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Country: United Kingdom Registration Date: Jan. 01, 2019

Hi I'm Romeo kurenai shu's brother. My bey is crescent sprzen. It's night blue with a heavy disc and mod changes tip. It's a cho-zbalance type Counter vortex: when spryzen is battling, it uses the edge of the stadium to pick up speed and moves so fast it creates a vortex around its opponents and continually hits them till they burst Crescent defence:When spryzen is loosing stamina, its crescent shape runner allows it to pick up speed , absorbs the opponents bey powe and spin steal the opponents bey then deliver the final blow. Spryzen whip:When sprtzen is batting and it's about to loose stamina it's metal allows it to jump in the air after taking impact from the opponents bey and while in the air, switchs its tip to a blue rubber tip and spins counter clockwise and delivers a devastating blow

Tournament History

Romeo Kurenai12 hasn't participated in any recent tournaments.