Worst Blade Combos:P

That bey will have good stamina....it may beat Storm Pegasis if not knocked out...so that cant be called 'worst'
(Apr. 29, 2011  8:43 AM)SAMKUL95 Wrote: That bey will have good stamina....it may beat Storm Pegasis if not knocked out...so that cant be called 'worst'

but it has really bad balance
actually es isnt that bad on 230 s or bs is worse IMO
the worst beyblade i could think of would be
it would be light so it would get smashed around and get off balance and floor scrape cause of its track Tongue_out
MS will be heavy...better will be (I mean worse) midnight gemios wd145 bs...that will be very light as well
metal has less friction so it will be put of balance easier
So my worst combo poison gemios m145 q vs ur worst..midnight gemios wd145 ms...who will lose?
(Apr. 29, 2011  8:31 AM)Chupa Chups Wrote: I actually dont believe M145 paired with Q is the worst.

It can get some random KO's Smile

Well, if you don't. WHAT IS THE WORST?It is a mystery
(Apr. 29, 2011  10:40 AM)GaleForce Wrote: Well, if you don't. WHAT IS THE WORST?It is a mystery

BD145 and XF are pretty awful as a pair.
Yeah. But BD145 is starting to have some uses for attack. As in "Lightning Tank".
i find 85 and ms to be bad Confused
We could start a "Bottom Tier" thread. 85 and MS together = broken stadiums.
(Apr. 29, 2011  10:44 AM)GaleForce Wrote: Yeah. But BD145 is starting to have some uses for attack. As in "Lightning Tank".

Yeah. But you should read more carefully what I said Grin.
Oh. Right didn't see XF...
basalt bull BD145 RF

and this is my combo are it worst???
MF Rock Leone D125MB
i dont have any track so i use D125
Dark Sagittario 145HF, its terrible for me.
Your combo can win to atleast 25 combo's posted here.
So, this proves that Q is the worst tip after all! But, I lost all my battles against it. I am feeling so embarrassed...
I have just one bey, LLD100HF. I lost a best of three against Poison Serpent 145 Q. BAD! Actually, one loss was a lucky gattyaki. The second was because my opponent launched his bey into the stadium wall and it bounced back with full power (enough to move an ant by 1cm) and guess what?! It just touched LLD and it shot out of the stadium due to recoil. Third battle, I launched BAD. Well I know it should go in your best beybattle thread, but I just realized that no bey in the world is bad if it gets lucky.
But if we dont take the luck factor into consideration..there are beys which cant win unless the opponent is an infant or the opponent's bey self KOs
(Apr. 29, 2011  2:18 PM)Aquilaz112 Wrote: Your combo can win to atleast 25 combo's posted here.

Well, my HF is badly worn, but its my worst combo.
what about flame pisces m145ms?
NO...Flame Pisces will have enough stamina even if used with m145......I think evil is also a very worthless fusion wheel..worse than poison..so how about evil gemios m145 Q?
Yes, thats a great worst combo(two opposites in one sentence). Also Beydude, you completely degraded a great Destabilizing wheel like Flame.
(Apr. 30, 2011  2:57 PM)SAMKUL95 Wrote: I think evil is also a very worthless fusion wheel..worse than poison

yes evil/killer is bad, but it has slight use in stamina. poison has no use at all

fury gemios 230MS - no balance, light weight
I think that Poison would have been a good recoil attacker, or Spike or Smash Attacker if it had lesser spikes.