up and launch. Both beyblades hit the stadium floor. Minbros goes in to a banking patter.  Ninja/kunoichi goes to the middle in stamina mode. Minbros clash in to it at full speed but it's Makes no effect on Ninja/kunoichi. After a few more useless attacks Minbros goes in to defense mode. Then Kai yells " here is your chance. TWIN ATTACK." Ninja/kunoichi starts to attack. Minbros begins to get push back. Then Matt says" you think you are winning don't you " Kai says " What." Minbros continue to get push back. Matt yells " Minbros counter " the omega tip rubber contacts the side of the stadium and speeds away and Ninja/kunoichi crash in to the wall and lose two clicks. Before Ninja/kunoichi could recover Minbros speed around the stadium and hits the beyblade in to the air. Ninja/kunoichi burst mid air. Matt says " Well done but you could do better " Matt thinks " Man that was close " The end

side notes: Mia beyblade is solar kunoichi
Kai beyblade is luner Ninja hints the title sun and moon

It's epic
Battle of dragons! Dragoon vs Draco

"Welcome beyblade fans!" Yells the announcer, "Get ready for the first battle."
The bladers walk up to the stadium. They look at each other and Fin thinks. 'Draco is a left spin beyblade,' the thinks as she sets her launcher, 'Right spin should do it.' They launch and Draco takes the center. Dragoon gets a burst of speed from the brief rubber contact as it lands on the stadium and dives down. The impact pushes Draco down but the dish on the driver catches the bey. Fin is suprised at the recoil. "Right spin!" She says as the two beys clash again. Misuki chuckles and says, "I guess you didn't pay attention," Draco deflects Dragoon again as she continues, "The core system allows for both directions. Draco, Burning Wall Counter." Draco hits Dragoon and sends it away. Dragoon wobbles and stops spinning.

Fin looks at Misuki, her piercing eyes glaring right back. Misuki does something to the driver and layer. They launch and Dragoon Dashes at Draco at high speeds. "Wrong choice." Says Misuki with a grin as Draco clashes. Both beys go flying, Dragoon landing second. Both beys burst when they are picked up.

Misuki changes up the core on Draco and flips the dish on the driver. They launch and Draco catches Dragoon and sends it flying to the wall. Draco chases after Dragoon, hitting it with a barrage of heavy attacks. "This has gone on for long enough!" Yells Misuki, her normal composure gone, "Draco! Finish it!" The barrage continues, pushing Dragoon down. Suddenly, Dragoon darts away and spins at hight speeds. "Dragoon attack!" Yells Fin as Dragoon goes for the attack. Draco starts to spin in the center as Misuki grins. "Gotcha." She says with a grin, her act disappearing. Fin watches as Dragoon bursts when it hits Draco. "I was training you when you started trying that move." Misuki says as she puts together Dragoon. She hands Fin the bey as she says, "And it was amazing."

-end of part 28-
Fin belongs to @[Jman jman]

The score is:

Fin left the dojo when Matt created his gym. Their was a period of time where she was training in the dojo with her new bey.

Sun and Moon! Sacred Drake vs Solar Ninja

The bladers walk up to the stadium. They launch and Drake dashes towards Ninja. Ninja takes the hit and deflects Drake away. After a long battle Drake ends up stopping.
Misuku switches up the layer and lowers the driver. They launch and Drake rockets towards Ninja. The impact causes Ninja to rise up the stadium. "Take this!" Yells Kai, "The combination of my sister's and my power! Celestial Impact!" Ninja dives down in a spiral and bursts Drake.

-end of part 29-
Kai and his sister (mentioned) Belongs to @[Jman jman]

The score is:

A little boring but Solar Ninja is the ninja layer being used as a disk on the Kinochi layer. It is a very heavy defense type.

