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I made this [quote="Jman jman" pid='1469615' dateline='1539911832']
Metal fight beyblade bio

[size=medium]Burst bio
Vincent Blaze grinned. “Vis may have defeated me, but I bet you can’t.” Fin gave a small smile in response and readied her launcher. Vincent did the same. “Three! Two! One! Let it...

Rip!” Dragoon quickly locked down the center, Vulcan circling rapidly. “Haaah! White-Hot Sabers!” Vulcan’s trail turned white-hot and it quickly dashed towards Dragoon. Fin grinned. “End this, Dragoon! Dragon Flight!” Dragoon lept into the air and Vulcan missed. Then Dragoon landed on top and flung Vulcan from the stadium.

Vincent sprang into the air and caught the Beyblade in a somersault. Fin grinned as she caught her Beyblade. Vincent put his Beyblade on the launcher and said happily, “Good game, but you can’t win this time.” She put her Beyblade and launcher together and laughed, “After that match, you can’t win!” Vincent’s eyes gleamed as he scanned her and her launcher. She was clearly proud and as such, her launcher was at an off angle.
He grinned and angled his launcher, knowing she wouldn’t notice. “Three! Two! One! Let it...

Rip!” Dragoon began to circle the center, slightly wobbling. “Huh? Dragoon! Regain your balance!” Dragoon took the center, frame and wings scraping the floor. Meanwhile, Vulcan was shooting around the stadium with extreme speed. It struck Dragoon’s frame. “Tail Whip! Dragoon!” Vulcan was flung into the air. Vincent jumped into the air. There was a click as Vulcan switched to defense mode. “Burning Cannonball!” Vulcan crashes into Dragoon and burst it, sending the pieces flying towards Fin, who gasped as she caught the parts. “Dragoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!” She screamed into the sky, Dragoon’s beast crying out alongside her. And for a brief moment, the world was still, save for two souls, perfectly bonded, crying out.
Fin Dakon vs Kaden Frost

Fin was at a bey park waiting for her turn to battle.  A person named  Kaden Frost was battling he burst his opponent soon as it started then it was fin turn she walk to the stadium and said hi Kaden ignored her and said do you want to battle or not. Fin say yes they got ready and say 3 2 1 LET IT RIP both beyblades spin around the stadium kaden says ice burg wall. Freezing Khione turns ice blue and go's to the middle. Dragoon go's in for a attack and slides off it goes in again and again and again Dragoon slows down and falls over. The referee said winner by survival score 1-0. Kaden says that was fun for me ready for round two. Fin eyes turn fire red her skin begin to glow red. She says you know it I am just getting started it. They get ready and say 3 2 1 LET IT RIP both beyblades spin around the stadium kaden says ice burg wall it goes to the middle and turn ice blue. Fin calls out her move dragon fight Dragoon spins in super tight circular moments and make a vortex and then rides up it and then falls right on top of Khione bursting it. Kaden is amazed to see that he had lost. He Shook hands with Fin and said good job but I will beat you next time. Fin say okay and thanks for the battle.

Kaden and Khione was made by [Dt2000]
(Oct. 20, 2018  3:10 AM)Jman jman Wrote: [ -> ]Fin Dakon vs Kaden Frost

Fin was at a bey park waiting for her turn to battle.  A person named  Kaden Frost was battling he burst his opponent soon as it started then it was fin turn she walk to the stadium and said hi Kaden ignored her and said do you want to battle or not. Fin say yes they got ready and say 3 2 1 LET IT RIP both beyblades spin around the stadium kaden says ice burg wall. Freezing Khione turns ice blue and go's to the middle. Dragoon go's in for a attack and slides off it goes in again and again and again Dragoon slows down and falls over. The referee said winner by survival score 1-0. Kaden says that was fun for me ready for round two. Fin eyes turn fire red her skin begin to glow red. She says you know it I am just getting started it. They get ready and say 3 2 1 LET IT RIP both beyblades spin around the stadium kaden says ice burg wall it goes to the middle and turn ice blue. Fin calls out her move dragon fight Dragoon spins in super tight circular moments and make a vortex and then rides up it and then falls right on top of Khione bursting it. Kaden is amazed to see that he had lost. He Shook hands with Fin and said good job but I will beat you next time. Fin say okay and thanks for the battle.

Kaden and Khione was made by [Dt2000]
Nice story, but we both did different characters of mine. Also, mine is directly above your post.
(Oct. 20, 2018  3:00 AM)Dt20000 Wrote: [ -> ]Vincent Blaze grinned. “Vis may have defeated me, but I bet you can’t.” Fin gave a small smile in response and readied her launcher. Vincent did the same. “Three! Two! One! Let it...

Rip!” Dragoon quickly locked down the center, Vulcan circling rapidly. “Haaah! White-Hot Sabers!” Vulcan’s trail turned white-hot and it quickly dashed towards Dragoon. Fin grinned. “End this, Dragoon! Dragon Flight!” Dragoon lept into the air and Vulcan missed. Then Dragoon landed on top and flung Vulcan from the stadium.

Vincent sprang into the air and caught the Beyblade in a somersault. Fin grinned as she caught her Beyblade. Vincent put his Beyblade on the launcher and said happily, “Good game, but you can’t win this time.” She put her Beyblade and launcher together and laughed, “After that match, you can’t win!” Vincent’s eyes gleamed as he scanned her and her launcher. She was clearly proud and as such, her launcher was at an off angle.
He grinned and angled his launcher, knowing she wouldn’t notice. “Three! Two! One! Let it...

