(Nov. 20, 2017 4:07 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]You missed Aurora Hamasaki. I think she's on page 4 of the character thread or something.
ok on it.
(Nov. 20, 2017 4:20 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]Vesper is on page 6 and Ytrahnr is on page 13
You might want to get Kioke and Lima as well, because Kioke is on your team and Lima's a reserve member of Heavenly Trigram, and both are property of @[Ayane_2355]
Hey do you think you can help me? I am trying to create a collective reference to every character/beyblade on the character thread. If you can it will speed things up.
(Nov. 20, 2017 5:13 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]I've added a few things.
ok. current progress report: starting the 4th page of the thread.
can you send me the character bio?
Hello everyone! I'm back on this thread after being off for sometime with a new story about some of my favorite OCS, Yash and Ryan. But the story will be irrational and kind of an extract...
Yash shouted out to Sahil to leave him to tackle the enemy while he should go and find the missing girl. Sahil wordlessly left while Yash turned to Ryan with a fierce glare. Yash took out his custom launcher in the form of a yo-yo. Ryan took out a special HMS launcher and both of them loaded their blades. The battle started with a "LET IT RIP".
Ryan's blade positioned itself at the centre and Yash's blade went round the dish. Yash shouted, "SHER KHAN, ATTACK." The Royal Bengal tiger bitbeast appeared with a thunderous roar that echoed through the basement. But Dark Harriet was least affected by it. It kept to its position in the beydish. Sher Khan blade attacked the black blade full speed but the entire power was reflected back. Yash was confused and next moment, he knew it. "Your attack ring is illegal. What are you using, cheat?" Asked the Indian guy of the Dutch one. Ryan smiled and sent a flying kiss to the boy in front. "Nothing much... You will get to know soon. First let me crush you according to Leslie's orders and then we will show you the labs and beyblades..."
To be continued...
The folder is up to date. I will work on the 4 part story tomorrow.
Hey guys. Do any of you have a character, that for some reason, is not averse to threatening people's precious things to get them to battle lol? And if so, I'd like to see a story with the person threatening Ayumi to bait Arashi, but Takeshi showing up instead lol. Thanks.
(Nov. 20, 2017 11:09 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]Kage was never really much of a threatening person, more like someone who would do anything to achieve her goals at the time. She doesn't necessarily like threatening others precious things.
I was just asking if anyone had that situation, but maybe just a battle with Takeshi would be good. You up for that?
Takeshi against who? Btw he had thor right?
(Nov. 20, 2017 11:49 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]Takeshi against who? Btw he had thor right?
Ehh, anyone. Yes. He's kinda rude and to the point, but he can be sorta friendly after a person proves himself to him.
@[Dragunix] Is a part 3 coming? Because, what happened to Piluto?
(Nov. 21, 2017 12:16 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]I may or may not make a part 3, but to answer your question, he just disappeared for a while. I haven't planned anything for a sequel just yet.
Okay, thank you