Part 30 will be fun.
The new journey begins
It's night time and He's watching television"I'll become stronger than. Stronger than every one*As he says that he looks at his bey. A few years has past and Romeo kurenai shy younger brother and is brown skinned, black and red eyes. He's 5'3. is walking to school and looks at crescent spryzen."we will get stronger! Together"He smiles and continues walking. While on his way he sees his best friend raynaldo, a dark skinned boy with dread-locks and is 5'10. The same height as Romeo and they are both 15.Raynaldo Ahoy bey is Cosmic valtreyek. A Attack type bey. "Hi Romeo. Your in a rush to get to school"Raynaldo says. "Yh i wanna train. Let's train together"Romeo says. As they both run off to begoma academy and head for Bey club and battle it out.They both win some loose some. Then she came. A light skinned girl with blue hair and a very pretty face with a curvy body. Her name is Ella Golding." Who gonna enter the district tournament. I'm gonna enter. What about u Romeo and raynaldo" "Yh"they both said."good become my A-Marin will wreck all your beys"Ella had a crush on Romeo and hoped to get him. Raynaldo and Romeo Get pumped but something is troubling Romeo. He then realised that he has not fully unclock Spryzen abilities and if he's gonna with. He has to make it stronger. Romeo bey Crescent spryzen has 3 evolutions which allows it to get stronger and doesn't need any changes. Romeo designed it with his dad at the age of 10. After school finishes Romeo runs to his secret training spot and trains a lot.

The district tournament
Announcer:LADIES ABD GENTALMENS, THE DISTRICT TOURNAMENT HAS FINALLY STARTED. BLADERS SIGN UP. Each bladder sign up and it's Romeo turn. He signs up"Its our time spryzen" Announcer"First up is Romeo vs Shirosagi!
The first battle
Both bladders take there place. In Romeos mind"His bey is Serburus Cripton. An defence stype"Announcer"3,2,1!" Both"LET IT RIP"Both beys are spinning and serburus heads for the centre. "SPRYZEN ATTACK!"Romeo said. Spryzen attacks but Serburus defence too strong."Spryzen GO!"Spryzen attack and moves serburus out of the way. Shirosagi"WHAT. Serburus Show him your defence" he heads back for the middle and as spryzen attacks he gets sent out."....."Romeo is shocked. Referee"1 point to shirosagi" the crowd cheers. Shirosagi:pls too easy. Referee"3,2,1!"Romeo tilts his launcher 45 degrees. Both"LET IT RIP"They are both launched into the stadium and spryzen round fast the centre. Serburus tries to take over but it dose not work. Shirosagi"NOOOOO GO!" "Don't let him"Romeo says. Serburus continues trying but spryzen moves out of the way and goes up and comes back down lands a devastating blow on serburus sending him flying out of the area.referee"The score is 1-1" everyone Cheering."well done Romeo"Raynaldo says. Ref"The third battle" They get ready. "Let's show him spryzen" Romeo said. "Knock him out"Shirosagi said. Ref"3,2,1" both"LET IT RIP"They both get launched into the stadium and serburus takes the centre but sryzen is not going for serburus, it's Spining around the stadium using edge to build up speed. "This is Counter vortex"Says Romeo. Spryzen moves so fast it's creates a red vortex and continuesally keeps attacking and then.""says shirosagi.serberus then burst.Ref:The score is 3-1. Romeo wins" Everyone is cheering and Ronaldo claps. Romeo picks up his bey"We did it spryzen. Well done"Later that day Romeo says bye to raynaldo and Ella and heads home."we will surpass him. Big brother shu. Your going down"