Rip!” Dragoon began to circle the center, slightly wobbling. “Huh? Dragoon! Regain your balance!” Dragoon took the center, frame and wings scraping the floor. Meanwhile, Vulcan was shooting around the stadium with extreme speed. It struck Dragoon’s frame. “Tail Whip! Dragoon!” Vulcan was flung into the air. Vincent jumped into the air. There was a click as Vulcan switched to defense mode. “Burning Cannonball!” Vulcan crashes into Dragoon and burst it, sending the pieces flying towards Fin, who gasped as she caught the parts. “Dragoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!” She screamed into the sky, Dragoon’s beast crying out alongside her. And for a brief moment, the world was still, save for two souls, perfectly bonded, crying out.
That was way better then my.
Also, after that story, I have an idea for a new move for Fin: Dragoon Inferno. The Bey and the Blader bond perfectly and Dragoon begins spinning super fast and forms a massive flaming inferno that easily bursts the opponent

(Oct. 20, 2018  3:16 AM)Jman jman Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 20, 2018  3:00 AM)Dt20000 Wrote: [ -> ]Vincent Blaze grinned. “Vis may have defeated me, but I bet you can’t.” Fin gave a small smile in response and readied her launcher. Vincent did the same. “Three! Two! One! Let it...

Rip!” Dragoon quickly locked down the center, Vulcan circling rapidly. “Haaah! White-Hot Sabers!” Vulcan’s trail turned white-hot and it quickly dashed towards Dragoon. Fin grinned. “End this, Dragoon! Dragon Flight!” Dragoon lept into the air and Vulcan missed. Then Dragoon landed on top and flung Vulcan from the stadium.

Vincent sprang into the air and caught the Beyblade in a somersault. Fin grinned as she caught her Beyblade. Vincent put his Beyblade on the launcher and said happily, “Good game, but you can’t win this time.” She put her Beyblade and launcher together and laughed, “After that match, you can’t win!” Vincent’s eyes gleamed as he scanned her and her launcher. She was clearly proud and as such, her launcher was at an off angle.
He grinned and angled his launcher, knowing she wouldn’t notice. “Three! Two! One! Let it...

Rip!” Dragoon began to circle the center, slightly wobbling. “Huh? Dragoon! Regain your balance!” Dragoon took the center, frame and wings scraping the floor. Meanwhile, Vulcan was shooting around the stadium with extreme speed. It struck Dragoon’s frame. “Tail Whip! Dragoon!” Vulcan was flung into the air. Vincent jumped into the air. There was a click as Vulcan switched to defense mode. “Burning Cannonball!” Vulcan crashes into Dragoon and burst it, sending the pieces flying towards Fin, who gasped as she caught the parts. “Dragoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!” She screamed into the sky, Dragoon’s beast crying out alongside her. And for a brief moment, the world was still, save for two souls, perfectly bonded, crying out.
That was way better then my.

Thank you. Yours was good too.
Matt Smith vs Vincent Blaze

Right after Vincent and fin got done battleing fin try to ask for a rematch but  Matt push her out the way and say my turn. Vincent says ha another blader who want to feel the power of Forge Vulcan Matt says  your battle was impresses  I will give you that but you won't beat Reverse Minbros. Vincent can feel Matt's power he decides not to hold back.

They get  ready AND say 3 2 1 LET Vincent jump in the air IT RIP minbros hits the stadium floor and stared spinning Vincent yells Ultra Blazing Hammer Crash!  Vulcan falls at super fast speeds and hits Minbros. Minbros flys in to the air on the way down  Vulcan hits Minbros and knocks it out the stadium. Matt picks up his beyblade and looks at it has two clicks.  Matt sets it to defense mode. And says wow that was epic but this time  that won't happen.

They get ready and say 3 2 1 LET Vincent jump in the air IT RIP. Minbros gose in to a banking movement Vulcan falls out the air about to hit Minbros. Minbros moves out the way only by a second. There is a shock wave from Vulcan impact with the floor. It sends minbros flying.  Minbros lands on the edge of the stadium. Matt yells Minbros stampede minbros fall of the edge speeding down the stadium floor and then hit Vulcan bursting it. Matt wins. Vincent started to walk off when Matt says great battle Vincent turn and and says thanks.

Vincent and Vulcan was made by [Dt20000]
Somewhere across the world, a Blader awoke, hearing the pure spirit and power of a Blader with a strong bond. And... something else, something weaker. It was a heartbreaking noise. He got on a plane with a goal. He would find that Blader’s aura and battle them, a worthy opponent at last.

The next morning, he got off the plane, yawning from the jet lag. He began to walk out of the airport, eventually spotting the blazing flame aura he had sensed.

“Oy! You there!” He called towards the Blader, who turned towards him, eyes blazing with the aura. “What?” He responded angrily, a dark tinge spreading through his aura. The mysterious Blader’s eyes widened, and he grinned at the surge of power. “I wanna battle you.”

“Who are you?” The Blader with the flaming aura asked.

“My name is Matt and I’m a Blader with the rare gift of sensing other’s auras, and yours is the only one I’ve ever sensed like my own.”

His flame aura intensified and a Beast appeared above him. “No.” He simply responded and he turned around and walked away. “Wait! I sensed another aura. A weaker one, and a cry of pain and defeat. Was that yours?”

The flames turned deep purple and evil. He spun around angrily. “No, that was my opponent. And after that, I refuse to battle again.” And with that, he left.

Matt gasped as he realized the story, remembering the horrifying cry. However, he was determined, and the next day, asked again. That time, the other Blader came out and said, “My name is Vincent Blaze and I’m a Blader who uses Forge Vulcan. Do you want to battle me?” His aura had returned to the original flames.

