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part 2

Vis and Zac are testing their new launchers. The first few attempts ended in failure as Aeros always gets flung out of the stadium by its own speed. Iris had its problems also, with a full power launch it can not implement its gimmick to do trick of the light and bounce launch is too fast for Vis to control. They continue to practice and start to get the hand of  their new launcher. Zac masters the angle of his launch as Vis learns what power to put behind a defence, stamina, or attack based launch. They get ready to start a battle when Vis hears the door ring. They go to the door and it is Rykos who has the prototype and his feedback. Zac is given the feed back and the prototype then darts to his room to start work on the launcher.

Vis and Rykos talk as they hear machinery from Zac's room and Rykos asks to see Vis' launcher. "What happened to the power trigger?" asks Rykos looking at the launcher and notices a lever like a power trigger connected to a small box on the launcher where the power trigger was, "And whats this?" Vis responds with, "The power trigger was just a place holder while my brother made this part." Vis points to the power trigger lever. "When I press down the trigger it makes a click sound that I can use to find out what launch stance my opponent is using." Rykos is intrigued by this and says, "the prototype you gave me had two power triggers. Will they do anything special?" Vis responds with, "squeezing both triggers will move  a weight from the end of the grip to the launcher itself. releasing the triggers will return the weight to its original position. Depending on the position you can have a controlled launch with a counter weight which is custom made to match the weight of nova dragoon or a power launch." Rykos is amazed by how well Vis can describe this then remembers who his brother is. "You and your brother are quite similar." Said Rykos, "And how did you decide to make the counter weight idea?" Vis just laughs and tells him that a friend gave him some help as Zac walks over and gives Rykos the launcher who tests it out and grins.

"So want to take the launcher on a test run?" Asked Vis getting his launcher ready. "Sure," replies Rykos grinning, "let's go!"

to be continued
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(Nov. 07, 2017  4:12 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]"Hey, Rykos!" Iris called out. She had jogged around the local arena, when she spotted Rykos sitting at a local bey park. He was sweating, his hair dropping down in front of his face as he poured some water on himself. She jogged over, noticing Dragoon sitting motionless in the stadium.

"What happened here?" she asked. "It isn't like you to just leave him in there. Rykos just sighed.

"It's just...I've tried out another launcher, created a longer ripcord, but no matter what, I haven't been able to pick up the same speed with Dragoon as before. Even with the rubber, he still can't speed up."

"And I guess it's because of the weight?"

"I guess so. And that's what I've been trying to solve. But I guess there just isn't any solution I can find on the market, in creating or no."

"Well...Oraiyun and I...we've created a little something with Vis' help. He said a friend of his created a replacement launcher for him as well, and when I heard about that, Oraiyun and I compiled all the information on your blading record. And we've used that to modify that original design to make...well, this." Iris hands a cloth package to Rykos, who unwraps it before an awed expression comes over his face.

The package was a launcher, with a pearl-white finish. Dual wings were engraved in the launcher, encircling a single green crystalline orb in the center, that could slide from green to red to yellow and began all over again. A slightly bulkier launcher body rested underneath the grip, which had a aux. cord that curled around part of it. When Rykos pushed at it, the launcher rotated, allowing for ambidextrous launches.

"Whoah, what...thanks so much! But is this legal?" Iris nodded.

"I guess I'll try it out." Rykos walked up to the stadium, picked up Dragoon, whispered a quick apology, then readied his launch.

"3...2...1...Go Shoot!" Immediately, Dragoon rocketed off, shooting around the stadium at immense speeds.

"You work wonders on this stuff, Iris. He's even faster than before. Thank you!" Rykos said.

"Oh no problem. Happy birthday, and tell me if there are any problems with it!" Iris said, before jogging once more.

"I don't think I will have any problems, right Dragoon?" Rykos grinned. Dragoon winked back at his as the sun's light reflected off the bey.

My take on the Wing variant of the Neo Light launcher. I'll probably write some stories with Oraiyun/Baldur soon...

I forgot Oraiyun's name so i did not mention his name but he was the one who thought up the idea of the wing launcher and helped Vis and Zac create the neo version afterwards. lets say this version is the wing launcher. and the wing launcher combined and the neo light launcher were the basis for the neo wing launcher.

the wing launcher can be a transition launcher so he can get used to the power of the neo line faster.

lets say the line of launchers is wing, then the neo wing prototype (neo light launcher on a grip with two power triggers), and then finally the neo wing.

not to hate on the wing i like the idea but if you want i can change the neo wing launcher to your idea and my Idea can go to Mytero under the name of the neo flame launcher.
part 3

The two bladers get ready to launch, Vis grabs the sonar trigger to discover Rykos' stance and they launch. Vis holds back slightly to allow for trick of the light as Dragoon rushes at Iris. Dragoon had enough power to get past the move and flung Iris out of the stadium. "best out of three?" said Rykos truly excited by the power.

The two set up there launch, this time Vis sets for a bounce launch. they launch and vis uses full strength and Iris was able to gain enough speed to catch and knockout dragoon.

