Winning Combinations at WBO Organized Events - Beyblade X (BBX)

"Szasse Games Beyblade X League - August 2024"
August 25, 2024 - Houston TX 
Beyblade X 3 on 3 Ranked Tournament

1st place: Blader union
Phoenix Wing 5-60 Rush
Tyrannobeat 9-60 Unite
Wizard Rod 3-60 Hexa

2nd place: Sigma rizzler
Phoenix Wing 3-60 Flat
Tyrannobeat 9-60 Rush
Wizard Rod 5-70 Ball

3rd place: mfjuiice
Tyrannobeat 3-60 Point
Dranbuster 1-60 Rush
Wizard Rod 9-60 Ball

[Image: loAxRsA.jpeg]
BEYBLADE X-TREME BATTLE Toronto Vol. 5 - 08/24/24
Toronto, ON, Canada - X Format - Ranked (First Stage 1on1, Final Stage 3on3)

Excellent turnout, very impressive ending. A first time player that almost exclusively uses and practices in the Hasbro stadium with Hasbro gear sweeping the competition today. Hasbro rules!

1st: Spike32
  • Wizard Rod 9-60 Taper
  • Wizard Rod 9-60 Ball
  • Dran Sword 3-60 Low Flat
  • Shark Edge 4-60 Taper
  • Shark Edge 4-60 Rush
2nd: Skotty Dawg
  • Cobalt Dragoon 5-60 Glide
  • Wizard Rod 9-60 Ball
  • Tyranno Beat 7-60 Rush (Finals Only)
3rd: Kei
  • Cobalt Dragoon 7-60 Glide
  • Tyranno Beat 7-60 Rush
  • Wizard Rod 3-60 Ball
  • Phoenix Wing 1-60 Cyclone (Finals Only)
4th: Pokepullhits

Top 3 ft. Group Photo (Click to View)

BEYBLADE X-TREME BATTLE Toronto Vol. 5.5 - 08/25/24
Toronto, ON, Canada - X Format - Ranked (First Stage 1on1, Final Stage 3on3)

Another great event. Standout showing from both Basdf (first ever W!!!) and Mitsu (first ever X event!).

1st: Basdf
  • Shark Edge 1-60 Rush
  • Wizard Rod 9-60 Ball
  • Phoenix Wing 5-60 Point
  • Phoenix Feather 3-60 Flat
2nd: Mitsu
  • Wizard Rod 9-60 Ball
  • Wizard Rod 9-60 Cyclone
  • Phoenix Wing 3-60 Cyclone
  • Keel Shark 3-60 Accel (Finals Only)
3rd: Kei
  • Wizard Rod 9-60 Ball
  • Cobalt Dragoon 7-60 Glide
  • Phoenix Wing 3-60 Rush (Finals Only)
  • Tyranno Beat 7-60 Point (Finals Only)
4th: originalzankye

Top 3 Photo ft. Gazebo (Click to View)
Beyblade X @ Davis Cards & Games. August 25th 2024

3on3 First and Final Stage

Shadowmoon - 1st Place

Wizard Rod 9-60 Ball
Hells Chain 3-60 Orb
Phoenix Wing 5-60 Point

Lucky! - 2nd Place

Hells Scythe 9-60 Hexa
Phoenix Wing  5-60  Point
Hells Hammer 3-60 Low Flat

SleepNg - 3rd Place

Leon Crest 7-60 High Needle
Hells Hammer 9-60 Point
Tyranno Beat 3-70 Taper
Date: 07/06/2024 (VERY LATE POST)
Tournament Name: TableTop Tavern's Beyblade X Tournament for July 6th! Store Credit on the Line!
Tournament Link:
Challonge Link:

1st: CrownAxe (This man has won the past 3 events in a row. Absolute menace!!!)

Phoenix Wing 1-60 Rush
Tyranno Beat 9-80 Unite
Hells Chain 9-60 Hez

2nd: Wrenagayde

Knight Lance 3-60 Ball
Hell Scythe 9-60 Orb
Knight Shield 1-60 Hexa

3rd: Phenominator

unicorn 1-60 Orb,
Wizard arrow 5-60 hex,
Dran Dagger 3-60 Unite
August 25th, 2024 (08-25-24)
Pasadena, California

Event Thread:

1st: GeekJ   

WizardRod 9-60P
LeonCrest 7-60GP
TyrannoBeat 1-60F

2nd: Burmblade

Yell Kong 3-60GB
Helm Knight 5-80T
Optimus Primal 7-60LF

3rd: jaylewis 

Soar Phoenix 9-60GF
DranSword 3-60F
CobaltDragoon 2-60C

Congrats to the winners!  DJ 2002 - Yeah!
School's out for Beyblade
Sunday 25th August 2024
74 Participants 