Matt grinned and responded, “Of course. I won’t go easy on you.”

“Three! Two! One! Let it... Rip!” Vincent jumped into the air before launching. Vulcan, surrounded in flames, slammed downwards into Minoboros. “Ultra Blazing Hammer Crash!” Minoboros was flung out of the stadium almost effortlessly.

Matt grinned. “Good job!
But that was just defense mode. You won’t defeat us in Attack Mode!”

Vincent grinned. “Let’s go!” His aura turned dark purple. “Three! Two! One! Let it...

Rip!” Vincent jumped into the air again, higher than he had leapt last round. Vulcan crashed down, barely missing Minoboros, and left a long gash in the stadium. Minoboros took the center as Vulcan glowed darkly. “Let’s go Vulcan!
Black Velvet Inferno!” Vulcan struck Minoboros as hard as it could, black fire locking both in a ring of grinding against each other. They both burst, Vulcan completely dissolving from the effort, but it’s beast remaining.

Vincent collapsed, sobbing, his aura spinning black and red. Vincent let out a loud, eerie cry, two alternate cries combining with it, and everything was silent.

(Oct. 20, 2018  4:09 AM)Jman jman Wrote: [ -> ]Matt Smith vs Vincent Blaze

Right after Vincent and fin got done battleing fin try to ask for a rematch but  Matt push her out the way and say my turn. Vincent says ha another blader who want to feel the power of Forge Vulcan Matt says  your battle was impressed I will give you that but you won't beat Reverse Minbros. Vincent can feel Matt's power he decides not to hold back.

They get  ready AND say 3 2 1 LET Vincent jump in the air IT RIP minbros hits the stadium floor and stared spinning Vincent yells Ultra Blazing Hammer Crash!  Vulcan falls at super fast speeds and hits Minbros. Minbros flys in to the air on the way down  Vulcan hits Minbros and knocks it out the stadium. Matt picks up his beyblade and looks at it has two clicks.  Matt sets it to defense mode. And says wow that was epic but this time  that won't happen.

They get ready and say 3 2 1 LET Vincent jump in the air IT RIP. Minbros gose in to a banking movement Vulcan falls out the air about to hit Minbros. Minbros moves out the way only by a second. There is a shock wave from Vulcan impact with the floor. It sends minbros flying.  Minbros lands on the edge of the stadium. Matt yells Minbros stampede minbros fall of the edge speeding down the stadium floor and then hit Vulcan bursting it. Matt wins. Vincent started to walk off when Matt says great battle Vincent turn and and says thanks.

Vincent and Vulcan was made by [Dt20000]
I finished too
(Oct. 20, 2018  4:17 AM)Dt20000 Wrote: [ -> ]Somewhere across the world, a Blader awoke, hearing the pure spirit and power of a Blader with a strong bond. And... something else, something weaker. It was a heartbreaking noise. He got on a plane with a goal. He would find that Blader’s aura and battle them, a worthy opponent at last.

The next morning, he got off the plane, yawning from the jet lag. He began to walk out of the airport, eventually spotting the blazing flame aura he had sensed.

“Oy! You there!” He called towards the Blader, who turned towards him, eyes blazing with the aura. “What?” He responded angrily, a dark tinge spreading through his aura. The mysterious Blader’s eyes widened, and he grinned at the surge of power. “I wanna battle you.”

“Who are you?” The Blader with the flaming aura asked.

“My name is Matt and I’m a Blader with the rare gift of sensing other’s auras, and yours is the only one I’ve ever sensed like my own.”

His flame aura intensified and a Beast appeared above him. “No.” He simply responded and he turned around and walked away. “Wait! I sensed another aura. A weaker one, and a cry of pain and defeat. Was that yours?”

The flames turned deep purple and evil. He spun around angrily. “No, that was my opponent. And after that, I refuse to battle again.” And with that, he left.

Matt gasped as he realized the story, remembering the horrifying cry. However, he was determined, and the next day, asked again. That time, the other Blader came out and said, “My name is Vincent Blaze and I’m a Blader who uses Forge Vulcan. Do you want to battle me?” His aura had returned to the original flames.

Matt grinned and responded, “Of course. I won’t go easy on you.”

“Three! Two! One! Let it... Rip!” Vincent jumped into the air before launching. Vulcan, surrounded in flames, slammed downwards into Minoboros. “Ultra Blazing Hammer Crash!” Minoboros was flung out of the stadium almost effortlessly.

Matt grinned. “Good job!
But that was just defense mode. You won’t defeat us in Attack Mode!”

Vincent grinned. “Let’s go!” His aura turned dark purple. “Three! Two! One! Let it...

Rip!”  Vincent jumped into the air again, higher than he had leapt last round. Vulcan crashed down, barely missing Minoboros, and left a long gash in the stadium. Minoboros took the center as Vulcan glowed darkly. “Let’s go Vulcan!
Black Velvet Inferno!”  Vulcan struck Minoboros as hard as it could, black fire locking both in a ring of grinding against each other. They both burst, Vulcan completely dissolving from the effort, but it’s beast remaining.

Vincent collapsed, sobbing, his aura spinning black and red. Vincent let out a loud, eerie cry, two alternate cries combining with it, and everything was silent.
that was epic.
(Oct. 20, 2018  4:25 AM)Jman jman Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 20, 2018  4:17 AM)Dt20000 Wrote: [ -> ]Somewhere across the world, a Blader awoke, hearing the pure spirit and power of a Blader with a strong bond. And... something else, something weaker. It was a heartbreaking noise. He got on a plane with a goal. He would find that Blader’s aura and battle them, a worthy opponent at last.