They get ready to battle once more and Vis holds his launcher to his right side, preparing a retro launch, as Rykos grabs the power triggers and shifts the weight to the launcher and holds it to his left. they launch, the extra weight impresses Rykos as he swings his launcher and the extra weight causes Dragoon to move even faster bursting Iris before Vis could say anything.

"I like this launcher," says Rykos looking at the launcher, "But i will stick with the other design. I will just put a counter weight on it." Vis nods and says, "well if you didn't want the design i have a friend that called it. the launcher has a second name, the neo flame launcher."

(edited I hope this does Nova Dragoon more justice)
I liked all the bey-prose work done by you all. They are cool.
I love the HMS blades. So here's a creation mine -
Liza was awakened at 2:30 in the morning by the sound of beyblades in the yard. She pulled on her multicoloured costume and ran out to see what the matter was. And what the scene presented her shocked her extremely.
Team captain, Chaabi, was battling their enemy, Ryan. Ryan's attack ring was specially designed to withstand Chaabi's icy attacks. Wolsphinx blade had a heavy base which gave it more stability but well Ryan's blade didn't seem to have a problem with it.
Ryan's blade, Dark Harriet, switched to the attack mode once it was decided that Chaabi wouldn't be the one to attack first. First strike was an extremely powerful one but Wolsphinx managed to dodge the immense powerhouse. Unfortunately, Ryan's blade was customized with reverse gear (can anyone tell me if any blade has this feature?) And it just took a turn and attacked Wolsphinx with such speed that Chaabi's blade was out of the swaying dish, having been thrown completely off balance.
Ryan called back his Harriet and disappeared. Chaabi leaned back on the Russian snow, thinking of her revenge against him for the sake of her sister.
(Nov. 07, 2017  7:19 PM)Alexa C H Wrote: [ -> ]I liked all the bey-prose work done by you all. They are cool.
I love the HMS blades. So here's a creation mine -
Liza was awakened at 2:30 in the morning by the sound of beyblades in the yard. She pulled on her multicoloured costume and ran out to see what the matter was. And what the scene presented her shocked her extremely.
Team captain, Chaabi, was battling their enemy, Ryan. Ryan's attack ring was specially designed to withstand Chaabi's icy attacks. Wolsphinx blade had a heavy base which gave it more stability but well Ryan's blade didn't seem to have a problem with it.
Ryan's blade, Dark Harriet, switched to the attack mode once it was decided that Chaabi wouldn't be the one to attack first. First strike was an extremely powerful one but Wolsphinx managed to dodge the immense powerhouse. Unfortunately, Ryan's blade was customized with reverse gear (can anyone tell me if any blade has this feature?) And it just took a turn and attacked Wolsphinx with such speed that Chaabi's blade was out of the swaying dish, having been thrown completely off balance.
Ryan called back his Harriet and disappeared. Chaabi leaned back on the Russian snow, thinking of her revenge against him for the sake of her sister.

R U from Southpoint school?? Ur writing reminds me of those students...they wrote articles in Newspaper just like  U did with this story....nice update..
No, I'm not from South point. Although my elder brother used to read there, as I said, I live in the next District. I'm proud to say that I read in a good Convent School - Auxilium Bandel. If u don't mind, please tell - is my story is very bad or something?
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(Nov. 07, 2017  8:28 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 07, 2017  6:53 PM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]part 3

The two bladers get ready to launch, Vis grabs the sonar trigger to discover Rykos' stance and they launch. Vis holds back slightly to allow for trick of the light as Dragoon rushes at Iris. Dragoon had enough power to get past the move and flung Iris out of the stadium. "best out of three?" said Rykos truly excited by the power.

The two set up there launch, this time Vis sets for a bounce launch. they launch and vis uses full strength and Iris was able to gain enough speed to catch and knockout dragoon.

They get ready to battle once more and Vis holds his launcher to his right side, preparing a retro launch, as Rykos grabs the power triggers and shifts the weight to the launcher and holds it to his left. they launch, the extra weight catches Rykos off guard and he misses the launch and  Dragoon takes an odd path right into iris who bursts it on impact.

"I like this launcher," says Rykos, "But i will stick with the other design. I will just put a counter weight on it." Vis nods and says, "well if you didn't want the design i have a friend that called it. the launcher has a second name, the neo flame launcher."

So Rykos is nerfed once again, and the wing launcher isn't his new permanent launcher. That was my intent for it to be his new launcher, and I wish Rykos would win for once.