1st Place - GET_JINXED

Phoenix Wing 3-60R
Dran Buster 1-60LF
Wizard Rod 9-60B

2nd Place - Grimmbae

Phoenix Wing 5-60R
Wizard Rod 9-60H
Shark Edge 3-60F

3rd Place - ThePokeBlader

Wizard Rod 9-60B
Phoenix Wing 3-60F
Dran Buster 1-60R
Updated 9/3 with 2nd place combos

River City Beyblade: beybladexcx it’s the same but it’s a different day so it’s not
Beyblade X 3 on 3

1st Place - Kaboom!!!
Tyrano Beat 1-60 Rush
Roar Tyrano 3-60 Flat
Bite Croc 9-60 Low Flat

2nd Place - Cheetahstorm21
Keel Shark 9-60 Spike
Wyvern Gale 5-60 Needle 
Wizard Rod 3-80 Disc Ball

3rd Place - SILVA⁰
Black Shell 9-60 Dot
Leon Crest 7-60 Hexa
Phoenix Rudder 9-70 Unite

Many thanks to Serphus for surprising us with custom Trypio trophies and to Serphus and SILVA⁰ for the assistance with judging. Props to the many people who used non-meta stuff to great success!

[Image: IMG-6832.jpg]

[Image: IMG-6764.jpg]

SubBey X26 - Singapore Armed Forces Theme
Green - The color of the Army's uniform
Blue - The color of the Air Force's uniform
Grey - The color of the Navy's uniform

WBO Page:

3-on-3, first to 4 points
8 rounds of Swiss
Deck has to consist of 1 green, 1 blue and 1 grey balde

1st Place: Cherps Mew
TyrannoBeat (Green) 1-60 Taper
PhoenixWing (Blue) 3-60 Rush
DranSword (Grey) 9-60 Ball

2nd Place: penguinnextdoor
TyrannoBeat (Green) 1-60 Taper
PhoenixWing (Blue) 3-60 Point
LeonCrest (Grey) 9-60 Ball

3rd Place: BenW
TyrannoBeat (Green) 9-60 Point
CobaltDragoon (Blue) 1-60 Hexa
DranSword (Grey) 3-60 Rush
Beyblade X tournament Kolkata, India 🇮🇳

Total 24 people participate
5 round fo swiss format 3on3
Final stage Deck format

1st place : BIPLAB MAL

2nd place : Abir Biswas

3rd place : Warhead_007
Date: Aug 31, 2024
Tournament Name: TableTop Tavern's Beyblade X Tournament for August 31th! TT Xtreme STADIUM ONLY
Tournament Link:
Challonge Link:

Decklists / Combos:

1st Place: M1key!
Knife Shinobi 9-80 Taper
Keel Shark 9-60 Low Flat
Soar Phoenix 3-60 Rush

2nd Place: SpindaKing
Soar Phoenix 3-60 Rush
Roar Tyranno 5-60 Point
Leon Crest 9-60 Ball

3rd Place: CrownAxe
Tyranno Beat 9-70 Point
Soar Phoenix 1-60 Rush
Leon Crest 7-60 Orb

4th Place: Phenominator
Soar Phoenix 3-70 Cyclone
Phoenix Rudder 9-60 Gear Point
Phoenix Feather 1-80 Taper

Some pics of top 8 and first place!
[Image: dkH2048.jpeg]
[Image: n5g84Tg.jpeg]
[Image: xWoNR21.jpeg]

Six5ths 1st UnicornSting 3-60 Ball
Six5ths 1st WizardRod 5-70 Hexa
Six5ths 1st PheonixWing 9-60 Point
holly2016 2nd TyrannoBeat 2-60 Taper
holly2016 2nd MammothTusk 3-60 Quake
holly2016 2nd WizardRod 9-60 Ball
TeDwag10 3rd PhoenixWing 9-60 Point
TeDwag10 3rd WizardRod 5-70 Ball
TeDwag10 3rd HellsScythe 3-60 Low Flat
SuperStar Card Gaming Local Tournament
08/31/2024 Nottingham, Maryland

Here are the winning combos from our top 3 winners!