The next morning, he got off the plane, yawning from the jet lag. He began to walk out of the airport, eventually spotting the blazing flame aura he had sensed.

“Oy! You there!” He called towards the Blader, who turned towards him, eyes blazing with the aura. “What?” He responded angrily, a dark tinge spreading through his aura. The mysterious Blader’s eyes widened, and he grinned at the surge of power. “I wanna battle you.”

“Who are you?” The Blader with the flaming aura asked.

“My name is Matt and I’m a Blader with the rare gift of sensing other’s auras, and yours is the only one I’ve ever sensed like my own.”

His flame aura intensified and a Beast appeared above him. “No.” He simply responded and he turned around and walked away. “Wait! I sensed another aura. A weaker one, and a cry of pain and defeat. Was that yours?”

The flames turned deep purple and evil. He spun around angrily. “No, that was my opponent. And after that, I refuse to battle again.” And with that, he left.

Matt gasped as he realized the story, remembering the horrifying cry. However, he was determined, and the next day, asked again. That time, the other Blader came out and said, “My name is Vincent Blaze and I’m a Blader who uses Forge Vulcan. Do you want to battle me?” His aura had returned to the original flames.

Matt grinned and responded, “Of course. I won’t go easy on you.”

“Three! Two! One! Let it... Rip!” Vincent jumped into the air before launching. Vulcan, surrounded in flames, slammed downwards into Minoboros. “Ultra Blazing Hammer Crash!” Minoboros was flung out of the stadium almost effortlessly.

Matt grinned. “Good job!
But that was just defense mode. You won’t defeat us in Attack Mode!”

Vincent grinned. “Let’s go!” His aura turned dark purple. “Three! Two! One! Let it...

Rip!”  Vincent jumped into the air again, higher than he had leapt last round. Vulcan crashed down, barely missing Minoboros, and left a long gash in the stadium. Minoboros took the center as Vulcan glowed darkly. “Let’s go Vulcan!
Black Velvet Inferno!”  Vulcan struck Minoboros as hard as it could, black fire locking both in a ring of grinding against each other. They both burst, Vulcan completely dissolving from the effort, but it’s beast remaining.

Vincent collapsed, sobbing, his aura spinning black and red. Vincent let out a loud, eerie cry, two alternate cries combining with it, and everything was silent.
that was epic.Thank you. *bows*
@[Dt20000] I am guessing that  Vincent has dark power now. Also @[Jman jman] mind if I do Vis vs Matt?
(Oct. 21, 2018  3:06 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]@(Dt20000) I am guessing that  Vincent has dark power now. Also @(Jman Jman) mind if I do Vis vs Matt?

Sure just gimme credit at the end.
(Oct. 21, 2018  3:06 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]@[Dt20000] I am guessing that  Vincent has dark power now. Also @[Jman jman] mind if I do Vis vs Matt?
Not canonically in my story, but Dragoon’s sadness and pain corrupted it.
Vis vs Matt

Matt is walking through a beypark as his eyes catch something interesting. A blader with an unexplainable aura. Vibrant yet monochrome, vast yet concentrated, masculine yet feminine . He walks up to the stadium and is met with a pair of milky green eyes.

"Hello," Said Vis, picking up Sonar, "can I help you?"

"Um, yes," Matt stumbles over his words, "would you mind battling?"

Vis gets his launcher ready and says, "Sure, why not." Matt gets his launcher ready and they launch. The two beys clash in the center and Matt notices that despite the professional launch technique and skill this blader is watching with wide eyes like it is the first battle they have seen. Sonar knocks Minoboros away and takes the center. Minoboros dives down and bursts on impact . Vis smiles and cheerfully says, "Best out of three?"

They launch again and Matt yells, "Minoboros guard!" As Sonar dives down and hits Minoboros, the impact causes both beys to bounce out of the center and Sonar rockets towards Minoboros. Minoboros gets sent flying out of the stadium on impact. Vis laughs and says, "Your bey is interesting."

Another blader walks up and says, "Hey bro, mind if I record the next round for research?"  Vis responds by saying, "Sure," Then he turns to face a confused Matt and says, "Let’s make this round interesting."

Vis bends down close to the stadium and brings his launcher back. Matt still confused by the situation says, "Wait, wait, wait, I'm sorry but your a guy?"
Vis laughs and says, "Yep, what did you think I was a girl?" Matt sheepishly says yes and Vis responds with, "Not the first person. Now where were we?"

They launch and Sonar rockets into Minoboros pushing it back as Minoboros attempts to spin steal but the ring on the layer stops it until Minoboros gets sent flying. "Silent Retribution." Says Vis as Sonar rockets into Minoboros. Matt notices that the bladers aura turned gold as Minoboros bursts on impact.

"I guess I haven't introduced my self yet," Says Vis reaching out his hand, "The names Vis Tordaline."

Matt stumbles over his words and says, "I'm Matt Smith."

Vis grins and as he walks away he says, "You just battled America's best Blader."

-end of story-

Matt and reverse Minoboros  @[Jman jman]

Note: A little context. Vis has a high voice, small frame, and is short for a boy his age. Combine that with a bit of attitude and there is where the confusion comes from.

(Oct. 21, 2018  3:23 AM)Dt20000 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 21, 2018  3:06 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]@[Dt20000] I am guessing that  Vincent has dark power now. Also @[Jman jman] mind if I do Vis vs Matt?
Not canonically in my story, but Dragoon’s sadness and pain corrupted it.

