WBO Bits Discussion

Ooohhhh wolborg ms!? Ohhhh man snap! Thanks alot Arupaeo!!! Im digging it! Dang that looks sweet on my profile!
Always nice when people's interest in HMS is renewed - donations start pouring in for faces!
what face boster is the Einstein Face in
Obvously White Booster,which you can get by donating $10 to the WBO.
(Dec. 11, 2011  6:57 AM)All Gen Blader Wrote: what face boster is the Einstein Face in


Search is your friend.
I just donated anoer 20 so I've donated $60 in the past 2 weeks.I must get deems face. I wanna complete face booster white also.
I donated 10 earlier today, so that's 20 for me. I can't wait to get my Face Booster White c:
I should really get to donating sometime soon. :\

Whenever I do, I'm hoping for a Wolborg or Death Gargoyle Face Cute I guess Wyvern would be pretty cool as well.
Same, i need seadragon, wyvern, and dems. i want dems and dems the most though cuz they look sick.
Ya just traded for dems and sea dragon! Only need wyvern for face booster white to be complete!
Edit sorry about double post!
Just traded with WolborgMS here, a Sea Dragon for a Thunder Dragon!
Looks nice. Thanks!
I want my 3rd row all face booster white. And I got dems from uwik for Anubis and wolborg.
While it was stated in the News thread, few people are likely to read it, so I will mention it here as well - I am now in charge of all Face Trading, so PM me for it, not Daegor42.

Just getting it out there.
hopefully i'll get my judge and passport faces in a few days
What are the easiest faces that I can get that I don't already have and don't cost anything?
Antique Face.

That is basically it unless you place at a tournament.
Or judge at a tournament to receive the DJ face.

Or make contributions to beywiki, or demonstrate exceptional knowledge of beyblade, etc...

There are a bunch of Face recognitions for members who are performing good deeds for their fellow bladers!
Technically, the exceptional knowledge and contribution ones haven't been given in approx. a year, but it's worth a try!
That is an issue we're aware of, haha.

People should still remain vigilant in trying to get them, though!
Just not too vigilant! Remember, the faces should be a bonus on top of the satisfaction from helping the community!
I do my quick nightly rounds of the WBO, see if I can make a quick and helpful post here and there and I see a Lapis Lazuli face adorned to my collection! I really do appreciate it, but I'm not sure I deserved it! I've helped here and there (mostly trying to get pictures up for plastics which were in dire need) but I know there were times I saw a draft and I could have improved it but I just never got to it for some reason..

Anyway, before I dig myself into a hole, thanks a lot committee! I really do enjoy the new addition!
Very well deserved, Mr Dannykins, if I do say so myself Smile
Yeah Dan you deserve it! Oh hey what's that? I have one too? Wooo! Merci whoever decided to give one to me!
Also well deserved, Shabalabayabadabadoo, pretty sure I already told you how awesome you are in the Beywiki section.

Really glad to see these faces being handed out again now Smile
>Bey Brad:His dedication is admirable. Imagine what he could've accomplished if he'd put it towards something important.

Oh god, LOOOL...

I remember when I got my first face. It was always a surprise. Looking at the list after my absence, it's grown quite a bit. Glad to see them going out again, and the booster faces are rad.

Gotta say, though, my favorite is the Kiva face. Oh, you one of a kind little bugger...