(uk) team dragonis

Poll: should we introduce ranks?

Total: 100% 34 vote(s)
is he ??? i dont remeber you were you ghost of jack????
Yeah he was, so it's cool.
No prob
ok and the problem was you change your name so it was hard to remeber who was who Grin its all sorted now Grin
Oh by the way, MaskedMacho has Bakushin Susanow now.
(Oct. 07, 2012  7:53 PM)SoulNinja Wrote: Oh by the way, MaskedMacho has Bakushin Susanow now.

this thread is not for talking anymore so take this to PM! plz Grin
We're not talking, I am updating facts about the team.
not really do you see me post every bey i get so polz just pm the ppl and dont use the thread you know what happens if you miss post where you arnt supposed to Grin
we can post the odd comment now and then but not to much as its breaking the rules and if you would like to talk genrally about beyblade take it to pm if its about the team etc you can post it here Grin
Kentblader name changed to Vulcanblader
okie dokie i will update the name change Grin
who want to see a video Sign In Browse|Movies |UploadSearch
{Tsubasa AMV} - Monster[/i]
(Oct. 19, 2012  10:14 PM)FuN Enzo Wrote: who want to see a video Sign In Browse|Movies |UploadSearch
{Tsubasa AMV} - Monster[/i]
fun thanks for what ever that was and i think i saw a amv called tsubasa-skillet monster so if that is it i have seen it and can we keep the general talk to a minimal and team to 100% thanks Grin

ill be away this weekend ill be back on sunday around 4 so plz no arrguments or anything ill leave my freind soulninja in charge thanks Grin have a nice weekend everybody Grin!

Can we actually have a tournament?
yes we can but i need to know if we get enougth ppl to come Grin and i am back guys Grin
i am FuN Enzo i am going to change my name to halloween
why so many name changes but ok Grin
Can I join?? I am from London and I mainly use attack type beyblades Joyful_3
hey can i join please?
sure and welcome to the team i am dragonis Grin ill add you now Grin
thanks Smile