Ok, makes sense.
(Oct. 21, 2018  3:51 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]Vis vs Matt

Matt is walking through a beypark as his eyes catch something interesting. A blader with an unexplainable aura. Vibrant yet monochrome, vast yet concentrated, masculine yet feminine . He walks up to the stadium and is met with a pair of milky green eyes.

"Hello," Said Vis, picking up Sonar, "can I help you?"

"Um, yes," Matt stumbles over his words, "would you mind battling?"

Vis gets his launcher ready and says, "Sure, why not." Matt gets his launcher ready and they launch. The two beys clash in the center and Matt notices that despite the professional launch technique and skill this blader is watching with wide eyes like it is the first battle they have seen. Sonar knocks Minoboros away and takes the center. Minoboros dives down and bursts on impact . Vis smiles and cheerfully says, "Best out of three?"

They launch again and Matt yells, "Minoboros guard!" As Sonar dives down and hits Minoboros, the impact causes both beys to bounce out of the center and Sonar rockets towards Minoboros. Minoboros gets sent flying out of the stadium on impact. Vis laughs and says, "Your bey is interesting."

Another blader walks up and says, "Hey bro, mind if I record the next round for research?"  Vis responds by saying, "Sure," Then he turns to face a confused Matt and says, "Let’s make this round interesting."

Vis bends down close to the stadium and brings his launcher back. Matt still confused by the situation says, "Wait, wait, wait, I'm sorry but your a guy?"
Vis laughs and says, "Yep, what did you think I was a girl?" Matt sheepishly says yes and Vis responds with, "Not the first person. Now where were we?"

They launch and Sonar rockets into Minoboros pushing it back as Minoboros attempts to spin steal but the ring on the layer stops it until Minoboros gets sent flying. "Silent Retribution." Says Vis as Sonar rockets into Minoboros. Matt notices that the bladers aura turned gold as Minoboros bursts on impact.

"I guess I haven't introduced my self yet," Says Vis reaching out his hand, "The names Vis Tordaline."

Matt stumbles over his words and says, "I'm Matt Smith."

Vis grins and as he walks away he says, "You just battled America's best Blader."

-end of story-

Matt and reverse Minoboros  @(Jman jman)

Note: A little context. Vis has a high voice, small frame, and is short for a boy his age. Combine that with a bit of attitude and there is where the confusion comes from.

(Oct. 21, 2018  3:23 AM)Dt20000 Wrote: [ -> ]Not canonically in my story, but Dragoon’s sadness and pain corrupted it.

Ok, makes sense.

It was good but you could at least had Matt put up a fight.
(Oct. 21, 2018  3:58 AM)Jman jman Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 21, 2018  3:51 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]Vis vs Matt

Matt is walking through a beypark as his eyes catch something interesting. A blader with an unexplainable aura. Vibrant yet monochrome, vast yet concentrated, masculine yet feminine . He walks up to the stadium and is met with a pair of milky green eyes.

"Hello," Said Vis, picking up Sonar, "can I help you?"

"Um, yes," Matt stumbles over his words, "would you mind battling?"

Vis gets his launcher ready and says, "Sure, why not." Matt gets his launcher ready and they launch. The two beys clash in the center and Matt notices that despite the professional launch technique and skill this blader is watching with wide eyes like it is the first battle they have seen. Sonar knocks Minoboros away and takes the center. Minoboros dives down and bursts on impact . Vis smiles and cheerfully says, "Best out of three?"

They launch again and Matt yells, "Minoboros guard!" As Sonar dives down and hits Minoboros, the impact causes both beys to bounce out of the center and Sonar rockets towards Minoboros. Minoboros gets sent flying out of the stadium on impact. Vis laughs and says, "Your bey is interesting."

Another blader walks up and says, "Hey bro, mind if I record the next round for research?"  Vis responds by saying, "Sure," Then he turns to face a confused Matt and says, "Let’s make this round interesting."

Vis bends down close to the stadium and brings his launcher back. Matt still confused by the situation says, "Wait, wait, wait, I'm sorry but your a guy?"
Vis laughs and says, "Yep, what did you think I was a girl?" Matt sheepishly says yes and Vis responds with, "Not the first person. Now where were we?"

They launch and Sonar rockets into Minoboros pushing it back as Minoboros attempts to spin steal but the ring on the layer stops it until Minoboros gets sent flying. "Silent Retribution." Says Vis as Sonar rockets into Minoboros. Matt notices that the bladers aura turned gold as Minoboros bursts on impact.

"I guess I haven't introduced my self yet," Says Vis reaching out his hand, "The names Vis Tordaline."

Matt stumbles over his words and says, "I'm Matt Smith."

Vis grins and as he walks away he says, "You just battled America's best Blader."

-end of story-

Matt and reverse Minoboros  @(Jman jman)

Note: A little context. Vis has a high voice, small frame, and is short for a boy his age. Combine that with a bit of attitude and there is where the confusion comes from.

Ok, makes sense.

It was good but you could at least had Matt put up a fight.

Lucid Sonar (also known as CZ Sonar ) is an attack stamina hybrid and Vis is a top ranked blader. Matt bumped into Vis not knowing who they were.

If you challenged a random Blader would you expect it to be the champion?

Also quick question, is reverse Minoboros a god bey or a Chouzetsu bey? Your description of the bey had no true mention of metal on the layer.

If it is a god bey then mind if I help with the evolution. Vis could act like a mentor. Matt has potential.

Sorry if I got agressive there, thanks for the compliment.
(Oct. 21, 2018  4:11 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 21, 2018  3:58 AM)Jman jman Wrote: [ -> ]It was good but you could at least had Matt put up a fight.