Elliot9000 1st:
Wizard Rod 9-60 Ball (Both Stages)
Phoenix Wing 3-60 Rush (Both Stages)
Colbalt Dragoon 5-60 Glide (Both Stages)

Dragreus111 2nd:
Wizard Rod 3-60 Ball (First Stage)
Colbalt Dragoon 5-60 Glide (First Stage)
Phoenix Rudder 9-60 Hex (First Stage)
Wizard Rod 9-60 Ball (Both Stages)
Phoenix Wing 1-60 Rush (Both Stages)
Tyrano Beat 3-60 Taper (Both Stages)

dexboss24 3rd:
Hells Scythe 5-60 Hex (Both Stages)
Phoenix Wing 9-60 Point (Both Stages)
Shark Edge 4-60 High Taper (Both Stages)
Event: Hamilton Beyblade X Vol 1

Tournament Link:

First and Final Stages: 3on3 format

Hamilton Ontario Canada

Winning combos:

1st place: MCHD
Tyranno beat 1-60 Rush
Wizard rod 9-60 orb
Phoenix wing 5-60 point

2nd Place: M4TRIX
Aero pegasus 5-60 cyclone
Cobalt drake 9-60 rush
Leon Crest 7-60 Orb

3rd Place: lukeguido
Tyranno beat 1-60 cyclone
Leon crest 9-60 ball
Phoenix wing 3-60 hexa

Was an amazing first event and was quite crazy due to hitting participant cap. I will be hosting more soon and cannot wait for the next one. Great community and very competitive players.
Beyblade X at Your Hobby Place: Team Lokes Debut! X standard deck format-
Unranked X first stage: 3 on 3 format. finals: 3 on 3 best of 3
Martinsburg West Virginia

Wining combos-

1st place: Danileojar: Cobalt Dragoon 9-60 Glide
Cobalt Drake 3-60 Hexa
Wizard rod 5-60 Ball

2nd place: Mutt513: Shark Edge 3-60 Flat
Hell Scythe 5-60 Ball
Phoenix Wing 9-60 Rush

3rd place: Gunthorian: Phoenix wing 5-60 Hexa
Optimus Primal 1-60 Low flat
Cobalt Dragoon 7-60 glide.
Geek Retreat X-treme Showdown 3
Bury, Greater Manchester, UK

First & Final stage: 3on3

1st Place: Lee Climo BK
Phoenix Wing 9-60 Taper
Wizard Rod 5-70 Hexa
Shark Edge 1-60 Flat

2nd Place: XanderSSS12
Hells Chain 5-70 Disc Ball
Tyranno Beat 9-60 Unite
Wizard Rod 5-60 Hexa

3rd Place: Yokaispirit
Cobalt Dragoon 9-70 Glide
Tyranno Beat 3-60 Taper
Wizard Rod 9-60 Hexa
GCG Beyblade X Tournament #15 combos

1st Daeth
Phoenixwing 1-60 Rush
Keel Shark 3-60 Gear Point
Wizardrod 9-60 Taper

2nd Pastor
Wizardrod 9-60 Ball
Sharkedge 3-60 Point
Phoenixwing 5-60 Taper

3rd poliswag
Dranbuster 9-60 Rush
Phoenixwing 1-60 point
Wizardrod 3-60 Hexa
Multi Madness: Dran Draft

1on1 Draft Format (random beys)

5 rounds of Swiss first stage, single elimination final stage

1st. Ynot98 Dran Sword 5-60 O

2nd. Monz Samurai Stell 3-60 T

Joint 3rd. BigStrike Hells Scythe 3-60 Taper

Jont 3rd. leXshaken Dran Sword 3-80 Low Flat

Undefeated in Swiss. beybladegeek231 Shark Edge 4-60 Flat
Ranked Event- Battle of the Dragons
United Kingdom

First Stage- 1on1
Finals- Deck Format

Winning combos

1st place, RazzorC92
WizardRod, 5-70, Hexa
HellsChain, 5-60, Orb
Sharkedge, 1-60, Rush

2nd place, MidSummer101
WizardRod 5-80 Hexa
Sharkedge 9-60 lowflat
PhoenixWing 5-60 Ball

3rd place, JJ_Forever
KeelShark 3-60 Taper
scythincendio 3-80 lowflat
talon petra 4-60 Ball
Event -
Stuffed Leon Crest Pizza -Lakewood, CA | 09/07/24

First stage 4 round Swiss 3on3 into Top 8 Deck Single Elimination . Winning combos used throughout unless specified.