Also, why is Rykos surprised by the weight if he shifted it. I'm getting tempted to block people from using characters since they always get nerfed by anyone else. And Rykos is ambidextrous, and has very keen control over his body. I wouldn't underestimate him that mich, because he seems overly weak. I understand that Vis and Sonar are a good team, but Rykos can't win even once? Is it that hard? Is Dragoon that useless?

sorry. I can make a better draft. also when the weight is shifted to the launcher end it is like launching two nova dragoons. and it was the first time he did the weight shift. and to be honest, He would of won if i didn't write in the mislaunch. I can edit it. Also if Rykos didn't want to make it to three he would of won. dragoons sheer power alone can win against even attack nullifying tricks. I will change the out come. It will just take retyping a few sentences. I will get to that.
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(Nov. 07, 2017  9:02 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks. I apologize, I need to stop asking people about this and just accept losing once in a while.

he deserved the win. loss by mislaunch is not a way to end a battle.
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Rykos vs. Piluto
The two bladers walk to the stadium, Piluto slightly wavering as he walked, never actually standing. When they made it he regained his balance and stood up straight, revealing that he was taller than Rykos. He leaned way over the stadium, holding his launcher at a very steep angle. "3, 2, 1, let it rip!" At the last second, he wavered and leaned back fast, causing Nemesis to grind against the wall and then wobble into the middle, striking against the stadium wildly. Dragoon zoomed around fast, using Nova Storm and then it zoomed in towards Nemesis fast. Piluto grinned as Dragoon burst Nemesis in one hit. "Perfect," he whispered under his breath. He took the parts and put them back together.

Then he took his launcher grip off and threw the launcher aside, before taking out a special launcher. It was translucent purple with black spirals running around it and a ripcord that's longer than all others, even the long winder. A metal ball rested over Nemesis, and a bearing inside increased the spin of the launcher. Then he grinned widely. "This is when the gloves come off." He turned around away from the stadium and crouched low. "3, 2, 1, let it rip!" At the word let, he jumped into the air and spun around, before launching hard. Nemesis began to wildly zoom around the stadium, Dragoon close behind. Suddenly, it's free-spinning ring hit the stadium, causing it to zoom around in a circle around Dragoon, before hitting it from behind which pushed it forward. The acceleration ring hit the stadium and it zoomed around the stadium quickly enough to hit Nemesis again. "Go! Stardust Nova!" Piluto grinned widely. "Full power! True Flash Shoot!" Nemesis hit the tornado ridge and zoomed back around towards Dragoon fast and then hit hard, pushing it forward. Rykos let out a gasp of surprise as he remembered 'Valt Aoi, wonder boy's' special move. Nemesis' blades slid in and it took the middle. "Go! Breaker Grapple!" Dragoon surrounded it completely. "Shield Launch!" Dragoon bounced off and then came back in. It hit and they clashed fiercely, before Dragoon burst. Nemesis bounced over and bursted right after.

Part 2 coming soon.
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(Nov. 09, 2017  1:16 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]So the score is currently 2 to 2?

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(Nov. 09, 2017  1:47 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 09, 2017  12:42 AM)dt1000 Wrote: [ -> ]Rykos vs. Piluto
The two bladers walk to the stadium, Piluto slightly wavering as he walked, never actually standing. When they made it he regained his balance and stood up straight, revealing that he was taller than Rykos. He leaned way over the stadium, holding his launcher at a very steep angle. "3, 2, 1, let it rip!" At the last second, he wavered and leaned back fast, causing Nemesis to grind against the wall and then wobble into the middle, striking against the stadium wildly. Dragoon zoomed around fast, using Nova Storm and then it zoomed in towards Nemesis fast. Piluto grinned as Dragoon burst Nemesis in one hit. "Perfect," he whispered under his breath. He took the parts and put them back together.

Then he took his launcher grip off and threw the launcher aside, before taking out a special launcher. It was translucent purple with black spirals running around it and a ripcord that's longer than all others, even the long winder. A metal ball rested over Nemesis, and a bearing inside increased the spin of the launcher. Then he grinned widely. "This is when the gloves come off." He turned around away from the stadium and crouched low. "3, 2, 1, let it rip!" At the word let, he jumped into the air and spun around, before launching hard. Nemesis began to wildly zoom around the stadium, Dragoon close behind. Suddenly, it's free-spinning ring hit the stadium, causing it to zoom around in a circle around Dragoon, before hitting it from behind which pushed it forward. The acceleration ring hit the stadium and it zoomed around the stadium quickly enough to hit Nemesis again. "Go! Stardust Nova!" Piluto grinned widely. "Full power! True Flash Shoot!" Nemesis hit the tornado ridge and zoomed back around towards Dragoon fast and then hit hard, pushing it forward. Rykos let out a gasp of surprise as he remembered 'Valt Aoi, wonder boy's' special move. Nemesis' blades slid in and it took the middle. "Go! Breaker Grapple!" Dragoon surrounded it completely. "Shield Launch!" Dragoon bounced off and then came back in. It hit and they clashed fiercely, before Dragoon burst. Nemesis bounced over and bursted right after.

Part 2 coming soon.
Btw could you do a battle with Piluto and Vesper forming an alliance or something like that? It's really random, but just maybe?...

Also, just wondering, but how would the bearing increases the spin,  and Rykos usually goes up for another acceleration when bounced back instead of just going for it.

Okay, but was it good? Anything I need to change?
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Yay, I finally found a nerf balance!
Would you please give some details about Rykos? It would be easier for me to understand the story better.
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I loved Rykos' character. His story is as awesome as any real anime hero with a locked destiny...
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(Nov. 10, 2017  1:55 PM)Alexa C H Wrote: [ -> ]I loved Rykos' character. His story is as awesome as any real anime hero with a locked destiny...

What is Locked Destiny??? Another anime???
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