Lucid Sonar (also known as CZ Sonar ) is an attack stamina hybrid and Vis is a top ranked blader. Matt bumped into Vis not knowing who they were.

If you challenged a random Blader would you expect it to be the champion?

Also quick question, is reverse Minoboros a god bey or a Chouzetsu bey? Your description of the bey had no true mention of metal on the layer.

If it is a god bey then mind if I help with the evolution. Vis could act like a mentor. Matt has potential.

Sorry if I got agressive there, thanks for the compliment.

It is a god bey and yes I do want vis to be matt mentor. And you were not agressive at all
(Oct. 21, 2018  4:16 AM)Jman jman Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 21, 2018  4:11 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]Lucid Sonar (also known as CZ Sonar ) is an attack stamina hybrid and Vis is a top ranked blader. Matt bumped into Vis not knowing who they were.

If you challenged a random Blader would you expect it to be the champion?

Also quick question, is reverse Minoboros a god bey or a Chouzetsu bey? Your description of the bey had no true mention of metal on the layer.

If it is a god bey then mind if I help with the evolution. Vis could act like a mentor. Matt has potential.

Sorry if I got agressive there, thanks for the compliment.

It is a god bey and yes I do want vis to be matt mentor. And you were not agressive at all

Ok. Zac (Vis' older brother. The one that filmed the final round of the battle) Makes beyblades and can help. The footage analyzes how Matt battles and a program creates a type and subtype the the beyblade will be based off. Then it is a combination of digital rendering done by Zac and input by Matt.

Also If you don't mind I have an idea that I would like to try. This Minoboros would be different than reverse Minoboros. I would call it Guard Minoboros. I will give information when I type up the story tomorrow.

Also mind if I do the bey info on the character thread. It was a little hard to understand.
(Oct. 21, 2018  4:24 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 21, 2018  4:16 AM)Jman jman Wrote: [ -> ]It is a god bey and yes I do want vis to be matt mentor. And you were not agressive at all

Ok. Zac (Vis' older brother. The one that filmed the final round of the battle) Makes beyblades and can help. The footage analyzes how Matt battles and a program creates a type and subtype the the beyblade will be based off. Then it is a combination of digital rendering done by Zac and input by Matt.

Also If you don't mind I have an idea that I would like to try. This Minoboros would be different than reverse Minoboros. I would call it Guard Minoboros. I will give information when I type up the story tomorrow.

Also mind if I do the bey info on the character thread. It was a little hard to understand.

Sure. But remember he has been battleing since Mfb so he has lot of blader spirit.
(Oct. 21, 2018  4:31 AM)Jman jman Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 21, 2018  4:24 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]Ok. Zac (Vis' older brother. The one that filmed the final round of the battle) Makes beyblades and can help. The footage analyzes how Matt battles and a program creates a type and subtype the the beyblade will be based off. Then it is a combination of digital rendering done by Zac and input by Matt.

Also If you don't mind I have an idea that I would like to try. This Minoboros would be different than reverse Minoboros. I would call it Guard Minoboros. I will give information when I type up the story tomorrow.

Also mind if I do the bey info on the character thread. It was a little hard to understand.

Sure. But remember he has been battleing since Mfb so he has lot of blader spirit.

Ok, then he would learn fast.

New bey: Enter guard Minoboros.

"Zac can help with that," Said Vis, "he made Sonar here. He will make you an amazing upgrade."

Matt follows Vis back to the workshop and Zac starts working. "From your battles your battle style is aggressively defensive. So an attack defense hybrid would work well." Zac says as he creates the bey. He hands it to Matt, "Here you go, just a warning, this bey is right spin so I added a gear in your launcher so it can launch the bey," Zac points to Vis and continues, "Vis will help with the launch."

"That driver when launched starts out aggressive so you, can't flat launch," a The mugen stadium starts up and a blader stands at the other side of the stadium, "My friend will show you what will happen if you flat launch." Mytero launches and Ifrit circles and when it reaches the center it has near to no spin and can only attack once. "A better launch is to do a sliding banked shoot, Mytero." He swings his launcher and Ifrit dives in on the infinity combo over and over, bursting the bey. Vis turns to Matt, "Now you try."

-end of part 1-
Hearts vs Vis

Matt watches as many of his idol bladers clash and train. "You won't be able to battle," said Vis, "But just watching the best can help you learn."

Vis hears Eta and Zela talking about Japan's new champion. "I hear he wants to challenge Vis."

Vis waits at the stadium as Hearts dashes to the stadium. The two get ready to launch. They launch and Hades circles. Matt watches nervously, he sees that Hearts' aura is just a seething ball of darkness. "Dead Hades," Screams Hearts as the seven weights on the layer light up. Hades dives down to attack Sonar. The impact sends Sonar into attack mode and both beys get sent back. Sonar uses the rubber on its driver to dash into Hades. Hearts howls in pain as Hades gets hit. He laughs as Hades stops spinning.

"Aren't you quite the character." Says Vis as he gets ready. Hearts says nothing and they launch. Hades goes into a tight circle and traps Sonar, constantly hitting it. "Interesting," Says Vis as Sonar continues to get hit, "Let me do you a better one." Sonar goes into attack mode and breaks out of the spiral. The rubber lined dish locks and Sonar circles at high speed, trapping Hades. Hearts starts to laugh like a maniac as Hades gets flung around in the circle. Suddenly Sonar bursts as Hades continues to spin.