(Jan. 01, 2019  5:56 AM)Romeo Kurenai12 Wrote: [ -> ]The new journey begins

It's night time and He's watching television"I'll become stronger than. Stronger than every one*As he says that he looks at his bey. A few years has past and Romeo kurenai shy younger brother and is brown skinned, black and red eyes. He's 5'3. is walking to school and looks at crescent spryzen."we will get stronger! Together"He smiles and continues walking. While on his way he sees his best friend raynaldo, a dark skinned boy with dread-locks and is 5'10. The same height as Romeo and they are both 15.Raynaldo Ahoy bey is Cosmic valtreyek. A Attack type bey. "Hi Romeo. Your in a rush to get to school"Raynaldo says. "Yh i wanna train. Let's train together"Romeo says. As they both run off to begoma academy and head for Bey club and battle it out.They both win some loose some. Then she came. A light skinned girl with blue hair and a very pretty face with a curvy body. Her name is Ella Golding." Who gonna enter the district tournament. I'm gonna enter. What about u Romeo and raynaldo" "Yh"they both said."good become my A-Marin will wreck all your beys"Ella had a crush on Romeo and hoped to get him. Raynaldo and Romeo Get pumped but something is troubling Romeo. He then realised that he has not fully unclock Spryzen abilities and if he's gonna with. He has to make it stronger. Romeo bey Crescent spryzen has 3 evolutions which allows it to get stronger and doesn't need any changes. Romeo designed it with his dad at the age of 10. After school finishes Romeo runs to his secret training spot and trains a lot.

The district tournament
Announcer:LADIES ABD GENTALMENS, THE DISTRICT TOURNAMENT HAS FINALLY STARTED. BLADERS SIGN UP. Each bladder sign up and it's Romeo turn. He signs up"Its our time spryzen" Announcer"First up is Romeo vs Shirosagi!
The first battle
Both bladders take there place. In Romeos mind"His bey is Serburus Cripton. An defence stype"Announcer"3,2,1!" Both"LET IT RIP"Both beys are spinning and serburus heads for the centre. "SPRYZEN ATTACK!"Romeo said. Spryzen attacks but Serburus defence too  strong."Spryzen GO!"Spryzen attack and moves serburus out of the way. Shirosagi"WHAT. Serburus Show him your defence" he heads back for the middle and as spryzen attacks he gets sent out."....."Romeo is shocked. Referee"1 point to shirosagi" the crowd cheers. Shirosagi:pls too easy. Referee"3,2,1!"Romeo tilts his launcher 45 degrees. Both"LET IT RIP"They are both launched into the stadium and spryzen round fast the centre. Serburus tries to take over but it dose not work. Shirosagi"NOOOOO GO!" "Don't let him"Romeo says. Serburus continues trying but spryzen moves out of the way and goes up and comes back down lands a devastating blow on serburus sending him flying out of the area.referee"The score is 1-1" everyone Cheering."well done Romeo"Raynaldo says. Ref"The third battle" They get ready. "Let's show him spryzen" Romeo said. "Knock him out"Shirosagi said. Ref"3,2,1" both"LET IT RIP"They both get launched into the stadium and serburus takes the centre but sryzen is not going for serburus, it's Spining around the stadium using edge to build up speed. "This is Counter vortex"Says Romeo. Spryzen moves so fast it's creates a red vortex and continuesally keeps attacking and then.""says shirosagi.serberus then burst.Ref:The score is 3-1. Romeo wins" Everyone is cheering and Ronaldo claps. Romeo picks up his bey"We did it spryzen. Well done"Later that day Romeo says bye to raynaldo and Ella and heads home."we will surpass him. Big brother shu. Your going down"
The Beast in the Maze! Minbros vs Sonar