1st Place- A-PAC
AeroPegasus 5-60 P
DranBuster 7-60 F
TyrannoBeat 1-60 R
WizardRod 9-60 B
PhoenixWing 3-60 O
LeonCrest 7-60 D

2nd Place - Beaph
Wizard Rod 3-60 B
Cobalt Drake 9-60 F
PhoenixWing 5-60 GN

3rd Place - CCalN
WizardRod 9-70 B
Phoenix Wing 3-60 R
TyrannoBeat 9-60 H

4th Place - TheBeyPurist562
WizardRod 4-60 B
PhoenixWing 9-60 R
DranBuster 1-60 F

Top 4
[Image: IMG_9711.jpg?ex=66de52fb&is=66dd017b&hm=...cf3ed992&=]
Beyblade End of Summer Throwdown

Event link

Winning Combinations

1st Place Hell Chipmunk
Wizard Rod 360 Rush
Pheonix Rudder 960 Ball
Dran Buster 160 Low Flat

2nd Place TroyMod
Unicorn Sting 960 Rush
Pheonix Wing 160 Cyclone
Wizard Rod 360 Hexa

3rd Place Ren-Angelo
Dransword 380 Taper
Shark Edge 360 Flat
Wizard Rod 570 Point 

4th Place dannythemann
Wizard Rod 960  Ball
Soar Pheonix 360 Rush
Cobalt Dragoon 760 Glide
Tampabey Bustdown
Tampa, Florida
First and Final: 3on3

Winning Combos

Houdeani9204: 1st

Cobalt Dragoon 5-60 Point
Tyranno Beat 1-60 Hexa
Wizard Rod 9-60 Ball

Trsal: 2nd

Venom 3-70 Flat First Stage Only
Hells Scythe 9-60 Dot First Stage Only
Shark Edge 2-60 Taper First Stage Only
Tyranno Beat 4-70 Point Both Stages
Wizard Rod 3-60 Ball Both Stages
Phoenix Wing 5-60 Hexa Both Stages

yambag_jones: 3rd

Phoenix Wing 9-60 Rush
Cobalt Dragoon 5-60 Glide
Roar Tyranno 3-60 Point
SuperStar Card Gaming Local Tournament
09/07/2024 Nottingham, Maryland

Here are the winning combos from our top 3 winners!

CrisisCrusher07 1st:
Wizard Rod 9-60 Ball (Both Stages)
Phoenix Wing 1-60 Rush (Both Stages)
Tyrano Beat 9-70 Cyclone (Both Stages)
Tyrano Beat 3-60 Cyclone (First Stage)

DLSblader4 2nd:
Wizard Rod 9-60 Ball (Both Stages)
Phoenix Wing 1-60 Rush (Both Stages)
Tyrano Beat 7-60 Point (Both Stages)
Wizard Rod 3-60 Ball (Final Stage)

geetster99 3rd:
Wizard Rod 9-60 Ball (Both Stages)
Phoenix Wing 3-60 Rush (Both Stages)
Tyrano Beat 1-60 Cyclone (Both Stages)
Date: 9/8/24
Event: TableTop Tavern's Beyblade X Tournament for September 8th! TT Stadium Only
Event Link:

Top 4 decklists:
Leon Crest 9-60 Ball
Venom 7-60 Taper
Roar Tyranno 5-60 Point
Shark Edge 5-60 Taper
Hell Scythe 9-60 Orb
Phoenix Wing 3-60 Ball
Phoenix Wing 1-60 LF
Leon Crest 9-60 Orb
Hell Scythe 9-80 HN
Tyranno 9-70 T
Unicorn 9-60 B
Cobalt dragoon 5-60 F

Top 4 pics! Congrats to Spindaking for taking it down today!
[Image: BE52vPB.jpeg]
[Image: tJ9UQCM.jpeg]
Date: 9/8/2024
Event: Paradise Xtreme Series #2
Spreadsheet link:
Event link:
Challonge link:
Image gallery:
Deck Format
Top 4:
1st place: kkeanu
KnightShield 4-60 Taper
HellsScythe 5-60 Rush
SharkEdge 3-80 Gear Point

2nd place: CcalN
HellsScythe 9-80 Hexa
PhoenixWing 3-60 Rush
TyrannoBeat 9-60 Accel

3rd place: auttie32
PhoenixWing 9-60 Rush
LeonCrest 7-60 Hexa
DranBuster 3-80 Gear Point

4th place: Gh0stR1d3r
PhoenixWing 9-60 Gear Flat
DranBuster 2-60 Flat
KnightShield 3-80 Gear Needle
Empire City: A New Deck (Invite Only) | Beyblade X (Ranked)
New York, New York | 08/18/2024

Hosted by LazerBeamz

3First Stage: Deck (to 4 Points)
Final Stage: Deck (to 7 Points)

1st MC_Bots
Dran Dagger 1-60 Rush
Wizard Rod 9-60 Ball
Phoenix Wing 9-60 Point

2nd megaheroj7
Phoenix Rudder 3-60 Point
Dran Sword 9-60 Flat
Phoenix Wing 1-60 Rush

3rd Saturnn
Phoenix Rudder 3-60 Point
Dran Sword 9-60 Flat
Phoenix Wing 1-60 Rush