Matt notices that Vis' aura starts to turn gold as he gets ready to launch. Vis swings his launcher and Sonar rockets into Hades. "Negation counter." Sonar hits Hades and then switches to attack mode to hit it again. Sonar then speeds up and slams into Hades once more, "Silent Retribution." Says Vis as Hades bursts.
-end of part 2-
note: This is part of the story of Vis teaching Matt.
Matt belongs to @[Jman jman]
Kurt vs Vincent
I entered the room, remembering his invite in dark green ink. I waited at the stadium for my mystery opponent. Suddenly, in a green blur, a blader dropped from the ceiling. He stood up, revealing it was Kurt who invited me here. He flicked his purple earring, sending sparkles. “Meet my Bolt Khalzar!” He held up his Beyblade.

I gasped, but then I realized something. “That’s just Boom Khalzar though, not a new Bolt Khalzar.” He glared at me. “If you can’t see it, Khalzar has gotten a boost.” He showed me again. I looked closer and saw that it had been locked into its strongest mode that it got from clicking. He showed me the driver and disc. I noted a golden spring and an upgraded disc. “Now it’s Bolt Khalzar 7 Prime Under Hunter Dash!”

“Three! Two! One! Let it... Rip!” Bolt Khalzar blasted around the stadium, instantly covering itself in electricity. It clashed against Vulcan, who was surrounded in fire. “Khalzar! Bolt Attack!” Vulcan was flung into the air. “Vulcan! Eruption Launch!” Vulcan struck from above on Khalzar. “Haaah! Lightning Flash!” The electricity blasted out in a wave, flinging Vulcan from the stadium.

I reached up to catch Vulcan and was shocked by a stray spark of electricity. Vulcan fell to the ground. I picked up Vulcan. “You won’t win this time! Three! Two! One! Let it...

Rip!” This time, Khalzar hit the ridge of the stadium. Its rubber blasted electricity out and a duplicate Khalzar made of lightning formed, both of them rapid attacking Vulcan and trapping it in the center of the stadium. The rapid attack caused Vulcan to wobble.

Suddenly, Vulcan clicked into defense mode and in a blast of fiery light, the lightning Khalzar disintegrated. The real Khalzar struck Vulcan again and flung it into the air. Vulcan crashed down on Khalzar. “Burning Cannonball!” Khalzar burst.
Rise of guard minbros

Hello I am Matt Smith I would like to tell you a story.  Right after me and Vis battle. I felt something powerful I told Vis I had to go he said  "okay see you later". I walk away the power I felt was no longer there I needed to get my mine off it and then I felt it again I saw a person in a black hoodie. He was in a middle of a battle. He burst his opponent like it was nothing.

I ran over to him. He said "who are you" I said I am Matt and this is reverse minbros. What is your name? He said "I am Danny and this is ripper Doomscizor do you want to battle". I said sure I set my bey to defense . We got ready and said 3 2 1 LET IT RIP! Both beyblades hit the stadium floor and start spining Minbros sits in the middle and Doomscizor spins around the stadium. Danny thinks to his self and thinks "if his beyblade keep spining around the stadium like that it would be a out spin" he's eyes turn completely white he begins to glow purple and he yells Fear ripper".
Doomscizor spins super fast around the stadium and then shoots right in to Minbros. Minbros flys out the stadium minbros hits the ground. I picked it up. Danny wins round 1 score is 1-0. Danny looks at his beyblade the plastic tip on the metal blade has broken off but he says nothing. I see that something has has changed his aura is now jet black. I say you ready for round two he says nothing. We both got ready and said 3 2 1 LET IT RIP!

Both beyblades hit the stadium they both spin around the stadium. Both beyblades hit minbros absorb the hit like nothing.  Minbros goes to the middle of the stadium. Danny yells bey  ripper.Doomscizor spins super fast around the stadium and then shoots right in to Minbros. Minbros get hit  by the metal part of the beyblade and it splits in to five pieces and burst. Matt looks at his beyblade in disbelief and then looks up to ask Danny why would he do that but he was already gone. And Then he felt some power he has felt before. Vis and Zach watching him. To be continued.

Vis and Zach are @[MWF]s
Team battle training: Matt and Fin vs Mysuku and Tsuku

"Ok," says Vis, as the four bladers get ready to launch, "This is to show your progess and to test your teamwork. You will be up against Mysuku and Tsuku."

The four bladers launch and both Jinnus and Kulkulkan take the center. Minoboros and dragoon dive down. Minoboros clashes with Kulkulkan, knocking it out of the center as Dragoon fights for the center with Jinnus. The shield on Jinnus raises and then slams down, trapping dragoon as it gets swung around.  "Mysuku,"  Yells Tsuku, "Now!" Kulkulkan clashes with Minoboros as Dragoon gets flung at it. The bey hits and Mysuku says, "Trigger Impact!" Kulkulkan clicks and the two contact points extend to hit both beys again, bursting dragoon and sending Minoboros into defense mode. The timer driver switches to defence mode and Minoboros dives down at Kulkulkan. "Diving guard!" Yells Matt as Minoboros bursts Jinnus. Both Minoboros and Kulkulkan burst on impact.

Vis claps his hands together and says, "Wonderful! Minoboros is quite powerful but your teamwork is Lacking. Shall we try again?"