"All right folks!" Yells the announcer, "It is the final round. Give it up for the leaders of the gyms!"
The crowd roars as the two Bladers approach the stadium. "The are always so loud," Says Vis, Setting up his launcher with a grin, "Let's give them a reason."
They launch and Minbros attacks and gets sent back. Sonar sends the attacks back with aggression. Minbros switches to defence and rolls down to Sonar. Sonar knocks it back, only to have Minbros come crashing back down. Minbros stops spinning as the impacts tear away stamina.
The crowd screams as the two set up to launch again. They launch and Sonar rockets at Minbros. But instead of sending it flying, Sonar continues to push it using the free spin of the layer and the speed of the driver. Sonar makes the bey scrape against the walls until it is pushed out of the stadium.
"Your just playing with me aren't you?" Says Matt. Vis gives him a grin and says, "Just giving them a show." He stares at Matt and says," Why don't you kick it up a notch?"
The two Bladers launch and the beys clash with great force. Minbros dashes through the stadium and hits Sonar with a barrage of attacks, gradually pushing it back. The impact pushes the busts stoppers on Sonar on the last hit. Causing Minbros to roll off Sonar, out of the stadium. Before Minbros hits the ground, Sonar bursts. Matt grins and says, "How's that for a show?"
They grin as they get ready to launch. Vis crouches and swings his launcher. The extra speed causes Sonar to smash into Minbros, flinging it past Matt, bursting the bey in one hit. "How's that for a finale?" Vis says with a grin.

-End of part 30-

Matt belongs to @[Jman jman]

Final Score:
Room For Improvement! Beysmithing

"There is a distinct loss in power due to the free spinning part." Vis mumbles as he looks at a digital model of Sonar. "If I can find a way to lock the ring during launch." He tinker with digital models and physical prototypes until he remembers how Minbros broke through the burst stoppers and made the ring free spin. He adds two weaker stoppers and test. He launches and notices improvements in power. He watches as Sonar hits the stationary combo. The impact pushes the weak stoppers back and allows the layer to free spin. He then goes back to design a driver.

After some fine tuning the driver was complete, Zach walks in and sees the driver. "Cool design," He says, "need to test it?"

They get ready to launch and Sonar takes the center. Aeros hits Sonar, the impact sends both beys back. Aeros goes for another attack as Sonar returns to the center but the attack rolls off. Vis grins as his improvements worked. He twists the driver, lowering the tip to allow for a more defensive mode. They launch and Sonar stays in the center on the first attack. Afterwards Vis twists the driver to completely hide the tip allowing the flat surface to hit the stadium. He changes the mode on the launcher and they launch. Sonar rockets forwards and hits Aeros. Both beys rocket at each other but the lower hight on Sonar destabilizes Aeros and Sonar hits it with a clean hit, bursting it.

-end of part 31-

A little boring but new driver.
Fire and Ice! Fusion Battle

"If it ain't Valt Aoi." Says Vis. The two grin and shake hands. Valt agrees to train and goes off to a stadium.

Nika and Toko look around the dojo and bump into Misuku and Misuki, who were cleaning up a large stadium.
"Hey," calls Toko, "Valt told me that some of the best train here."
Misuku responds with a smug grin, "Maybe that's true, what about it?"
Misuki gives him a judging look as Nika says, "We want to battle," Toko joins in as they say, "two v two."

The four get ready to launch. They launch and Draco goes to the center as Drake dashes towards Nyke. The springs on Nyke block the initial attack. Misuku says, "Glacial Impact!" Drake hits with a strong attack sending Nyke back. Drake dashes down and clashes with Trident. The waves block the barrage but Trident gets trapped by Draco. "Nyke!" Yells Nika as Nyke dives down to hit Draco, "Victor impact!" Misuki says, "Checkmate." Draco glows as she calls, "Burning guard." Draco rolls out of the way and Misuku calls out, "Glacial Impact!" As Drake rises up the stadium to dive down and hit Trident into Nyke. Trident bursts as Nyke gets sent back. Drake spins off Drake and rises up to hit Nyke, bursting it.

Toko and Nika split their layers and combine them. Misuki notices this and the two siblings do it as well. They launch and Trident clashes with Drake. Trident blocks the attack with the wave while hitting twice with the wings. Drake dives down after this impact and slams into Nyke. Nika yells, "Nyke!" Misuku responds with, "infernal counter." Drake uses the wall side to take the attack then hit with a strong barrage. The impact sends Nyke into the path of Trident. The two beys collide and Misuki calls out, "Frozen Shield." as Nyke gets sent back near the center. The wall is used against the attack then the ice wall deflects but Trident hits Nyke preventing it from getting knocked away. Both of them call out, "Victor Surge." The guards and attacks of the two beys line up As Draco gets pushed back. Misuku yells, "Now!" And Draco rolls around Nyke as Drake crashes into the two beys. The impact causes Nyke to burst and Trident to get knocked into Draco with deflects it into a second attack from Drake, bursting the bey.

