(Feb. 27, 2018 11:31 PM)DraconicArt Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys, it's been a long time since I wrote my last story. And this was even my first one, but now I would like to present something new, the beginning of a Team mixed of Four different kinds of Person who are sure that They have the potential to become an unbeatable dream Team.
This story is about Yuri Schmidt, my own first Character with his Partner Dread Akalon, Lui Shirasagi with his Bey Forgotten Longinus, Darrel Thompson, the deaf Boy with eyes sharpened like blades and his partner Genex Gemion, the Twin dragons of Gold and Silver. Last but not least, Caroline, Darrels childhood friend and also his mediator to translate his sign language.
The Furocious Knights - Every Start needs time
Yuri was relaxing in the lounge taking a Rest from the last few days. His next battle would be in a few days, but he had already practiced a lot.
Even one second more gained by a stronger and more controlled launch would be already a succesful result. Suddenly, when he was close to fall asleep something hit his head.
He was shocked for a moment, then he finally recognized that it was just a bottle of Waterloo someone had thrown at him. And it was Lui standen in Front of him who did it. He grabbed the bottle and gave it to Yuri.
Lui: I saw you practising. I finally found someone who enjoys serious training just as much as I do.
Yuri: What's up, Lui? I guess you aren't here only to do some Small talk, aren't you?
Lui: If you keep practising the way you're Training will become useless. As I said, I watched you and you have never enough water with you. Only one bottle, seriously? You have even forced me to worry about you. And I still wonder why you didnt break down during our battle...
Yuri: my Training is non of your business. I dont need much to Drink or to eat. Even if I should thank you for worrying about my health, it's not necessary.
Lui: well, think what you want. At least I try to be as friendly as possible although we are rivals and I had no reason to help you because of that. So What about you? Time for saying thank you or something or do you still prefer the cold shoulder?
Yuri: yes, I was just confused for a while... uhm...Thank you.
Lui: I never thought I would say that one day, but it's good to know someone who keeps this game interesting.
Yuri: trust me, there are lots of strong bladers on the World, you just have to discover them.
Lui: More strong bladers you say?hmmm...
Yuri: What's up? Too much for your pride?
Lui: What would you think of a Team made of the strongest bladers in the World?
Yuri: I never thought about something like that.
It would be hard to found such a Team. If there is one fact i have recognized then it's the point that strong bladers are egoistic as well.
Lui: You are surprising me. Sounds like you dont think even about yourself in a positive way.
Yuri: Why are you asking me that question?
Lui: I thought about founding my own team.
But of course I dont want any rookies.
Only real winners who deserve my respect,
Fighters like you and me.
Yuri: Wow, the great Lui Shirasagi Shows me his
respect. Must have been very Hard for you
to say positive words to someone...
Lui: Dont be so sarcastic.You should be grateful
I also could have decided on challenging the whole World on my own. But I didnt. So lets stop fighting...I will ask only one time: Are you acceptIng my offer and join my Team?
Yuri: Well, why Not. I mean, at least you know how this game works. And you are also experienced too, so I Would be stupid if I said no.
Lui grined. The first two members of the time were already official. And there will also be more Options for good bladers.
Being continued
This was the first part. I will write the next one soon. Thanks for reading
The story goes on
Lui and Yuri expected to be the only two being in the lounge when suddenly Darrel came in followed by Caroline, his friend and mediator. No Wonder, nobody Would understand him talking with his hands if she wasnt with him. Yuri and Lui knew him already, especially Lui who was always annoyed by Caroline.
Yuri: Darrel, what's up? Need something?
Caroline translated all the words she picked up into signs with her fingers. Darrel seemed to understand because he didnt need much time to reply.
Caroline( translating): He says that he's fine. Just a little bit sleepy that's all. Oh, by the way, hey Lui. I missed you....
Yuri: Well, it's perfect Timing of yours, because Lui had a great idea.
Darrel( translated): I am listening, go on.
Lui: I don't even think that he deserves to know about it, so just forget about it. I Dont have anything to say.
Caroline: Aaaaw come on, Lui. We're all curious right now, so there's nothing to hide right now. So tell us your idea, sweetheart...If you dont Tell us anything we wont go.
Lui became mad at her already. Her way of smiling all the time without any reason, her way of asking for things which are non of her busisness. And the fact that it's only him she is looking at that way.
Yuri: If you Dont want to say anything, I will Do it instead. No matter you like it or not. Someone will talk about it.
Lui: alright.. If there is no other option, just Do what you want. There is even no one taking me serious.
And that's how Yuri started telling about Lui's dream of an own Beyblade team including the strongest bladers from all over the world, bladers he absolutely trusted in. Caroline translated everything he said for Darrel watching Carolines hands attentedly.
Darrel( translated): So I guess that's a Kind of invitation for me to join your Team, isnt it?
Lui: If "sunshine's" translation is right, then you will have every information you need. But yes, you could definitely have what it takes to become a potential first- choice-member. If you want of course, I wont force anyone to stay if he doesnt want. But if you accept my conditions and me as the team's leader, you're in.
Yuri: As I said, I will follow you. What about you Darrel?
Darrel(translated): I will join your Team, but only if Caroline becomes member too.
Lui: Whaaat?! Dont fool me. This girl doesnt have enough mind and spirit to become a top blader.
Caroline: But anyway I have got a great heart, and that's what beyblade is about, isnt it?
Lui: Grrrrr... as exhausting as talking to a little child.
You should be Glad that you dont hear anything, man. Because it's going on my nerves.
Darrel( translated): She will learn fast. And we need her. Trust me.
Lui: ...you take responsibility for her training, got it?
Yuri: count me in too.
Darrel(translated): That's what I have always done. You will see...
Lui decided on the team's Name The Furocious Knights a few days later. And their adventure has just started