Tsuku flips the frame and nods to his sister, who nods in return. Matt notices their auras mixing and looks over to Fin, her aura shaking as she switches to left spin. The four get ready to launch, Matt tilts his launcher and they launch. Minoboros clashes with Jinnus, sending it up the stadium. Kulkulkan clashes with Dragoon as Jinnus dives down. "Gale impact." Yells Tsuku as Kulkulkan hits dragoon into the path of Jinnus. The collision causes Dragoon to burst. "Jinnus guard." Says Tsuku as strong down force is created locking the two shields together. Kulkulkan attacks Jinnus and clicks, activating trigger attack and sending Jinnus up the stadium. As Jinnus dives down both siblings yell, "Twin apex!" And Jinnus slams into Kulkulkan the moment Kulkulkan hits Minoboros. The attack bursts Minoboros and sends the parts flying.

"Good job everyone," Says Vis as Fin and Matt pick up their beys, "Fin, a word please."

Vis walks up to Fin and tells her, "I can't help but notice you were a little off your game," Vis smiles and continues, "no need to worry, cheer up!"

"I lost," Fin tells Vis, her misty eyes starting to tear up, "I failed and left Matt to take both of them on at once. How can I get better if I can't even help in a team battle?"

Vis' smile fades as he tells her, "This was not a test but a lesson," Vis smiles and says, "Mysuku and Tsuku are two of my protégé students, even I would have problems in a one v two situation against them." Vis and Fin both laugh and Vis says, "When you fall you pick your self back up. Keep trying I see great potential for you."

Fin smiles and says thanks as she walks over to Matt to train. Vis smiles as he sees the two battling.

-end of part 3-

Fin and Matt belong to @[Jman jman]
Vis, Mysuku, and Tsuku belong to me.

Note: Vis runs a bey dojo where he teaches bladers to become better. Both Fin and Matt are part of it.

Also I apologize if Fin was a bit out of character.

Cheaters lesson

Vis watches as two Bladers battle. Fin launches but the other Blader waits and then aims for Dragoon, bursting it. "Ha!" Laughs the blader, "No one can beat me!" Vis shakes his head and walks away.

When the Blader walks to his dorm room there is a note on the door. It reads, "You have been chosen to battle me. See you at sunrise." The blader reads that it is signed by Vis. As other bladers walk by they see the note and word spreads.

The next day as the sky still glows orange the Blader stands at the other end of the stadium as Vis readys his launcher. He launches and the Blader pulls his normal trick and aims for Sonar. Sonar takes the attack then circles and hits the bey with an all out attack, bursting it and sending the parts flying. The frame shatters as the disk embeds itself into the stadium wall, creating a Web of cracks. "This is a reminder that cheating will not be tolerated. All of you are dismissed to train." Vis turns to the Blader trying to pull the disk out of the stadium, " As for you, you will help fix the stadium. Only then will you be free to battle. Zac will make you a new frame once you prove that you will battle fairly." Vis pulls the disk out of the stadium and picks up the rest of the beyblade and walks away, "I hope you learned your lesson."

-end of story-
Fin belongs to @[Jman jman]

Note: this is a little side story that fits in to the mentor arc story.
Vis will not tolerate cheating in any form.
The combo was wV.10B.X'
This is a weird story that I made up while daydreaming, and somehow made a consistent story arc! (this is 1 battle) Basically it’s where the beys launch themselves and are sentient and have no Blader. See, weird.

Ultra Valtryek vs Metal Xcalius!

Ultra Valtryek Stats: Layer: A Valtryek V2 plated with metal. Disc: 0. Frame: Bump. Driver: Xtreme. Specials: Xtreme Rush Launch, Triple Strike, Xtreme Circle, Upper Slash.
Mentored by the genius scientist, Nepstrius N2, and the World Champion, Z Valtryek! Current protagonist.
#2 Underworld Rankings

Metal Xcalius stats: Nickname: The Warrior. Layer: A Xeno Xcalius with it’s sword tip lined with a sharp metal blade. Disc: Magnum’ A fully metal Forge Disc based off of Magnum. As heavy as 7. Tip: Impact. History: Former World Champion before having its dark power drained by Z Valtryek with its special, Glowing Cyclone Blast. Specials: Focus Blast, Sword Launch, Sword Barrage, Ultra Sword Launch, Impact Alternation. Dark Powers (before having its darkness drained) : Dark Slash, Dark Barrage.
#1 Underworld Ranking

3 2 1... Go Shoot! Xcalius pins Valtryek down with Sword Barrage, basically Rush Launch to start the match. Valtryek escapes with Xtreme Circle and circles Xcalius at high speeds. Valtryek strikes Xcalius with Triple Strike, which destabilizes the opponent with Valtryek’s first wing, the second wing launching it up into the air, and the third wing strikes it while its in the air. This has Burst all opponents before it, but Metal Xcalius is no ordinary bey...
Sword Launch activates and circles the edge of the stadium, countering Valtryek, and knocking it back. Impact Alternation activates. The plastic of Impact digs into the stadium and uses rubber to push off and increase the speed. Focus Blast! Xcalius uses the tip of its sword to deliver impeccable Smash Attack. But Valtryek counters with Upper Slash! Valtryek leans forward, it’s wing under Xcalius’ sword. A huge attack gets delivered akin to Genesis Whip. Xcalius flies up, and in the upset of the year, Xcalius burst! Our protagonist now has the title of #1 Underworld and qualifies for World League battles!

Since I’m up early, excited for today’s tournament, here’s a mini-follow-up story.

On to the League! Challenger!

Ultra Valtryek is sitting on the couch enjoying a movie. The movie is “Ultra Bey-Fu! Cho-Z” Naturally, Nepstrius wants him to get training. 2hrs later when he was finished, something popped up on the TV. It was #99 on World Rankings, Slicer Achilles! He has 2 blades, and he cut off those “stoppers” that obstruct the original Z Achilles’ attacks. It was a challenge. World Stadium at 12:00 PM.
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