Toko and Misuku both yell, "That was Fun!" Nika and Misuki both sigh and says, "Brothers." Valt appears and says, "Man, I missed the battle."
"You are able to drop by at any time" Vis says as Valt and his siblings leave.

-End of story-

This takes place two years after ChouZ, this is @[Dt20000]'s Fusion system.
Bey of The Lake! Betrayer Myr

"It was just there," Says Misuku as he hands Vis the beyblade, "On a pedestal, next to a natural stadium in the middle of a lake."
"Show me the stadium." Vis says as he grips both the bey and Sonar tightly.

They reach the rock in the middle of the lake and Vis hands Misuku the bey as he looks at the pedestal. Carved into it are the symbols, "μυρ" Vis says, "Myr" and the lake starts to ripple as the bey glows. Misuku puts the bey on his launcher and glares at Vis. Vis understands and gets ready.

Vis sets the driver to defence and they launch. Myr rockets around the stadium and bounces off the walls. Suddenly Misuku yells, "Myr! Falling tide!" As Myr changes shape and bounces right into Sonar. The bey continues the attack with a barrage that breaks through the echo armor and bursts Sonar. Vis sets the driver to attack and switches the mode on his launcher. They launch and the impact sends both beys away. Waves crash against the rock as Myr hits Sonar again and again until the bey changes shape and sends Sonar flying. Sonar bounces and dives for Myr. Misuku screams, "Myr!" And the bey catches the attack, sending Sonar flying. Sonar bursts when it hits the wall, sending a Web of cracks throughout the stadium. Misuku collapses and Vis picks up the bey and goes get help for Misuku. Vis returns with Zach and the two were able to get Misuku to the shore of the lake.

When Misuku recovered and they return Vis hands Zach Myr and tells him, "Do some research on this bey and don't let anyone use it."

-end of part 32-

Myr, the legendary bey of the lake.

Yes, I did look up the Greek letters that spell Myr.
Can I make stories other than beyblade? I'm just asking.
(Jan. 11, 2019  12:41 AM)boigamer25 Wrote: [ -> ]Can I make stories other than beyblade? I'm just asking.
Im pretty sure you can.
Uhh don’t wanna clog up the site with my many threads for writing, so Imma present one of my old ones. This one is for the Canonverse, with Shu and all that.

Shu found himself crying despite the strength and tough exterior he had. This was too much for him, and life seemed as if it could end right now. But it would if Shu allowed it to happen; but for now, he would have to face it and try to suffer through it.

If he didn't die right now, then that would make only one thing that died: His right eye. Or at least, Shu wasn't so sure if it could still function. Here he was, on his bedroom, staring out of the window with only one eye. His right eye has been covered up until the wound was healed. Even if it does heal, the trauma from his battle with Lui wouldn't. He absolutely loathed his own performance from that day, even though it was Lui's fault. Shu was only playing; Lui was trying to hurt.

The Blader probably thought his spirit had been crushed. Only, it's still here. Shu wasn't willing to go down just yet. The evil emperor should prepare himself for when Shu strikes back. In fact, he was certain that he could do better next time.

There he was, in his room in the darkness. Shu was being restless right now, although it was pretty late.

I won't go down that easily. He thought to himself, narrowing his good eye. He gazed out onto the street, empty during the nighttime. Spryzen and I will do better next time. Lui better watch out.

Yet, there was no promises.

Promises were always broken, so Shu had to watch out whenever he did make one. And right now, he was pretty grateful he didn't. Luck has a strange way of working, after all.


Now that Shu came back to it: Was the accident truly by luck and accident; or was it Lui's wrongdoing all along? The referee ruled it as an accident, which Shu couldn't help but despise so much. The sneer on Lui's face as he saw him on his knees — was it truly an accident? Or was it by random chance and luck just for that to happen? That one part of Shu wants to think that it was truly on purpose. Something in his brain clicked repeatedly, as if telling him that he was right.

This must be a really bad accident. He heard the man — named Hanami, he believed — as he was rushed for emergency through the halls.

‘I hope that kid gets better.’ Shu heard some woman say quietly that moment. ‘I hope this wasn't really intended.’

‘I'm sure Shirosagi didn't mean it!’ cried a young girl, not much older than Shu himself. ‘He wouldn't do such a thing!’

‘It was an accident! It was nothing! You'll get better, Kurenai. Your opponent did not mean to do that, otherwise he would've been disqualified. The champion himself wouldn't want that, would he? You'll be better; it's okay.’ Assorted voices rang all at once, from high-pitched to low and childish to adult-like.

These were all the fake comforts that Shu had received that day, and he loathed all of them. Mindless people. They didn't even know how to Beyblade, so why are they saying this? They don't know Lui Shirosagi personally, do they? What right do they have to defend him? Shu almost cried, but his other eye would probably hurt from such action. Ever had that feeling? You want to cry but can't, because there would probably be pain and discomfort.

Shu would never be brought down like that. He tried to erase such horribke thoughts from his head, only for them to become darker and more sad.

And then that thought came up. It was a horrifying one, and Shu almost cried out in anger.

‘Valt. You were never there for me. You didn't know that Lui did that to me. You never came to the hospital.’

That was right. His best friend did not come to check on him. What kind of evil and betrayal was this? They were best friends, yet Valt never came to check up on him. The urge to cry was stronger now, yet Shu tried his best to stay calm and think of happy thoughts. But...anyone would have cried if they thought about such betrayal. Best friends, and they did not look out for eachother.

‘It's not his fault.’ Shu clenched his fist, both in slight anger and sadness. Valt didn't know what Beyblade. I'm sure he didn't mean any harm. We are still best friends. ‘That's right — we are.’ That was true for the very least, but it would it remain true? Only time could answer that, and Shu must stop these thoughts from flowing. He didn't know how influenced he could be, but he was sure that he was about to act based on these thoughts.

He got up, although tired from his restless brain and its memories. He turned around, with his back facing the window. And then he looked at the time — it was around 10:30 PM, and he was supposed to sleep an hour ago. He was told that it was good for him at the moment; and yet, he found that sleeping didn't help him get over this. He prefered staying up and thinking, actually.

‘Maybe I should sleep.’ He stared at his bed, still unwrinkled and clean. It didn't seem as if he went on it yet. Maybe everything would be better. I can be better. ‘Here I come, because Spryzen and I are going to work hard this time.’

He hoped his thoughts and efforts would be paid off.
I will use XSabxManiacX "Canonverse" idea

Dead Gran Canonverse

Ring!! Ring!!
A phone rings in an almost empty room that has a throne sitting in its center. Two people stop conversing as soon as they hear the ring. One goes to pick up the phone. "Have you got any new updates, Kyle?" Evel askes. "Yeah, I'll send over the data on Phi and Fubuki Sumie," Kyle replies. "Good. After this I need you to gather data on the Geist Fafnir and Free De la Hoya," Evel orders. "Yes, sir," Kyle replies again. Evel hangs up and walks back to Hearts, who is sitting in his throne. "Have you heard the rumors?" Evel inquires. "Valt is making a new bey that will push Super Z to the absolute limit." "Interesting," Hearts says. "After I crush Aiga I'll go check out his new toy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" "One question, sir," Evel says. "Why are you focused so much on your brother?" Hearts sighs. "I will tell you in due time. THE DAY HE EXCEPTS BY BATTLE CHALLENGES ME AND LOSES! HAHAHAHA!"

THE END?????
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